fciwomenswrestling.com article, Wikimedia photo
Icons typically are not born but over time with patience, disciplined craftsmanship, years of trade experience and stellar results, they have the ability to create their life’s greatest work; their masterpiece.
There is no question that Julie Ginther has received star icon status in the fully competitive women’s submission wrestling world. What might be the most elusive question to answer is what Julie’s greatest masterpiece is since she has created so many jaw dropping victories over some of the world’s finest female submission wrestlers.
Let’s travel back to what might be considered her wrestling childhood and watch her grow up.
In what would be an intense struggle in attrition, this writer first saw Julie wrestling now well-known super star Keri Spectrum or Adriana at a south Florida wrestling club named Flamingo. Rarely have I seen two young beautiful women create such electricity and tension on the grappling mats. Julie would go on to wrestle other newer competitors like future stars Jenny Vaughn, Sammy Squeeze and established super star Gia Primo in one hot sweaty affair.
When Julie traveled to Europe to test the mettle of a formidable European tribe of skilled wrestlers that described themselves as goddesses at Fighting style, the only one the Gods seemed to continually bless with the most resounding victories was Julie. Whether in the bright sunlight or at night, on the mats or in the sand, Julie kept her feminine opponents groaning and sometimes screaming in agony.
The signature match for me on her European tour was when she completely decimated DWW’s Sofia C. on a sunny day in Greece. It’s not easy to dominate a Danube trained warrior so in my mind that was an indication that Julie was ready to take flight.
At what could be described as one of the best Women’s Submission Wrestling Conventions ever, I witnessed Julie perform her magic at Jackpin’s 2008 Masterpiece at the San Diego Marriott hotel. When you have in attendance the auburn haired beauty Krissy from Ring Master Girls, Grace of Virago fame, Pandora a super cute shapely wrestler and former gymnast, Goldie from England, superstar Robin of Southern California, sensational Sybil Star from Michigan, ring legend Christie Ricci, the always energetic Frankie Zappitelli and more, you know a tip top performance is not only expected but required.
I remember having a conversation on a Saturday night with Julie after her match with Grace which did not yield the results that Julie had desired. She was a little frustrated because she had wrestled Pandora, the beautiful feminine gymnast from Chicago and grew a little tired.
Southern California is where I would see Julie again at Femwin’s Los Angeles event that included top stars in the early stages of their career, just before they would soar including Cheyenne Jewel, Ariel and a very friendly Dia Zerva. Oddly enough it was the last time that I saw Sammy Squeeze, Julie’s Oregon buddy, wrestle competitively.
Oregonian beauties, Sammy and Julie Squeeze
There I had a chance to arm wrestle Julie and watch her dazzle the crowd with her talents.
Most recently I briefly hung out with Julie at Femwin’s June, 2014 event in Las Vegas and she indicated that her body might be breaking down and that she was thinking of retirement.
We hope not.
She certainly could venture into other areas since her outstanding resume includes participation in Broadcasting School, offering services as a Massage Therapist, Fitness Trainer, competing as a Basketball player, Lingerie Football player and more.
She has also acted in film, known for Ballerina I’m Not (2014), Lingerie Football League (2009) and Fake It Til You Make It (2010).
What went into making Julie the beautiful, sweet girl that she is?
When you speak with her, you know that she is genuine, fun loving and family oriented. If you visit her social media you’ll see that she is very close to her family and has an abundance of friends.
Let’s travel to Salem Oregon.
The travel friendly site cityofsalem.net smiles, “Salem, the capital city of Oregon and lies in the center of the lush Willamette River valley, 47 miles from Portland. Salem is a city of over 47 square miles, located an hour from the Cascade mountains to the east and an hour from the ocean beaches to the west.
Surrounded by green pastures, fields of flowers, gardens, vegetables, orchards and vineyards, Salem’s year-around and summer farmer’s markets overflow with locally raised produce and hand-crafted products. Salem is the perfect base for a tour of Oregon’s wine country or a visit to any or all of the many extraordinary gardens in the city and the surrounding area.”
The great information source Wikipedia provides us with some fresh Oregon drinking water. “Salem had a population of 154,637 at the 2010 census, making it the third largest city in the state after Portland and Eugene.
Salem is less than an hour driving distance away from Portland. Salem is the principal city of the Salem Metropolitan Statistical Area, a metropolitan area that covers Marion and Polk counties and had a combined population of 390,738 at the 2010 census. A 2013 estimate placed the metropolitan population at 400,408, the state’s second largest.”
Have you ever thought about visiting Salem? You might need a guide to get the most out of it. This is a site that’s ready to gently take you by the hand. “TravelSalem.com is your connection to Salem and the Mid-Willamette Valley as the official tourism and meeting website for visitors to this region of Oregon. Locate all the riches of the area and entertaining things to do. Unique character can be found at our attractions, galleries, eateries, shops, and events. You will find vibrant scenery at every turn, so be sure to bring your camera and share your favorite photos with us!”
I have traveled through Salem many times on my way up north to Portland, Seattle and Vancouver and can say that it’s breathtaking and very friendly. I love the open spaces balanced with greenery and fresh air. The last time I was there, they still pump your gas for you.
In my opinion, Julie is the epitome of a beautiful, fresh faced Oregon girl who climbed to the top of our female wrestling game the right way. We hope to visit Julie again soon.
If you want to session with Julie, I highly recommend it.
Hmm, in terms of her masterpiece?
I hope it’s still a work in progress.
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Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.