fciwomenswrestling.com article, nikkisharp.com photo credit
An enclosed and emotionally sealed fantasy room on the beach could continue to wonderfully expand if only real life issues would stop knocking at the door.
Healthcare is one major door knocker and a very loud one.
Nothing like some bad health to interrupt even the most potent fantasy.
That’s why we love Fitness Models like Nikki Sharp. She has a way of educating us regarding the serious issues and yet make you still feel like you are in a fantasy.

That’s quite an accomplishment.
In fact Nikki has many accomplishments.
At the giant product factory amazon.com they smile, “Nikki Sharp is an internationally known Wellness Expert, Health Coach, and Lifestyle Blogger. She has sold over 100,000 ebooks through her website, www.nikkisharp.com, on food and fitness and motivates people to live a happier and healthier lifestyle through teaching by example.
She developed the 5-Day Real Food Detox to introduce a program that was doable to EVERYONE! Real foods are the basis of this program and there are no gimmicks involved. No pills, no juicing, no starvation, and no counting calories or points. Nikki teaches people how to eat to lose weight and maintain the body you want by changing the way you look at the food, fitness, and yourself.”
That introduction alone is making us feel better. In fact, feel well.
We would love to meet Nikki and even though she might be in the middle of a fantasy, she is so gregarious, she’ll still open the door.
Knock, knock.
At nikkisharp.com, she invites us in for a sit down and some fascinating story telling.
“I grew up in Boulder, Colorado, a place that is known for being very active and health conscious. I was not into health as a child and although my parents made me sit down for a home cooked meal every night, I was your typical kid/teenager who ate a typical fast food diet, enjoyed hanging out with friends and just wanted to fit in with everyone else. Going to college and modeling were my only real priorities at this time.
I graduated high school a year early, which led me to begin college at 17. I went to three schools in four years, something that I’m grateful for, yet had a profound effect on my stress levels, sleep habits, and eventually my poor eating habits. I moved to LA my junior year on an exchange program, where I was going to school full-time, modeling, and working. This was the beginning of what would become extreme wanderlust paired with my desire to model full-time. In 2004, at the age of 20, I graduated with honors from the University of Northern Colorado with my B.A. in Communications and Journalism.
Less than a month after finishing school I was on my first trip as an international model to Shanghai, China. It was an intense trip and further led to issues relating to my health and body. I was grateful to go however, as it allowed me to begin to learn about new cultures, different foods, and see how the rest of the world lives.
I moved back to Colorado for a bit to get a “normal” job in marketing, only to realize that I wanted to continue traveling. So I packed my bags and bought a one-way ticket to Australia. I landed in Sydney where I once again modeled and worked. I was on a continuous way of life of dieting (growing up I’d previously tried just about all of them) and realized that after a 6-week ‘detox’ I was miserable, however I did start to see the benefits of clean eating.
It was after my year in Australia that I decided the world was calling and this was my big chance to travel and model, two of my biggest passions. In 2011, I lived in Seoul, Bangkok, Colorado, Athens, London, and New York. It was an intense period and one filled with a lot of loneliness, as well as very fulfilling travel and new friends that I still keep in contact with today.
In February 2012, I moved from New York back to Colorado, realizing that I not only wanted to get healthy, I needed to. I had acquired many issues with eating, dealt with years and years of bad skin, been on Accutane 3x, and did not have a healthy relationship with food or myself. I was depressed, unfulfilled and unhappy. I started learning about health by teaching myself to cook, reading lots of books on nutrition, and through this I came to understand the profound effect food has on your body. By taking care of myself, I started to get happy, healthy, and really began enjoying my life. This where my passion of healthy living truly began!
I moved back to London in the summer of 2012, where I signed up for my first triathlon and began taking courses on nutrition in raw foods, sports nutrition, and nutrition for everyday living. I started photographing the meals I made and created a blog to keep me motivated and share what I was learning. During this time I got certified in three different fields and realized I had a huge passion for health.
During this time I created my Instagram account (@nikkisharp) as a way to track my progress, keep myself motivated and post pictures that inspired me. Thousands of people began following my page and I realized I thoroughly enjoyed teaching others what I was learning about health. I decided to go full force into creating the Nikki Sharp brand; a place where I could share what I learned and help others get healthy and happy through my community.”
That’s quite a story. We especially related to the exhilaration of living in some of the most vibrant cities in the world with millions of people around you and yet still feeling lonely.
Her fitness and diet program makes a lot of sense and inspires as well.
So what is she up to today?
“I’m currently working on my second book with Random House, leading retreats all over the world, have become a leading speaker, and have expanded the Nikki Sharp brand to teach others about branding and social media. I’ve managed to create a lifestyle brand that represents more than just food; it is the connection between being happy and stress-free, moving your body, and eating healthy food.”
We enjoyed visiting her site and her expansive life experiences appears to have given her much to share.
Thus like Nikki, when you have lived in so many parts of the world, it’s easier to teach and educate us mere mortals on how we can enjoy our fantasy world and survive the more serious one, whenever the latter comes knocking at our door.
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nikki paradise beach pixabay.com pexels.com