fcielitecompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, femcompetitior.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com Juliano-Astc-pexels.com-photo
February 27, 2022,
You may call it a group mentality.
That is a euphemism.
In reality it is more like a herd mentality.
Or a mob.
There is a reason why human beings step in line and do what more powerful individuals or groups tell them to do, even though they may not believe what they are being told or don’t desire to do it themselves.
But they will.
The great minds at psychologytoday.com educate, “Consider the concept of group polarization. The idea is that like minded people in a group reinforce one another’s viewpoints. Group polarization strengthens the opinions of each person in the group.”
We would like to delude ourselves that we think independently and more important, act independently, but as a general rule, human beings do not.
We follow the herd.
Why do you think so many young Americans have massive student loan debt, knowing that, with some of the majors they have chosen, they will mostly work at a coffee shop (to get medical coverage) and not get their moderate to high paying jobs for years.
Or ever.
Staying in that group think mindset, once they graduate and are fortunate enough to get their dream job, they will invariably add to their student loan debt with a car payment and if they find that special someone, a mortgage.
Simply put, as an adult, most of their lives they will be saddled with debt. Why?
Because they bought into herd think, that this is the only pathway to comprehensive happiest.
Some very young and extremely bright independent thinkers have figured out that they can think for themselves and if something is not working for millions, they are not going to step in line.
Emma Chamberlain appears to be one of them.

Emma Chamberlain is an American internet personality, specifically on YouTube.
She won the 2018 Streamy Award for Breakout Creator. Among her long list of awards, she also has been a recurring model for Louis Vuitton.
Most important statistic?
As of this writing, she has 11.2 million subscribers. 1.5 billion Views.
What will that translate into?
Millions of dollars in revenue.
We love watching Emma. She is actually extremely good as what she does. Emma has allowed viewers to see inside of her palatial home with breath-taking views of the sunny and extremely expensive Los Angeles area hills.
Guess what?
Emma decided not to go to college. Not a student loan in sight. She didn’t listen to or follow the herd.
Yes, there is a lesson there.
Which brings us to the limited television series, Inventing Anna.

Inventing Anna is an American drama streaming television miniseries created and produced by Shonda Rhimes, inspired by the New York magazine article “How Anna Delvey Tricked New York’s Party People” by Jessica Pressler. The series was released on Netflix on February 11, 2022.
At Netflix they educate us on the storyline, “Reporter Vivian Kent defies her editor to pursue the story of Anna Delvey, an alleged German heiress indicted for grand larceny and jailed without bail.”
From the sound of that brief summary, you would think that Ms. Kent is a heroine.
Trust us on this one. She isn’t.
The reviews are in from high media circles.
The herd. Respectfully speaking.
At CNN, the reviewer states, “Inventing Anna” transforms a juicy real-life drama about a con artist among the influencer crowd into a fairly inert limited series, in part by giving almost equal weight to the reporter who broke the story. Shonda Rhimes caught lightning in a bottle for Netflix with “Bridgerton,” but her latest creation is less likely to have tongues wagging.”
Wagging tongues? That sounded more like a scolding tongue.
The legendary Rolling Stone chided, “That difficulty clarifying the story unfortunately extends to Inventing Anna itself. Despite being created by juicy-TV mastermind Shonda Rhimes — her first created-by credit since bringing us Scandal almost a decade ago(*) — it’s an overly long muddle, never quite sure what it wants to say about its title character, or how to say it.”
Overly long and muddling?
Our response?
We didn’t think so.
Well, those in the know, in very intelligent circles think so. And you know what?
Other media outlets will read their reviews and follow right in step with the herd narrative that writer Shonda Rhimes now has a clunker on her resume.
But are they always right?
Here, we think not.
Why did we like the series so much?
It is because it was very revealing about human behavior.
Confirming, actually.
The female reporter who pursued Anna’s story and visited her in prison to get it, put her baby’s life, marriage and her own health at risk.
She would say that she was doing this to empower women and tell the story of how Anna smashed the old boy network, yada, yada, yada, but in reality, she finally admitted, she was doing this for her career. For better writing opportunities down the road. For fame and possibly fortune.
Same old selfish stuff.
Anna’s lawyer would initially have you believe that he was defending her for justice but eventually even he admitted that he was doing it to better his career. Along the way he put his family at risk and virtually abandoned them.
We could go on but we sense you are getting the picture.
The big question was how could a 25 year old fool so many people including prominent bankers and the New York elite?
Herd mentality.
They all wanted something from Anna. What it was depends upon who you talk to.
Her so called friend at Vanity Fair was one of the worst.
She would eventually file a police report on Anna for swindling her out of approximately $62,000 that she put on her business credit card to pay for their lavish hotel stay in Morocco with friends because Anna’s card didn’t work but the supposed German Heiress would later wire her the money to cover it.
Anna of course never did.
In the old days people would say the check is in the mail. Apparently now, it is being wired.
Why did the police not have sympathy for this distraught, annoying, superficial Vanity Fair maiden?
Anna did not force her to do anything.
She didn’t put a gun to her head.
The so called victim wanted to be Anna’s friend so bad that she was willing to do anything to hold on to it including violating an important company policy.
Let’s face it. How many other Heiresses did she have sipping wine in her cramped New York apartment? Clue?
Less than one.
The real commentary here is how so many bright and intelligent people were so desperate to be a part of a 25 year old German Heiress life?
Was Anna a liar and an effective con artist?
Yes, but she never forced anyone to do anything that they didn’t want to.
So, we are not going to follow the herd.
For a study in human nature, this is a fascinating series.
In all honestly, we wanted Anna to get off with a slap on the wrist.
Similar to the 1980’s classic film American Gigolo, the most attractive person in this yarn was the one who was supposed to be the most questionable.
In American Gigolo, Julian Kay, a male prostitute, was surround by pimps, adulterers, murderers, jealous detectives, corrupt politicians and the like who were supposedly part of the then Southern California elite.
In the end, you are rooting for Julian.
If you are going to watch Inventing Anna to seek out its flaws, like Anna’s strange accent or who should or should not be the main character (herd etc. etc.) or that writer Shonda Rhimes finally fumbled the ball, the you will not like it.
But if you take off your intellectual self-righteous glasses and focus on what the so-called New York elite were willing to sacrifice to be a part of an odd 25 year old’s life, you’ll be in for a very enlightening ride.
A ride that has been circling the earth since humans first organized into a herd.
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OPENING PHOTO fcielitecompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, femcompetitior.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com Juliano-Astc-pexels.com-photo