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March 14, 2020,
Times of crisis demands resiliency.
It is not optional.
As of this March 14, 2020 writing, the devastation that is resulting from the Coronavirus is massive and global.
We are all caught in a crisis.
Coronaviruses are a group of related viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds.
In humans, coronaviruses cause respiratory tract infections that are typically mild, such as some cases of the common cold.
Some rarer forms can be lethal, such as SARS, MERS, and COVID-19.
Symptoms vary in other species: in chickens, they cause an upper respiratory tract disease, while in cows and pigs they cause diarrhea.
Most important, there are yet to be vaccines or antiviral drugs to prevent or treat human coronavirus infections.
Whether you have been infected by the virus or know of someone who has, the need to be strong and resilient is paramount.

To be resilient is the ability to bounce back or recover to your original state before your issue of concern occurred.
Some even come back greater and stronger than you were before the crisis.
Resilience means knowing how to cope in spite of setbacks, or barriers, or limited resources. It is a measure of how much you want something and how much you are willing, and able, to overcome obstacles to get it.
How badly do you want it?

It has so much to do with your emotional strength.
We can learn much from great examples.
- P. J. Abdul Kalam was an aerospace scientist who served as the 11th President of India from 2002 to 2007.
He was born and raised in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu and studied physics and aerospace engineering.
Afterwards Mr. Kalam spent the next four decades as a scientist and science administrator, mainly at the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) and Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) and was intimately involved in India’s civilian space program and military missile development efforts.
He thus came to be known as the Missile Man of India for his work on the development of ballistic missile and launch vehicle technology.
He came to our attention because he was once quoted as expressing, “When we tackle obstacles, we find hidden reserves of courage and resilience we did not know we had. And it is only when we are faced with failure do we realize that these resources were always there within us. We only need to find them and move on with our lives.”
Very good advice.
We turn to the literary world for some more effective suggestions.
Resilience: The Science of Mastering Life’s Greatest Challenges 2nd Edition

by Steven M. Southwick (Author), Dennis S. Charney (Author)
“Most of us at some point in our lives will be struck by major traumas such as the sudden death of a loved one, a debilitating disease, assault, or a natural disaster. Resilience refers to the ability to ‘bounce back’ after encountering difficulty.
This book provides a guide to building emotional, mental and physical resilience by presenting ten factors to help anyone become more resilient to life’s challenges. Specific resilience factors such as facing fear, optimism, and social support are described through the experiences and personal reflections of highly resilient survivors.
These survivors also describe real-life methods for practicing and benefiting from the resilience factors.
As resilience is the complex product of genetic, psychological, biological, social, and spiritual factors, the authors investigate resilience from multiple scientific perspectives. They synthesize the latest literature on the topic, describe their own research on resilience, and quote from their interviews with highly resilient people.”
Very intriguing.
“Something called ‘the Oklahoma Standard’ became known throughout the world. It means resilience in the face of adversity. It means a strength and compassion that will not be defeated.”…Brad Henry
The professionals at Psychology Today have something else to add. They always do. “Psychologists have identified some of the factors that make a person resilient, such as a positive attitude, optimism, the ability to regulate emotions, and the ability to see failure as a form of helpful feedback. Research shows that optimism helps blunt the impact of stress on the mind and body in the wake of disturbing experiences.”
Good to know.
We always like to get a round table of ideas on the chosen subject matter and here with the current quality trait that citizens around the world need in this time of crisis, we have a visiting writer who would like to lean another helpful school of thought on resilience.
Please enjoy.
How To Become More Resilient

When you become more resilient, the ability to overcome adversity comes more quickly. Resilience often indicates the crucial difference between how you handle pressure or lose your cool. There is tremendous power in being resilient, persistent and determined. And all of it can be learned.
But how do you develop, acquire or intensify such qualities? How do you become more resilient? In what way can you somehow disregard the challenges in life, persevere and after all, be successful?
At first, you have to realize that resilient people tend to keep a more positive attitude and cope with pressure more efficiently. The individuals with great resilience are genuinely happy people but often have not such perfect lives. Their success and general happiness are frequently credited to their outlooks and habits which they have cultivated, and not to their circumstances.
Self-esteem also plays a significant role in handling stress or recovering from challenging events. It might explain why some people are more resilient, remain confident and optimistic in the face of illness, while others are depressed, unhappy and miserable despite abundance, wealth, and privilege.
So, the answer is how we deal with what happens to us. Life is challenging enough. So when things crumble, it is useful to have a set of tools to fall back upon. One of those tools is called resilience and is something you can learn and apply. Resilient people know the role they have in their own lives and understand their capacity to solve problems, even when they do not yet have a solution.
When life and death situation arises, what do the winners do that the losers do not? You too can learn how to become more resilient in life. No matter if you are going through a job loss, a hard occupation, or personal calamities, resilience can help. You have to become more confident in your ability to respond and deal with a crisis. It is an excellent way to build determination for the future.
Using Mental Pictures to Become More Resilient
Successful people are always dreaming big and using their imagination to create mental pictures.
It must not be misinterpreted as a bad thing. In fact, when dreaming big, it helps you become more efficient. These mental images are an ingredient of to become more resilient.
Although big visions expose resilient people to the risk of failure, they do something else that is very interesting. They motivate themselves and others to keep trying even when they have failed.
And all of these years, I thought I was wrong to get from one job to another in different fields. When in truth, I was part of the elite all along. Why? Well, successful people fail a lot, but they also try a lot. So, when things do not work out, they move on until an idea does work. Successful individuals, survivors, and great entrepreneurs have this trait in common.
As a result, crazy successful people, super athletes, and individuals who survive tough situations are all overconfident.
Becoming More Resilient Is Remaining Busy

