grapplingstars.com, femcompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com fciwomenswrestling2.com articles, pexels.com-photo Quang-Anh-Ha-Nguyen
Blossom, expand, grow and exceed their potential can best describe the boom in Swedish Female Fitness Models and Body Builders.
Whatever is happening in Sweden, it seems to be a fertile environment for these beautiful girls to do well.
Swedish IFBB Woman’s Physique Competitor Johanna Indhage is a perfect example of that.
She is extremely impressive. While they last, here are two of her workout videos. Yummy.
She seems to have really blossomed.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise though.
There seems to be a consensus that in terms of opportunities, Sweden is one of the best places in the world to be a woman.
So much of that speaks to environment.
This has been observed regarding some of the greatest companies in the world.
At eremedia.com they evaluate, “The Googles and Zappos of the world have created talent factories, and the quality parts that are needed to sustain their innovation and growth are always there clamoring to get in. These companies have created an environment that is primed for growth for a long time to come.”
Let’s examine some points of views that answer the intriguing question; is Sweden the best place in the world to be a woman?
Has their environment created this positive culture?
The informative site sweden.se starts us off well. “The overarching principle is that everyone, regardless of gender, has the right to work and support themselves, to balance career and family life, and to live without the fear of abuse or violence.
Gender equality implies not only equal distribution between men and women in all domains of society. It is also about the qualitative aspects, ensuring that the knowledge and experience of both men and women are used to promote progress in all aspects of society.”
“Remember one thing – that Sweden is performing better than the rest of Europe.”… Goran Persson
On March of 2017 a group thelocal.se reported, “Sweden was ranked the best place in the world for women in a survey published on International Women’s Day. We asked foreigners how they feel their lives have changed since moving to Sweden.
Based on 9,000 respondents’ opinions and ranked among 80 countries, the US News & World Reports’ Best Countries survey put Sweden top in the Best Countries For Women category, as The Local reported.”
Compared to other European countries, Swedish women are most likely to close their gender pay gap first, according to a recent study by British tech site Expert Market based on Eurostat and OECD data.
Sweden is well-known for offering 480 days of parental leave per child which can be shared out between mothers and fathers with each parent entitled to at least three months on a use-it-or-lose-it program.
The global news and information source bbc.com adds, “In Sweden, society makes it possible for each and every one to earn his or her own living.
Well-built systems of child care and geriatric care, gender-neutral parental insurance, generous school opening hours and – not the least – individual taxation, have all contributed to this.
And yes, Sweden does have one of the highest employment rates in the world for women.”
While there is no perfection, Sweden seems to creating a fertile environment for women to grow and pursue their dreams.
The energetic site sofeminine.co.uk agrees, “Sweden has long been a pin up for women’s education and childcare support across the globe and is seen by many as one of the most equal societies in the world.
In 2000, Sweden, alongside its neighbor Finland, was named by the United Nations as one of the “exemplary countries” in terms of gender equality. This year it ranks fourth in the world for positions held by women in national parliament due to an unofficial quote system while 77% of the working population is women. According to the stats, women also generate nearly 60% of value from foreign trades.”
To further this discussion we have a visiting female writer sharing her thoughts and insights on this encouraging subject as well.
What’s the Best Country to Live in For Women?

By Payo W Perry
Well according to the most recent study it’s Sweden, in fact a report by the World Economic Forum found Sweden to be the most advanced country in terms of equality for women. This was in direct relation to the levels of power, health and general well-being for females.
In the same report the U.S ranked in 17th place with Costa Rica just below.
It’s said that Sweden has a pro-female culture and it’s helping women to achieve their dreams based solely upon their talents and strengths instead of their gender. The country itself has a population of 9 million and a political history of breaking new ground when it comes to women’s rights. For example it was the first to introduce a formal maternity-leave system and female politicians make up half of Sweden’s parliament.
These values start being taught right from kindergarten and in school subjects that are normally segregated elsewhere are compulsory for both sexes such as cooking, woodwork or sewing. Female students make up 60% of students in college and education is free.
With such a proactive education and viewpoint it’s no wonder that being male or female is not having the same impact in terms of progressing through a career as in many other countries.
It’s said that women don’t suffer the upset of having to choose between a traditional role of being a woman and that of having a successful career with a happy home life. Actually most men in Sweden don’t expect women to be at home and domesticated – Swedish men do more housework that anywhere else in the world averaging 24 hours each and every week!
Lastly sexual freedom for women in Sweden is far more liberal than in the U.S. Dating numerous men and having the same sexual freedoms normally reserved for men are part of normal culture in Sweden and widely accepted as normal.
The author has been writing quality articles for more than 3 years now. Click here to see his latest expert review on fishing rod cases and holders [http://www.fishingrodcases.org/]. His website also has lots of great information on building your own rod case [http://www.fishingrodcases.org/build_fishing_rod_case.html].
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Payo_W_Perry/259474
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3046823