fciwomenswrestling2.com Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com fcielitecompetitor.com Liza-Summer-pexels.com
July 12, 2023,
She feels that she has figured it out.
Seen behind the curtain.
Where the Wizard is supposed to be, and you know what?
He is not remotely who she thought he would be.
Which renders virtually all of this meaningless.
This thing we call life.
Rumblings from around the coffee shop in Northern California.
Misty was nursing her Frappuccino, looking off in the distance listening to the group’s conversation but not really involved in it.
Someone was talking about their sister having a child with all of the usual optimism that goes with it.
Misty, single, wasn’t buying it.
Misty isn’t a glass half-empty or half-full personality, seeing it as one or the other.
She feels the glass is both half-empty and half-full at the same time.
Empty of meaning.
Full of crap.
We looked at her to see if she would like to pine in? Why does she have such a grim outlook on life?
She smiled and asked “how much time do we have”?
She began.

The world isn’t just getting worse. It is far worse. It is now, not redeemable.
Start with the basics.
When children grow up today, who are they going to marry? Most have had 50 sexual partners by the time they are thirty. Do you think that makes the foundation for a good monogamous, long-term marriage?
Of course not.
Habits are extremely hard to break.
Staying on that subject, she feels that all of that pre-marital sex makes you cuckoo. All of the mind games, being rejected, being used up and thrown away, abortions and devaluing its meaning.
Say what you want, most children want to grow up with completely monogamous parents.
Mostly not going to happen.
She takes a sip of her Frap, then continues.
With the traditional family virtually gone, so many children are being raised with untested structures. Many of which don’t seem to be working. What this leads to, in her mind, is a generation after generation of amoral thinking people. They don’t care how they harm others and they have a very low moral compass.
We should interject that virtually all of our group used to be in an international religion.
Including Misty.
The operative words are “used to be”.
She continues.
This amoral thinking poisons everything.
Once these young people get into positions of leadership, so much is about doing things based upon image, not the right thing to do, based upon principle.
Therefore they often make important decisions based upon what is in it for them.
To the detriment of others.
Along those lines, Misty now chronicles her very real life experiences.
In the religion we were once a part of, she remembers how the leadership was so adamant about virtually all of their printed guidelines and admonitions. Even asking some members to risk their lives in third world countries, where there was no freedom of religion, to attend their religious gatherings.
Finally, based upon principle, when the leadership was tested, they clearly made a decision based upon money over principle.
It is one of the reasons why she left.
With a well-respected media group she worked for, twice she caught them lying in the sports pages. The girls’ varsity tennis standings for the city was a complete lie. Privately, the writer involved admitted he was just making it up. The other writers in the room laughed like a frat house saying women’s tennis was a lesser sport. Morally, they had no problem lying to the public.
Then when it came to Men’s Track and Field, the writer involved gave the Track and Field Athlete of the Year award to Teenager B, over Teenager A, who he didn’t like.
What were the stats?
Teen A finished with 29 first place finishes while Teen B finished with 9. Teen A was the home town kid, Teen B was from a market at least 40 minutes down the road.
What was most deplorable was that Teen A finished as the number one ranked senior in the entire state. Think of how ridiculous that was. The teen is the number one ranked senior in the state, but not the number one ranked senior in the city.
How do these people live with themselves?
Tell the management you say?
They knew but didn’t care.
The irony of course is that they were a media group often exposing the corruption of other non-media related organizations.
Go figure.
Then there was a governmental agency she caught telling at least four lies on Federal Documents, which by law is a felony. When she got to court, more than one Judge said they saw no felonies, even though the lies were in writing.
Misty sighed and looked at us. “Am I painting a clear picture for you?”
Is there more?
Of course there is.
In her work for us, she uncovered a supposed legitimate national agency who was doing business with sex-traffickers because they were making money.
Contact the police or FBI?
In her experience, they don’t do anything because they are incredibly corrupt themselves. It is not like television. The only thing that happens is if the sex-traffickers find out who you are, they will harm or murder you.
By the way, in her exposing those lies on Federal documents? Guess who represented the lying governmental agency in court?
The Department of Justice.
Painting a picture indeed.
She also experienced so-called family and friends who viciously turned on her for money. What they all did is just too horrible to mention it here. It would just take too long.
She finally cited the United Nations Refugee Agency that stated “117.2 million people will be forcibly displaced or stateless in 2023, according to UNHCR’s estimations.”
That statistic is staggering. Hard to comprehend.
How is it related to corruption?
Early on, in these civilizations that have now crumbled, people in leadership positions could have stopped the corrupt from gaining oxygen but instead, they put their own interests first, usually money, and the corrupt became so strong that at some point you can’t stop them.
You just need to leave.
Misty has now evolved into a person who doesn’t get involved or stand up for anything. She functions but she is not passionate about anything, as well.
So she listens to some of our friends and associates optimism and instead of commenting?
She sips her Frappuccino.
~ ~ ~
OPENING PHOTO Liza-Summer-pexels.com fciwomenswrestling2.com Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com fcielitecompetitor.com