fciwomenswrestling.com, femcompetitor.com article, photo via kiirakorpi.fi pinterest.com
Occupying a large amount of space is a massive block of ice, approximately six foot tall and wide, by the side of a mountain and near a lake not far from your home, silently lodged in a winter wonderland.
It’s stationed in the middle of the pathway between your house and the entry to the lake.
As you approach and look at it, what do you see?
An obstacle to be removed so that you, your friends and family can have easy access to the lake? You surmise that. One of the children might get hurt.
It’s a job too large for one person so you conclude you’ll seek a number of your neighbor’s help that live on your block.
A week later when you and three of your neighbors walk towards the entry to the lake, removal equipment in tow, all of you are suddenly stunned and stop instantly in your tracks.
The massive block of ice is no longer there, sort of.
In its place is a beautiful and magical Snow Angel carved of ice.
Previously when you first observed it, you saw a block of ice to be removed. Apparently someone else looked at it in its original form too….……..
And saw an angel trapped in a block of ice.
Thus he painstakingly set her free.
Fascinating it is when we use our imagination to see things, not as they are, but more for what they can become.
Imagination is everything.
Ice Skaters are loved the world over for many reasons including for the magical and breathtaking routines that they perform.
“In skating over thin ice our safety is in our speed.”… Ralph Waldo Emerson
One such ice maiden that the world fell deeply in love with when she performed is Finland’s Kiira Korpi.
Kiira is a gorgeous retired Finnish figure skater.
She is a three-time European medalist (bronze in 2007 and 2011, silver in 2012), the 2010 Trophée Eric Bompard champion, the 2012 Rostelecom Cup champion, a two-time Cup of China medalist, and a five-time Finnish national champion (2009, 2011–2013, 2015).
She retired from competitive skating in August of 2015.
Kiira was born in Tampere, Finland.
Tampere is a city in Pirkanmaa, southern Finland. It is the most populous inland city in the Nordic countries.
Her father, Rauno Korpi, coached the Finnish women’s hockey team to a bronze medal at the 1998 Winter Olympics.
In Finland her nickname is Jääprinsessa when translated means Ice Princess.
In addition to her native Finnish, Ms. Korpi also speaks Swedish, English, and German.
When Kiira first saw the ice, she expressed, “I once found myself wanting to be the world’s best figure skater.”
Mission accomplished.
We traveled by snow mobile to her welcoming website kiirakorpi.fi to sit by the fireplace and listen to her story.
She smiles, “Such things happen without being able to say which day or year it was. It was somewhere between the skating school’s spring event and Lyon’s European Championships. In the spring event I was a butterfly. In Lyon I was 6th. At the days of the butterfly skating was still child’s play with my friend Elli. It was aping my talented sister Petra, who injured at the times I started to take part in the training camps. And when I with an ever-growing guts started to repeat triple jumps in the halls without sunlight nor flashlights.
Turns out I never became the world champion in figure skating. And that’s ok. My journey as a competitive skater that lasted over 20 years was full of different experiences, emotions, places and people that I feel very grateful to have encountered.
Especially the challenges and difficult times that I faced throughout my career turned out to be the most valuable experiences and created space for something new and beautiful to emerge.
For me skating still feels like a natural and joyful way to explore life and what it means to be a human being. When music, movement, feeling the energy of the ice, air and my inner body all come together, something unique always arises in the present moment. That’s why I still perform and hope to be able to share those precious moments with you.”
Thank you Kiira. That was magical and imagination nourishing.
“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.”… Michelangelo
Watching the gorgeous Ice Princess Kiira perform melted our hearts and fired our imagination.
Her performances so often told a story set in a magical winter wonderland.
We are so glad that Finland set this Ice Princess free and gave her to us as a magical gift to the world.
The late Mr. Stephen Richards Covey was an American educator, author, businessman, and keynote speaker. His most popular book is The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
He was once quoted as expressing, “Live out of your imagination, not your history.”
We continue to look to the future to spur our imagination and we found the perfect visiting speaker to help us do that very thing.
Please meet Ms. Heidi Heron and enjoy.
Heidi has been involved with the technology of NLP for most of her life and is an International Master Trainer of NLP, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Doctor of Psychology. She has obtained her Doctorate in Psychology; Masters in Adult Education and Bachelor Degrees in Psychology and Communication. Heidi has a background in Corporate Human Resources Management and Personal Development.