As soon as things tend to go wrong, most people get scared, depressed or sad. They retreat and hide, by distracting themselves. And yes, it can suppress the emotions, but it does not get you out of the mess you are in.
To become more resilient, you should know that remaining busy not only gets you closer to your goals, but it is also the best way to stay calm. You can also tell that you are happier when you are busy or working. You are hustling, and that is good. But it is hard to keep that go-getting attitude when things are not going well, yet resilience is the key.
Being Resilient Is Getting and Giving Help
All resilient people know they cannot do it on their own. So they get help. But more precisely, they go to the right person. Getting help is a not a bad thing but a good thing. And yes, sometimes you are ashamed or embarrassed, so you do not ask. But do not let your pride get in the way.
What is exciting about becoming more resilient is that even in the worst times, you understand that giving help can benefit you. Studies show that people who give are very successful people and live longer. Helping someone else helps you rise above your fears. You are a rescuer, not a victim anymore.
In an emergency, resilient people rely on experts by calling the right person. While friends and family can be somewhat comforting, a resilient person makes intelligent choices as to which friend or which relative to rely on in any given circumstances.
Becoming More Resilient by Making It a Game

During feelings of safety, reward, and even feeling great, a structure in the brain called the striatum activates. Some drugs such as cocaine do set it off, but did you know that learning a new habit or skill, or the performance of structured actions and patterned activities do it also?
Even boring stuff can be fun and make you more resilient if you turn them into a game with small challenges and rewards. The best thing about it is that you can use this gaming system as a daily routine for problems. Can you better than yesterday? How many pushups can you make today?
Something all survivors have in common is to celebrate small wins. Resilient people take great joy from even their tiniest victories. It is a vital step if you want to create an enduring feeling of motivation and prevent the decline into despair. It also provides relief from stress.
Being More Resilient Is Having Good Habits
To become more resilient, you have to work on having good useful habits and replacing wasteful ones. Healthy habits do not take a toll on your willpower and determination as much as bad behaviors, and they will help you have more resilience.
How do you endure a loss, a shipwreck, a deserted island, an earthquake or being lost in the wild? You have to prepare for the future, even when you are in the middle of trouble. Wrong as well as bad training can be worse than no training. So, develop good habits and replace the bad ones. Expect the best but always be prepared for the worst.
Being Flexible Is Part of Becoming Resilient

All resilient people understand that failure is an essential stumbling block toward success. Extremely successful people often fail, over and over. They understand that they have to take risks and make mistakes to strive.
Having flexibility is a necessary part of becoming more resilient. By learning how to have more adaptability, you will be better equipped to respond as you face a life crisis or a predicament. While most people may be crushed by unexpected or unforeseen changes, highly resilient individuals can adapt and prosper.
Becoming More Resilient Is Controlling Emotions
When you are under stress, you cannot think straight. Any hasty decision rarely brings the best results. To be more resilient, you have to keep calm, gage and evaluate things logically so that you can make a plan and put it into action.
Particularly in emergencies or crises, resilient people, survivors, as well as successful people spend almost no time being troubled about things going wrong or getting upset about what is lost. So you can know that you are in trouble, but you still keep your cool no matter what.
Having More Resilience Is to Keep Going

Resilient people do not succumb to negativity per say. In stressful circumstances, they can retain some level of positivity and keep going. They do experience pain, loss, and suffering just like anyone else. But what makes them more resilient and circumstances different, is that they can let negativity alongside positive emotions such as gratitude, gladness, and joy.
Therefore, excellent problem-solving skills enable you to succeed better. People high in resilience do not give up immediately. They persevere, stay the course and keep going. Persistent individuals continue to find and try new ways to solve a problem until they find a solution for it.
A Closing Word on Becoming More Resilient
As you learn to become more resilient, you have to understand that when a threat or problem is handled, and once the dust has settled that your life can be even better than it was. So when your life is overwhelming, and you require resilience, keep in mind that waiting for a difficulty to go away on its own will only prolong the disaster.
Rather, begin to work on finding a way to resolve the issue directly. While there is no simple or quick solution, you can always take steps toward making your situation better and less stressful. You have to focus on the progress that you have achieved so far. Then plan you’re the following steps, instead of being discouraged by the quantity of work that still has to be done.
Focus on practicing some of the common traits resilient people have. Resilience takes time to build, so do not get disappointed if you struggle to manage challenging events. To live a full life, some amount of difficulty is necessary. Today, you can meet the challenges of life by becoming more resilient, and in the process, having more skills and style. It will only make you stronger!
Sergei VanBellinghen, Personal Growth & Success Expert, Founder of First-Class Lifestyle & SergeiVanBellinghen.com I help and teach people how to get a fresh start and have a brand-new style of living after a divorce, loss or if single. I do this by using self-development techniques to help you grow, succeed and have a better life. Remember, it’s not just about growing but also about ending the routine. It’s about the lifestyle of working less, living more and enjoying life! Find Out How! Visit my Website [http://sergeivanbellinghen.com] and come to discover how I can afford to stay home and travel anywhere I want.
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