fciwomenswrestling.com article, Schick photo credit
If Person A begins a conversation regarding Person B by saying, “First of all, I just want to say I think the world of her, but…….” Or “Don’t get me wrong, I love her like a sister. Having said that……” or “She’s really nice and a very sweet person but…….” Or “She’s really talented and a great wrestler, however…..”
It makes me nervous. Why?
Because you know the sledgehammer punch line is coming.
Let’s talk about the long dark haired Hungarian beauty named Judit who primarily wrestled with APL and Femwin in Budapest.

Femwin certainly loved working with her. Let’s go to ringside and listen in.
“Judit’s a Hungarian girl who’s been wrestling for about 1 year. Although she doesn’t win all her matches she’s capable of beating just about anyone if they fall prey to her scissors! A tough and aggressive competitor, Judit sometimes seems to be taking a beating and just when it appears over she wraps her legs around her foe’s midsection and gets a quick submission!”
To shave closer to the point, here is what respected longtime FvF wrestling company APL had to say about our shapely darling. “Judit made an impressive debut while obtaining a draw versus Kira. Blessed with exquisite beauty, Judit is very attractive….despite her practice of not shaving herself! She genuinely loves to fight.”
First of all, let me just say that I think the world of Judit. I mean, I think she’s really nice. And, ah, I think she’s really cute. I love her look and enjoyed the way she wrestled.
Be that as it may………..
Did anyone ever think about buying her a razor for Christmas? Her birthday? Leap Year? BFF night out? Sunday school? Femwin’s next visit to Budapest? Valentine’s Day (on second thought, no guy in his right mind would ever do that)?
Any excuse would do.
Female wrestling certainly has it’s sub-groups and I think Judit would qualify as the most gorgeous feminine wrestler with hairy thighs that ever existed.
Was that shtick on her part not to use Schick; just to get attention? Well Judit, my beautiful sexy Budapest Babe, it worked.
There are a lot of women that could never get away with that but Judit grew it well.
Gorgeous hair is the best revenge.…….Ivana Trump
My disappointment is that Judit’s career didn’t seem to last long. She was part of the mid 2000 Hungarian Hottie Brigade that included Kira, Kata, Vanda, Vicky, blonde Sofi and Katie among others. Shave for Kira, they weren’t the greatest wrestlers to throw down but they sure looked great attempting to and truthfully we give them all an A for effort. You know us. We feel that all women should give wrestling a try.
Fortunately for them, they had the legendary Bori as an instructor who coaches almost as much as Helen Von Mott at ring side.
First of all, let me start out by saying I think the world of prominent female wrestlers like Helen and Bori who coach during matches.
They’re my sisters from another mother.
There are no two mentors on this planet that I have greater admiration and respect for.
What could be better than watching two gorgeous women wrestle and then have their match continually interrupted by extensive coaching?
No one and I mean no one in the greater San Francisco and Fairfield and Vacaville and Sacramento and Stockton and Modesto and Bakersfield and Visalia and Davis and Woodland areas combined have more expertise on joint locks, arm bars and body scissors than Helen. No one and I mean no one has more abilities to procure and secure more Hungarian Honey’s than Bori.
Which reminds me.
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Bori’s incredible achievement that year.
Please let FCI take a moment and congratulate Bori on winning the highly coveted and intensely sought after Outstanding HHR (Hungarian Hottie Recruiter) Award; edging out perennial champion Viktoria M. of DWW and HWW fame in some very close balloting. Due to Judit joining that year’s incredible sexy recruiting class, Bori won by a hair.
Tia at tiafighting.com is on this year’s Outstanding HHR ballot. My mole inside the Budapest Decision Committee says that Tia is the favorite to win in 2015.
The Powerful Budapest Outstanding HHR Voting Committee
Tell you what. If Tia wins I won’t shave the hair on my legs for a year.
You could poll the entire global female wrestling industry including America, England, Germany, the Czech Republic, Hungary and I’m certain all would agree that Helen and Bori would make one unbeatable coaching staff (I left off Canada because my Maple Leaf Mole in Montreal, Savoir Faire, told me that Mutiny is on the short list to be Canada’s next Women’s Wrestling Czar to oversee and extensively mentor all of her female wrestling coaches).
Savoir Faire, FCI Eyes In Montreal (Spying on Mutiny)
So, let’s get back to this razor thing.
For you male and female lovers of women’s wrestling, isn’t it slightly erotic to watch a very feminine woman wrestle who hasn’t shaved?
The press sure makes a big deal about famous starlets covered the way nature intended.
I completely remember the horror I felt when my pits started getting hairy. I would walk with my arms pressed against my sides.…..Lisi Harrison
Here’s a quote from an article in the New York Times, “Take leg hair. It doesn’t matter if a celebrity sports the palest, least conspicuous fuzz imaginable, as, say, Alicia Silverstone did once to a store opening in Los Angeles or Céline Dion did for a performance in Tokyo. Cameras zoom in, and the Web makes the moment live forever.”
I’m sorry, did you say something?
What do I think about very feminine women with hairy thighs wrestling in a school girl pins match you ask?
Hmm. I think this calls for further research. It is primarily a European thing right? I mean an American girl wouldn’t get caught dead with hairs running up and down her leg during a wrestling match, right?
Well, please let me reiterate that I really admire Judit a lot.
Having said that, I’m not sure that Judit made much of an impression on me.
Let’s see. It’s been some time since Judit has wrestled so I’m going by memory. It’s a little foggy but against Wanda she wore this light blue almost white bikini. Against Zsoka she wore this red, lace bikini. Hmm, still a little foggy but against Katie it was maroon. Against Vicky it was kind of light pinkish purple. Oh well. I’m sorry to speak in generalities but that’s the best I can do.
Hey now! The hairs on my back are starting to stand at attention and the ones on my neck at red alert.
You just said something in a whisper?
Nerve? Swerve? It couldn’t be P……….
Look I’ll have you know that I have shot camera work two inches away from some of the hottest Bay Area wrestlers like Daisy Ducati, Mona Wales, Penny Barber, Rain DeGrey, Kait Snow, Olivia D’Angelo, Isamar, Bella Rossi, Lady Evadne, Dylan Fox, Eden Coxx and FeFe, all wearing bikinis and bathing suits and I didn’t blink once! NOT ONCE!!!
Penny And Rain Know To Take Me Seriously!

Noooooo I’m not gonna calm down.
Why? Because it’s my job that’s why. I’m the consummate professional. Why do you think they trust me? Why do you think they work with me? OVER AND OVER!? I show up on time, my film is loaded, my tape recorder ready, my pants are tight and my style is loose. It’s strictly business. Okay? I’m not making any excuses. It’s just what I do.
You’re whispering.
I’m reading your lips. I think I can make it out.
“Be that as it may………..”
~ ~ ~
Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, femwin.com, www.nytimes.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.