She has studied NLP with some of the top leaders in NLP and continues to up-skill herself personally and professionally. Heidi has been working in the field of Human Development since 1992.
Imagineering Your Dreams Come True

By Heidi Heron
How good is your imagination? Can you visualize easily? Can you feel a feeling without something external happening in your world? Can you smell a smell without an actual odor present?
I believe our imagination is one of the best tools that we have as people. I’m not sure animals have an imagination – I’d like to think that my kitten imagines playing with a ball of yarn, yet I don’t think it does. However, we imagine all the time. In fact, your imagination is the best way to tap into your unconscious mind!
The term Imagineering comes from Walt Disney’s blend of the words imagination and engineering; representing the ability to blend creativity and expertise to produce an outcome. In NLP speak – when you can be an imagineer in your own life you can have an intention and get to your desired state.
When you can become an Imagineer in your own life – wonderful things can happen! In fact, everything in the world happens at least twice:
- First, in your imagination.
- Then, in reality.
I have heard from clients and students who tell me they don’t have a good imagination. Well, imagination isn’t only about creativity; before you get dressed in the morning, you have to imagine what you are going to wear that day (even briefly). Before you choose something to eat, you imagine eating it.
When I hear that someone doesn’t think they have a good imagination, what I hear is “I don’t trust my imagination”. Sometimes as people grow up they are taught that only what is REAL is good and somehow they squash their belief in imagination. Yet – its around all the time. The more you can trust it the better.
By the way, another way of saying I don’t trust my imagination is “I don’t trust my unconscious mind” – which can squelch creativity, motivation, desire, intention, possibilities, health and even dreams!
Let’s try a few imagination tricks to get your imagination imagineering…
To do this, read the question and then just give an answer… by the way, there is no wrong answer… if you second guess – this again shows a lack of trust.
- In the story of Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, what color were the bears?
- In the story of Little Red Riding Hood, what is in her basket?
- In the story of Hansel & Gretel, what color shirt does Hansel wear?
- In the story of the Ugly Duckling, how many ‘ducklings’ were there?
I used stories that most people will know – and parts of the stories that we have to imagine or create things for. We each may have different answers for these questions – based on our own imagination. And, based on your imagination – your answers are right!
Why did we do this little exercise? To remind you that you have an active imagination and that you can use it. If that task was challenging – spend the rest of today remembering old childhood stories and making up new endings! Start to build a strong rapport with your unconscious mind and imagination. After all, resistance is a sign of a lack of rapport. Yes, you can have rapport with your unconscious mind!
Let me tell you about a study conducted by Drs. Guang Yue and Kelly Cole in 1992. They wanted to conduct a study to test the power of the imagination to create a physical change – the idea being that simply imagining performing an act (in this case, muscular movement), will create a change in your neural pathways.
The experiment was extremely simple in its nature, but the results have amazing implications. Two groups were use; One of the groups did a physical exercise and the other imagined doing that exercise. Both groups exercised a finger muscle, Monday through Friday, for four weeks. The physical group did trials of fifteen maximal contractions, with a twenty-second rest between each. The mental group merely imagined doing fifteen maximal contractions, with a twenty-second rest between each, while also imagining a voice shouting at them, Harder! Harder! Harder!
The results: at the end of the study the physical group increased their muscular strength by 30%. The imagining group increased their muscle strength by 22%.
Sometimes, when people say “It’s all in your mind” – they are right! When you are Imagineering – remember, if it’s possible for someone, it’s possible for me.
Dream on!
Dr. Heidi Heron, PsyD holds her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology and is one of the Principal NLP Trainers with the Worldwide Institutes of NLP. She runs a private Coaching Practice using the methodology of NLP and is a Counselling/Coaching Clinical Supervisor. Heidi has a passion for educating people to live the best life possible. Join her for an NLP Course in Denver, Sydney, Singapore, Malaysia or London. She is the co-author of 30 Days to NLP and co-developer of 7daynlp.com. You are welcome to email Heidi directly at heidi @nlpworldwide.com.
For more information please visit: http://www.nlpworldwide.com.
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OPENING PHOTO fciwomenswrestling.com, femcompetitor.com article, photo via kiirakorpi.fi pinterest.com
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Heidi_Heron/1035736
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