fciwomenswrestling.com article, DWW photo
Watching DWW’s sweet Euro Princess Laila wrestle over her career is like watching an intense, mesmerizing and confusing movie.

You greatly enjoy the moment, you can’t take your eyes off of it and once it’s over you can’t stop thinking and talking about it, though you can’t understand a darn thing regarding what you just witnessed, at least not in its entirety because the sum of it’s parts is so confusing.

Probably only Laila could explain her extensive DWW wrestling career and make sense of it.
This writer sure couldn’t.
The unique Hollywood Producer David Lynch is the Zen Master of confusing masterpieces.

Besides Eraserhead and Mulholland Drive, Inland Empire starring Laura Dern, had to be one of the more magnetic and confusing films I’ve ever seen.
The top movie reviewer Roger Ebert relates, “You probably already know by now if you’re inclined to want to see “Inland Empire,” which is a good thing because it’s practically impossible to review in a newspaper. It has a story — multiple stories, all intertwined and interconnected at various nodes — but it’s structured more like a web than a yarn. Synopsis is futile, but the tag line states its elemental appeal as succinctly as possible: A Woman in Trouble.”
As far as DWW Alumni go, Laila has to be in or near the top ten if number of matches is in part what you are basing your ratings on. This stealth Euro beauty has wrestled a ton but just when you sense you are getting a handle on her skillsets and passion, she…….well confuses.

Watching a select few of her matches illuminates but sheds little light.
It was inside a nicely appointed apartment. The two beauties quickly worked up a sweat and it was clear it was going to be a long struggle. Laila is most effective when she maneuvers around Petulla, captures her from behind and applies a strong body scissors.
As interesting as that day was, more interesting were the DWW girls in the background screaming support and advice during the match. A true sorority. Surprisingly the most vocal was the cute girl with the closely cropped red hair, Simona who rarely says anything during her own matches, but here was like a Chatty Cathy cheerleader.
The gorgeous blonde Petulla came to fight but Laila just seemed able to struggle and fight a little harder providing Petulla with painful body and head scissors as a Danube reward.
Against Edita (who won) Laila is very comfortable trash talking, describing her then 31 year old opponent as an old grandma. Edita of course is a veteran DWW warhorse so Laila will get more than she expected. Inside the nice apartment with the stylish cabinets the two go to war and even use the “you’re cheating with my boyfriend” script but as suspected, Edita is a super star for a reason.
Inside the famous DWW padded room Laila would meet the beautiful German Karine who possessed the perfectly fit body and Elfin looks. Karine is always a tough, energetic and sometimes volatile customer so it’s hard to know what to expect in this scenario.
Okay, I’ll admit it. I expected Karine to win easily.
To Laila’s credit she got right down to business and despite cheers from the audience for Karine punctuated with “Yes!” when Karine gained an advantage, Laila was in control from beginning to end constantly trapping Karine in severe body scissors and even had a point taken away for choking Karine out. Literally. This time, Laila was one cool, calm customer. After the point deduction, Laila smiled and went back to work.
This was one of the signature matches to verify that she was one of the DWW elite.
It also adds to her lore as one of the most confusing DWW Gladiators of all times. She mostly defeats the people she should and sometimes not; so I expected Karine to dominate her yet she loses to Laila.
Go figure.
Monika N handily defeats Laila 3-0.
Laila is taller than Monika and her final resume would include far more matches so it came as a complete surprise the way Monika controlled and dominated Laila inside the famous DWW fancy apartment. Monika’s body scissors were extremely effective and even when it seemed that Laila finally had her trapped in a scissors she could not escape, Monika did just that and found herself on top of Laila again and again throughout this one sided match.
This is a matchup that one senses that Laila should win handily.
Renata is a stunning shapely Czech blonde who has quite a few matches under her belt but I’m sure even she would admit she was on the losing end of most of them. Please give her an A for effort and a capital A+ for exceptional beauty.
Once again the famous DWW Alum Laila finds herself in a struggle inside the padded room but eventually traps Renata in a head scissors for the submission.
Bea is a tough customer and has a lot of motivation to give her best against Laila since the competition takes place in front of a boisterous crowd.
Laila engaged with Bea and once again found herself in a fierce struggle.
Can’t she ever win easily?
At one point Bea lay on top of her easily for 3 minutes trying to achieve a smother but give Laila great credit. She endured and then finally escaped, reversed positions and found herself on top of Bea. After an intense struggle she finally submits Bea off the mats.
The crowd applauds wildly.
This in my opinion was the most telling of sensuous Laila’s matches.
Before the match begins she honestly admits that she is Jana’s friend and but is a bit afraid of her fighting style.

Honesty is a great trait. I’m not so sure it’s a strategically effective one on the female grappling battlefield though.
She continues and emphasizes that she is Jana’s friend but in a fight she is afraid of her.
Okaaaaaay Laila. Enough honesty please.
In terms of her tactics in a face sit match, Laila finally displays some confidence and strategy and suggests that she would need to use her weight to her advantage to smother Jana. Today she might finally win.
Jana on the other hand is brimming with confidence and when asked if she is afraid of Laila she proudly says that she is not afraid of anyone but never underestimates anyone either. Yes she and Jana are friends but in a fight she has no friends.
Spoken like a true warrior.
When asked if she felt Laila was afraid of her, Jana conceded that she is aware of that but in the end no matter what happens, they will still be friends.
After I kick her (beep) and turn her into hamburger meat I’ll console her when she cries.
Well it’s time for these two gorgeous Eastern Euro Princesses to stand and look each other in the eyes. Laila’s body is saying I’m tuff but her eyes seem to be saying something else. Jana on the other hand is very determined and noticeably shorter and more slender than Laila.

No matter.
The competition began with Laila circling around like she meant it (which she didn’t) and she made a vain attempt at a headlock which Jana easily escaped. Jana then went on the attack and had the larger dark haired beauty down on the mats underneath her.
She began to face sit Laila at will.
Jana was in complete control of this match and never threatened.
The longer the match went on, the more Jana sat on top of Laila’s back or stomach, the more Laila yielded to her. Jana arrogantly stared at Laila and continued to control her at will. Finally Laila conceded defeat and admitted she had enough and the smaller girl let her up.
It was a match on the mats outdoors and reminded me of a couple of school girl fights that I fortunately… I mean unfortunately, had the chance to witness as an adolescent male.
After the first one I felt so bad that months later I watched the second one.
How does all of this make me feel about Laila?

I think for the moment I fell in love with her.
What a great memory Laila is. She is truly one of the DWW all-time greats and wrestled over the years in many unforgettable matches.
Laila? As a wrestler I don’t understand you….but I’m madly in love with you.

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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons and Danube Women’s Wrestling.