fciwomenswrestling2.com fciwomenswrestling2.com Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, Eugene-Partyzan-Shutterstock-photo-credit-Editorial-use
June 7, 2022,
There is often this image of what we look like in our minds.
Even photos, if taken in the right light, at the right angle, can delude us that we are better looking than we actually are.
In terms of portraits, we won’t even go there. The artist is being paid to make you look good.
Do you want the truth?
Can you handle the truth? Good.
You need to look in the mirror.

There are high tech home gyms with large screens that resemble a mirror. The difference is, unlike a mirror, they can help you develop the body, through their fitness program, that will inspire you to look in the mirror.
Yes, the static one.
The competition is heating up and making fitness oriented proprietors sweat.
That is good news for you.
The Social Media Influencers through YouTube and Instagram are vying for your attention to become your Personal Trainer.
We work out at the gym and many of the members have their own Personal Trainer.

Now, electronically, through these high tech home gyms, you can have your personal Trainer through them as well.
On July 6, 2022, the business and news leaders at forbes.com reported, “Within days of gym closures being announced amid national shutdowns back in March, fitness enthusiasts were quickly forced to adjust their workout habits. Exercising from home became the only way to break a sweat and stay in shape.”
Over time, less expensive too.
They add that Peloton, one of the more notable names in the industry, experienced a 66% surge in sales earlier in the year and Tonal, another in-home hardware fitness company, told reporters back in March that the company’s sales tripled at one point.
There are always new opportunities on the horizon if you are wise enough to take advantage of it.
As gyms were closing during the pandemic, the sales or high tech home gyms began to surge.
One of the major players in the market, along with Tonal Fitness and OxeFit is Tempo Fitness.

Are they worth checking out?
Female grapplers, you should always have choices and options.
Now, throwing their electronic Personal Trainer into the ring, is Tempo.
Time for a meet and greet. No mirror in sight. Yet.
At their energetic home, tempo.fit, they educate, “We believe people are stronger than they know. To us, strength is more than just muscles, it’s the power to take on a challenge and to see it through. We believe, through fitness, we can connect with and build upon our physical, mental, and emotional strength and use it to pursue everything we want in life (and get it).
The road to health is personal, and the core aspect of our products is around individualized feedback. Like a personal trainer, we’re there to guide you in real-time, count reps, make recommendations, and help you make progress. We want to you realize your inner strength, and achieve the goals you’ve set both on the mat and off.”
Very well said. Isn’t that one of the most internal and external pathways we should take in life?
It is to find, harness and enhance our strength? We believe so.
Time for more insights.
They add, “We don’t just believe in the philosophy that personal training changes lives. We’re founded on it.
Former trainer and Tempo co-founder & CEO Moawia Eldeeb saw his own transformation begin at the age of 12, when he and his family lived in a homeless shelter after their building burned down. Local YMCA coaches trained him for free, in exchange for staying in school. As he developed physical strength, he discovered the power of training to also build confidence, discipline, and a future of his own making. Now, he and co-founder Josh Augustin are dedicated to giving everyone the power to realize their strength and lead an active, full life.
Teaming up with fitness scientists, physiology PhDs, personal trainers, and engineers, Moawia and Josh created the first at-home personal training solution plus home gym designed to deliver results through AI-powered personal guidance, real-time form feedback, and custom training plans. Through its growing suite of products, Tempo is redefining the personal training industry and bringing an effective, results-driven model to more homes than ever before.”
Very impressive.
They appear to offer to major products.
As of this writing, the Tempo Studio is $2,495.
Here is what it has to offer.
Tempo’s sleek all-in-one design gives you the freedom to create your workout space without drilling holes in your walls.
Very important, if that is important to you. It is to many.
Preferred by fitness professionals, free weights allow for a full range of motion and support a wide array of exercises, moving you closer to your goals. The variety offered by the Tempo Studio fantastic.
There is also the Tempo Move.
Powered by 3D Tempo Vision, Tempo Move offers real-time feedback and turns your living space into a home gym. Requires a TV and select iPhones.
Like a personal trainer, Tempo guides you through workouts offering feedback on your form, rep targets, and tells you when it’s time to move up to the next level. With better training, you’ll see more progress. Tempo tracks your performance, then tailors your training plan as you improve.
Sounds great. Especially if you are on a budget.
3D Tempo Vision scans and recognizes Tempo’s smart weights for accurate tracking, rep counting, and guidance. Its compact, modular design maximizes space and fits into any size home.
We are impressed. What are others saying?
At the global news and information source today.com, they share, “In terms of the equipment itself, the storage cabinet is really aesthetically pleasing and blends right into the décor of a room. This is great for those who don’t have a dedicated workout space and need their equipment to tuck away neatly in a main room in the house when they aren’t exercising.”
Very good point. We didn’t see it from that angle.
Female grapplers, you are our favorites. We love researching what is new and possibly beneficial to you.
We have our own home workout program and we are members at a large gym. Gyms are not just about working. There can be about socializing, seeing new people and, if we’re honest, quietly enjoying eye candy.
Yah can’t do that at home.
Both have their place.
So, mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?

A gorgeous Session Girl and Female Wrestler, if they decide to work out at the gym and purchase a high tech home fitness system like Tempo and actually use it to the full.
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OPENING PHOTO fciwomenswrestling2.com fciwomenswrestling2.com Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, Eugene-Partyzan-Shutterstock-photo-credit-Editorial-us