Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com Andrea-Piacquadio-pexels.com-photo-credit.
February 20, 2021,
There seems to a checklist of activities we once could engage in (mask free), that we no longer can.
We’re talking about the basics here. Shopping, going to school, to work, family outings, outdoor sporting events and indoor as well.
What about dating?
Is that a luxury or a basic?

Well it depends on who you ask. We all need some loving. True?
We think so.
So what is going on in the post Covid dating world?
The team at nbcboston.com relates, “The Bumble social network has seen a rise in what it calls “slow dating,” where people take the time to get to know each other before deciding to meet in person.”
That makes sense even during normal times.
There are new terms on the horizon. Dr. Anthony Fauci, chief medical advisor to President Joe Biden is the icon of some new phrasing called “Fauci-ing”. As reported at deseret.com, “The term — coined by Plenty of Fish, a dating app — refers to cutting off or ghosting someone who does not take part in public health measures like social distancing or wearing masks, according to Mashable.”
Learn something new every day.
Pandemic or not, dating is something that will never go out of style and will always enjoy a high level of desire and popularity.
Television is a measure of that.
Remember the dating game?
The Dating Game is an American television game show that first aired on December 20, 1965 and was the first of many shows created and packaged by Chuck Barris from the 1960s through the 1980s.
Jim Lange hosted The Dating Game for its entire ABC network run and for the 1973 and 1978 syndicated editions.
Remember Chuck and the Gong Show. We loved it.
Anyway, ABC dropped the show on July 6, 1973, but it continued in syndication for another year (1973–1974) as The New Dating Game.
Dating is popular. The program was revived three additional times in syndication afterward.
In February 2021, it was reported that ABC and current distributor Sony Pictures Television would revive the show as The Celebrity Dating Game, with actress Zooey Deschanel and singer Michael Bolton as hosts.

Sounds intriguing? Let’s take a closer look.
As shared at ew.com, “ABC, seemingly drunk on game shows, is updating another blast from the TV past. The network has given a season order to The Celebrity Dating Game, a spin on the series that showcased normies looking for love in the 1960s and ’70s.”
Are there still any normies around? Is that why we need to watch celebrities date?
Eager bachelors and bachelorettes will wish for the attention of mystery celebrity guests.
We look forward to watching the show.
What about dating for those of us in everyday life? Where can we turn for expert advice and help on dating in the new world?
We have a suggestion. Please read on.
9 Dating Coaches to Know in 2021

News provided by
Feb 19, 2021, 23:01 ET
WASHINGTON, Feb. 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Dating in 2021 doesn’t have to be difficult! Check out this list of stellar dating coaches from Pagne PR.
Whether it’s a profile review or a coaching session, Ali’s clients gain insight to date with confidence. “What I never imagined was how much the women I coach would inspire me in my own life! I genuinely look forward to each client session and what I’ll learn that I can then pass on.”
April has an impressive 89% success rate in matchmaking. “I help successful singles bridge their career success with their personal success. The most intelligent people have the hardest time finding love because they have a success gene that keeps them in negative relationships.”
Asia knows the secret to great love is first loving yourself. “I get so excited when I see my clients fall madly in love with themselves and stop worrying about the dating scene! I believe it’s important to cultivate a deep relationship with yourself first before calling in a romantic partner.”
Brooke is all about rebooting your mindset, resetting your attitude, and refreshing your outlook. “Not only am I walking in my purpose, but I’m also giving women advice and solutions to their dating dilemmas and communication confusion. That part alone makes my heart smile!”
Elsa is a high-end dating coach, speaker, and author who helps high performers captivate the people they want to date. “The School of Modern Dating is the only program that combines high-achieving men and women in a setting where they can learn about each other from each other. And we are currently enrolling.”
Eunice works with successful strong women all over the world. “Dating during the pandemic has added complexity and challenges to an already nuanced field. I look forward to empowering women to make relationship choices that are aligned with who they are and what they need.”
Gabby helps singles finally find their person. “I want all hopeless romantics to realize they have what it takes to create an incredible relationship, even if it feels impossible. You have the strength to do difficult things, but you have to be willing to get past your fears and doubts.”
Katie has developed a three-step process to change the results of the dating game. “My clients gain confidence and learn to love themselves as they work towards becoming, then finding, a healthy partner. I want to help people become the CEO of their emotions and learn to love the skin they’re in.”
Kimmy helps high-achieving singles attract the love they deserve. “Singles thought the pandemic meant shutting down their dating lives. But this has been an impactful time because it’s caused people to slow down and focus on what they want. I look forward to helping people with their dating life by using virtual tools.”
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OPENING PHOTO: Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com Andrea-Piacquadio-pexels.com-photo-credit.