fciwomenswrestling.com article, massyarias.com photo
Depression is treatable, so they say, but there seems to be no real cure.
No one is immune.
In a sobering and captivating article posted February 02, 2016 at psychologytoday.com they enlighten, “According to a study by Jonathan Davidson (link is external) at the Duke University Medical Center, half of U.S. presidents were afflicted by mental illness—half! The authors of the study reviewed biographical sources for the first 37 presidents (1776-1974). Most alarming of all, they reported that 27% of the presidents met those criteria while in office.
The authors of the study concluded that 24% percent of presidents met diagnostic criteria for depression (James Madison, John Quincy Adams, Franklin Pierce, Abraham Lincoln, and Calvin Coolidge).”
Well if you were wondering why some of our presidents act in questionable ways, you may have found at least one answer.
When you meet the fitness star Massy Arias for the first time, you can’t help but feel upbeat, inspired and energized until you dig a little deeper and found out that she once suffered from deep depression.

Sometimes as a writer when you research a celebrity revealing that corner of their life, you can’t help but feel that some of that is strategic. The comeback story, the overcoming affliction revelation, the once debilitating illness, the rehab recovery riser and the like makes for sympathy earned and titanic books sold.
Massy’s forthcoming and honest accounting of her youth is well…….very depressing.
The video is hard to watch but may be inspiring so here is where you’ll find it: http://www.popsugar.com/fitness/Massy-Arias-Fitness-Photos-37060863#photo-37060863
If you have ever suffered from severe depression you’ll feel her pain.
Part of the challenge with depression is that it varies from person to person, is hard to define and often even harder to resolve. I don’t dare say cure because there may not be one. At least not like a one shoe sized solution that fits all.
The booklet, prepared by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), provides an overview on depression. It’s helpful and very predictable at the same time.
- Depression is a real illness.
- Depression affects people in different ways.
- Depression is treatable.
- If you have depression, you are not alone.
Isn’t that what most booklets would say?
In another article psychologytoday.com educates, “Some 15 million Americans a year struggle with depression, an illness that comes in many forms—from major depression and seasonal affective disorder, to dysthymia and bipolar disorder.”
As far as definitions go, merriam-webster.com provides a believable one. “Depression is a serious medical condition in which a person feels very sad, hopeless, and unimportant and often is unable to live in a normal way.”
The good news regarding our beauty Massy Arias is that she climbed out of the darkness to live a life beyond normal and her story may initially be tough love reading, eventually it nurtures that there are ways beyond masking it with medicine that propel you through it and into the bright light.

Massy is the epitome of finding the light.

A certified personal trainer with over 1.9 million followers to date, Ms. Arias is part Instagram celebrity and part hardcore health coach.
Thus far we’ve been speaking about her from a distance. Now she will speak to us up close.
At her website massyarias.com she explains, “Massiel “Massy” Indhira Arias is the exuberant Certified Personal Trainer, formerly known as Mankofit, who is changing lives and inspiring a new generation of trainers. Born in the Dominican Republic, Massy has been an American resident since the age of 14 and currently resides and trains out of Los Angeles, California.
She sets the example for how adopting a healthy diet and active lifestyle can change individual lives mentally, physically, and spiritually. She has committed herself to a healthy life with which she herself has emerged from depths of depression and physical limitations to become the glowing motivational force she is to millions around the world.”
By reviewing her body of work, Massy has evolved into a Fem Competitor who has strong successful philosophies blended with common sense.

Here is a question that she poses to women who may be struggling with self-image issues. “When was the last time you felt beautiful? I don’t mean when you’re all dolled up going out with friends. I mean no makeup, hair not done and wearing sweats. How often do you feel beautiful? Too many times we get caught up in the superficial beauty of makeup, hair and Instagram filters that we forget what true beauty feels like. True beauty is not measured in how many likes your photos get.”
The notion that drugs can alleviate depression in this writer’s mind has always been suspect. Massy’s mother agrees and encouraged her not to take medicines to solve her depression issue. Instead Massy focused on fitness and it’s paid off huge dividends.
Interestingly Massy does not have any formal training in Sports Medicine. She simply learned to help others by going to the library and doing research.
Others of influence have taken notice of her online success.
The respected health industry site trimmedandtoned.com praises, “Massiel “Massy” Arias, better known as MANKOFIT, is a 24-year old personal trainer and fitness model, based in New York City. Massy has become an Instagram celebrity and icon in the online fitness community, establishing a fan base of over 1.1 million on the photo sharing, social media website alone.”
The enjoyable site vibe.com adds, “One of the ‘gram’s most sought-after: Mankofit, the personal trainer and Dominican Republic export (she moved to New York when she was 13), who’s now followed by nearly 1.5 million strong.
Besides her chiseled physique, the Instagram goddess also boasts a quirky post-workout dance, informative captions and a positive aura that sticks out in a sea of memes and thirst traps.”
Regarding her unique dances she shared with cosmopolitan.com, “I work out so hard all day, every day. I’m always sweating. But exercise continues to make me happy, which is why I do the happy dance at the end of my Instagram videos.”
How much do you know about the Dominican Republic?
As is our custom, it’s time to electronically travel there.
The Dominican Republic is a country on the island of Hispaniola, in the Greater Antilles archipelago in the Caribbean region. The western three-eighths of the island is occupied by the nation of Haiti, making Hispaniola one of two Caribbean islands, along with Saint Martin, that are shared by two countries.
Both by area and population the Dominican Republic is the second-largest Caribbean nation after Cuba, with 18,705 square miles and a population of nearly 10 million people, one million of whom live in the capital city of Santo Domingo.
Christopher Columbus landed on the island on December 5, 1492, which the Taíno people had inhabited since the 7th century.
The global travel site lonelyplanet.com admires her. “The Dominican Republic is one of the Caribbean‘s most geographically diverse countries, with stunning mountain scenery, desert scrublands, evocative colonial architecture and beaches galore.”
The country is well known for its stunning white sand beaches framed by swaying palm trees.
No wonder Massy is a philosopher.
What drives her passion and determination to help others?
Many things but of the volume of research that swells her impressive resume, this quote at latina.com stands out. “I one day hope to influence a new generation of trainers to teach people a lifestyle instead of a quick fix to get a bikini body. I want to teach people to fully believe that being healthy really is being happy.”
Very sound philosophy that feels really good.
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Mankofit’s Instagram: http://instagram.com/mankofit
Mankofit’s Website: http://www.mankofit.com/
Mankofit’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/mankofit
Mankofit’s Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Mankofit
Video about her life