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In terms of self-promotion there are some people in the world who seem to get it.
Well, because they’ve got it………all going on.
In fact, not only do they get it, they excel at it and take it into the stratosphere along with the profits and great lifestyle that goes with it.
The moment I saw the drop dead gorgeous Juliana Salimeni doing a massive indoor promotion with Brazilian weight lifting super star Fernando Reis, I knew she already had a career in flight.
Mr. Reis competed at the 2012 Summer Olympics in the +105 kg event. In this same weight category, Reis won a gold medal at the 2011 Pan American Games and a silver medal at the 2010 South American Games.
In 2015, Reis won the gold medal at the Pan American Games with the championship record and Brazilian record.
She’s in good company and our wonderful female submission wrestlers might learn something from her.
One article alone will not drive enough traffic. Be co-operative, creative and use the media over and over and over…….
It’s a very good thing.
I promote a healthy lifestyle.………..Kim Kardashian
Salimeni Juliana dos Santos Correia, better known as Juju Salimeni was born in Sao Paulo on September 24, 1986.
She is a Brazilian model and Fitness Super Star.
Juliana debuted in Panic In TV program in October 2008 as one of Panicats, occupying the vacancy left by Gabriela Monteiro.
In 2010, together with Daniel Zukerman she participated in the reality show Who Comes First?, in which she traveled to several countries of South America.
In January 2010, she starred in the cover of Playboy magazine for the first time, and on November 27 of that year, was voted the “Sexiest Woman in the World” by VIP magazine.
Being ready isn’t enough; you have to be prepared for a promotion or any other significant change…….Pat Riley
She has a legion of followers on her Social Media and is well loved. At the interesting site guyspeed.com they salivate, “Why do we adore Juliana Salimeni? This Brazilian bombshell is a businesswoman and a TV hostess, who also goes by her nickname, “Juju.” Besides being all professional and providing a face for television, she’s also quite the fitness goddess. Just one look at her rock-hard abs and her incredible glutes and you’ll probably want to start learning Portuguese while you book a ticket to Brazil.”
We agree.
Juliana`s most important features are her great body and her amazing eyes. Wouldn’t you agree?
A quote on her Twitter speaks to her life philosophy. “While my conscience is clear about my actions, the judgement of others does not interest me.”
Powerful stuff. So are her actions.
Anybody who can afford a box of business cards can afford a Web site. Any company with an 800 number can move its services to the Web for peanuts by comparison. The extreme case of corporate promotion is to strip away all other aspects of your business and sell goods or services via the Net alone, as amazon.com has done with books.……..Nathan Myhrvold
When reviewing her videos, she freely instructs on how to achieve fantastic thighs and a nice Brazilian behind. It’s hard to take your eyes of her or her training videos.
What’s very revealing is her patience not only in working out but ensuring that her audience is grasping the simplicity yet hard work involved in her body altering workouts.
Since Juliana loves promotion, as we travel with again to Sao Paulo instead of going to the beach or a great restaurant, let’s do something that will make Juliana proud.
Let’s go shopping.
Think big because after all, it’s what Juliana would want.
Speaking about the 25 largest shopping malls in the world, the interesting site list25.com shares, “As western consumerism continues to spread its money making tentacles into the far corners of the globe countries that not long ago didn’t even have grocery stores are now building shopping facilities so big that they can’t even find enough vendors to fill them. In fact, you’ll find that most of the shopping centers on this list are located in Asia and its surrounding regions. It’s a classic case of the student surpassing the master.”
Please bring money.
Shopping Aricanduva is the largest mall in Brazil and Latin America.
It is the ninth largest in the world in gross leasable area. It has 579 stores and 423,000 square meters of built area. It is located in the District Leader City, in São Paulo.
The mall has three hypermarkets (Extra, Walmart and Makro), three food courts, two stores DIY and building materials (C & C and Dicico), traffic police’s Traffic Department, a circuit for test drive and a campus Sant’Anna University Center of the University Sant’Anna.
This massive promotion features 14,700 parking spaces.
How would like to direct traffic?
With great leisure activities like bowling alleys and Playland, the mall also has the largest cinema complex in São Paulo, with 14 rooms Network Cinemark (the largest one with capacity for 546 people and a 184 m² screen able to play movies in 3D), still ranks as the second largest complex of Brazil’s movie theaters, behind the existing complex at New York City Center-Barra Shopping in Barra da Tijuca in Rio de Janeiro.
The shopping center has become one of the most important recreational areas of East Zones 1 and East 2 of São Paulo, being, for example, one of the only places in these areas to include movie theaters.
So if you travel there, guess who you might see doing a promotion?
She’s tanned, beautifully shaped and sensational.
Without promotion, something terrible happens… nothing!…….P. T. Barnum
As the world of indoor female sports begins to unite, it’s great to meet other beautiful women who are demonstrating how great success can be achieved through the Social Media and promotion. This the cultural shift that the female submission wrestling industry is moving towards.
It’s great to see Juliana Salimeni up close. While we’re not prognosticators looking into Juliana’s future it’s easy to see one shining bright.
That’s where a great promotion takes you.
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.