fciwomenswrestling.com femcompetitor.com article, Pexels.com Steve Emmerich photo credit
November 9, 2024,
There are a lot of things you can do, a lot of the time.
But should you?
It depends, but typically it is not a good idea, unless you want to waste time. Never a good idea, even if you are young. Why? Mostly because of the passing and categorical nature of time.
There are certain things that you should be doing during your twenties that you may never get the opportunity to do again, and even if you do, it won’t feel the same.
Going to college is one of them. Arguably, best done in your late teens and early twenties for a host of reasons. By the time you are in your thirties, you should have secured a fulltime job. You should be very focused on your finances in terms of housing and retirement. The thirties is an important time to make some large movements in this area.
The other aspect to working on important things in your twenties and thirties is health. You most likely will never be as healthy again as you are now.
Having said that, life is absolutely about balance. Your twenties and thirties are the best time in your life to travel and recreate. Like playing tennis. Lots of running.
So, let’s try and understand time.
You can’t touch it. Can’t see it. Can’t feel it.
Some basics.
Generally speaking, methods of temporal measurement, or chronometry, take two distinct forms: the calendar, a mathematical tool for organizing intervals of time, and the clock, a physical mechanism that counts the passage of time.
Time is the continued sequence of existence and events that occurs in an apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, and into the future.
With great emphasis on irreversible.
There have been a number of great movies about second chances and going back in time but none them are documentaries or based upon real events.
It is important to try and do it right the first time.

Some perspective.
Throughout history, time has been an important subject of study in religion, philosophy, and science. Time is also of significant social importance, having economic value.
Therefore, time is money, especially in your twenties and thirties.
It also has personal value, due to an awareness of the limited time in each day and in human life spans.
Good points all.
This lends us to believe that time is about focus. Always be aware it is categorically running out, is irreversible and finite. In the category of space that you are in, what should your focus be?
One of the important things you will learn over time is not to allow certain people to waste your time. Be jealous of your time.
Let’s walk over to the bookstore for some insight.
VALUE YOUR TIME: IT’S LIMITED Paperback – Large Print, July 20, 2023
“Value Your Time” is a transformative journey that empowers readers to optimize their time, embrace personal growth, and live a purpose-driven life. In this comprehensive guide to time management and intentional living, author Cregg Hampton offers a wealth of insights, strategies, and practical tools to help individuals reclaim their time, boost productivity, and find greater fulfillment.
Whether you are a busy professional, a student, an entrepreneur, or a homemaker, “Value Your Time” offers valuable tools to harness time as a resource for personal fulfillment and success.”
Sounds very helpful. Let’s continue.
Now something even more important. What is far more important than individuals wasting your time?
It is organizations wasting your time. Especially if you are heavily involved with them for free.
Often where young people spend a lot of time, or perhaps waste it, they are in organizations that are viewed from outsiders as cults.
Cult is a lay term for a group perceived as requiring unwavering devotion to a set of beliefs and practices which are considered deviant outside the norms of society.
Deviant is a strong term. Perhaps different from the general norms of society.
Such groups are typically perceived as being led by a charismatic leader who tightly controls its members.
Groups labeled cults are found around the world and range in size from small localized groups with to some international organizations with up to millions of members.
Part of the power and lure of the group is the comradery within. One of the greatest fears in life is being alone. Having no one to care for you. Once in the group, you find friendships and, at times, people who love you.
For the moment.
That’s fine as long as you continue to make money for yourself and your future. It is probably not a great idea to give it away to the group. It is okay to look out for number one and then others, including the group, later.
It is in some contexts a pejorative term, also used for new religious movements and other social groups which are defined by their unusual religious, spiritual, or philosophical beliefs and rituals, or their common interest in a particular person, object, or goal.
The danger with many of these groups is not just the activities they may influence you to be involved in but, over the years, how much of your youth is gone wasting time being heavily involved with them.
A youth you will never get back.
All it takes is a major illness at middle age to let you know that you will never be as strong as you were when you were young.
This is what, apart from groups, it is wise to ask yourself.
Where do I want to be at 30, forty and beyond.
They say time is money but in reality, time is far more valuable than money. You can lose some money and get it back. You make a huge sale, you bought a home in a low market and the values shoot up or you might even gain an inheritance.
Simply put, you have a chance of getting lost money back. But time?
Once lost, you can never get it back. Ever.
It is important to value your time, especially categorically, and not see it as an endless continuum. Bountiful resource. It is not.
Take it from those of us who are older and have lost friends, lovers, organized religion and money. But, of all the things we lost that we couldn’t get back, what was most important?
It was time.
Memo to the wise. Value your time very early.
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OPENING PHOTO Pexels.com Steve Emmerich photo credit fciwomenswrestling.com femcompetitor.com article