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Is Nikki Fierce the Adventurous Kate of Women’s Submission Wrestling?
To qualify for that accolade you have to practically go everywhere and try anything. The two young women seem like kindred spirits.
Please take a deep breath. The world famous travel blogger Kate McCulley has been shipwrecked in Indonesia, was an extra in a really, really bad German movie, flirted with Jon Stewart in New York City which later had her mocked on his show, hung out on stage with Vanilla Ice during his concert, snorkeled in the coldest blue waters of Iceland, traveled to 52 countries and so much more.
The world famous submission wrestler Nikki Fierce has been a dancer and competitive gymnast, studied and participated in Brazilian Jiu Jets for 10+ years, wrestled Greek Goddesses in Europe, taken trapeze classes, received stalker phone calls, successfully wrestled and beat up men while traveling the world and much, much more.
If you love to wrestle do you think you would be up to the Nikki Fierce challenge? Let’s examine what some of her contemporaries are saying about her.
Here is how the respected mixed wrestling site scissorvixens.com raves about her. “It has been quite a few years since we first shot with Nikki Fierce so when I came across her Facebook profile a few months ago…I couldn’t believe my eyes!
Here’s Nikki
She looked totally different in almost every way from when we first introduced her on ScissorVixens.com! Gone is her ‘punky’ hairstyle in favor of a more conventional straight down look. But what really blew us away was how fit and toned Nikki has become over the years and when asked how she’s gotten in such terrific shape she says it’s from plenty of Pilates and yoga in which she’s now an instructor!
And when I asked her whether or not she’s still in the session scene she said yes and confidently proclaimed her scissors are stronger than ever…something we were about to soon discover for ourselves!”
More praise grapples in from the industry leader in female wrestling, Femwin.com. “Nikki is someone who should not be underestimated! She’s very strong, fit and aggressive – not to mention gorgeous! Also, she likes beating up guys of which she’s very capable because of her strong knowledge of wrestling holds and her surprising power.”
Another male vs female wrestling site mixedwrestlingpower.com adds, “Nikki Fierce has made her mark as an extremely talented, multi-faceted sessions wrestler. She is known for her natural dominance, text book fighting technique and creative roleplaying skills. She has the ability to face her match, bring them into her world and completely dominate and break down any will left in them. She has a lot of energy and will completely utilize her mind and body for one extreme fight.”
The compliments could keep streaming in but let’s allow Nikki to speak for herself.
“I am in a very unique position. Most people would never begin to understand what it’s like to be a sessions wrestler. I am loved, admired, hated, the object of affection, looked up to, looked down on, and so on. I’ve received fan mail, hate mail, threats (few and far between luckily), people challenging me, people gawking at me, stalker phone calls, presents, plane tickets, chocolates, dinners, advice, expectations, cheerful phone calls, obsessive texts, act….you get my drift?
I grew up as a dancer and competitive gymnast. As an avid fan of Pro-wrestling in my youth, I would play around with the neighborhood boys trying to recreate what we saw on T.V. I grew into a naturally dominant female with a passion for fitness and fighting.
These days I stay fit training regularly in Cardio, Resistance Training, Yoga, and Pilates. I’ve studying Wrestling and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for 10+ years and love the art of combat. I love to win. And I love wrestling those who like to lose.
I may be small, but pound for pound I am solid and very strong. I am known for my creative roleplaying, technical Knockout sessions (I do plenty and LOVE IT), amazingly strong scissors-yes, they KO too, and I’ve been told my camel clutch is Killer. 🙂 I am professional, classy, outgoing, fun, chatty, feisty, open minded and very creative.”
This writer has enjoyed watching her wrestle some top notch competitors in Chicago star Gia Primo, the German machine Karine, Los Angeles star Kristiana and others as well.
What I enjoy about Nikki’s style is that she actually is fierce yet civilized. She also stays in the fight right up until the end.
According to WB270.com, the important female wrestler list, Nikki is based out of Los Angeles. If you are traveling to L.A. you could enjoy a sporting event, take in a nice restaurant, have a wrestling session with Nikki and then walk on a soft sandy beach while watching the sun set over the azure Pacific Ocean.
Other customers have had the privilege and continue to rave about our L.A. princess. What could be a better recommendation than a satisfied customer?
“The main thing that sets Nikki apart from all the other ladies is her deceptive appearance. Nikki is extremely quick, has a huge arsenal of holds, and understands leverage.
While certainly not a heavy weight, and not at all muscle bound, her technical ability and flexibility coupled with unparalleled judo and wrestling skills allow her to effortlessly maintain control of her opponents. Nevertheless, her strength for her size is quite impressive. There is no escape for the average guy with little or no fight training. I was totally outclassed and thrashed, and she was only at half speed. The ultimate session wrestler.”
Sharing with our readers the interesting lives of women who are willing to wrestle competitively, love life and adventurously live it to the full is our passion at Female Competition International. Every time we feel like we’ve heard and seen it all, we come across another trailblazer like Nikki.
As you can see from the above, there is so much to admire about Nikki because not only does she enjoy life, she fiercely attacks it.
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Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source. No affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, adventurouskate.com,WB270.com, lesfemmesfatales.com, sessiongirls.com, fiercebabe.net, femwin.com, scissorvixens.com, mixedwrestlingpower.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.