grapplingstars.com, femcompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com fciwomenswrestling2.com articles, pexels.com-Artem-Beliaikin-photo-credit.
It’s easy to love all things Irish.
The Notre Dame University Fighting Irish football team has brought so many powerful memories to grid iron fans throughout the ages, we could never imagine college football without them.
Then there are those limericks. We have our favorites there as well.
These two are a little off the beaten path. Here goes, as found at thehypertexts.com.
There was a young lady named Bright
who traveled much faster than light.
She set out one day
in a relative way,
and came back the previous night.
A wonderful bird is the pelican;
His beak can hold more than his belican.
He can hold in his beak
Enough food for a week,
Though I’m damned if I know how the helican!
—Dixon Lanier Merritt
But of all things Irish that we love, almost as much as the great Lady Pro ring grapplers, are the beautiful Irish fitness girls.
Would you like to meet three of them? They’re gorgeous. Of course you do.
Hazel Wallace
She would like to meet you as well and if need be, help you with your fitness program. She warmly speaks at https://hazelwallace.co.uk/about/
“My name is Hazel Wallace, the girl behind The Food Medic. I am a UK based health and fitness blogger social media influencer, personal trainer and soon to be Doctor!
I graduated in 2012 from the University of South Wales with a first class degree in Medical Sciences (BSc). I then pursued a graduate degree in Medicine (MBBcH), of which I am in my final year and due to graduate in July 2016.
The Food Medic arose from my medical background and interest in nutrition and fitness. I set up The Food Medic blog in August 2013, in the hopes of using it as a platform to show people that eating healthy, or eating ‘clean’, can be enjoyable, uncomplicated and easy to incorporate into busy lifestyle – like that of a medical student!
In my recipes, and in my own dietary lifestyle, I try to use the most natural, unrefined and unprocessed wholefood ingredients. The purity of such foods not only nourishes your body physically, but emotionally and mentally. I want to help banish the myths around healthy eating and ‘diets’, and instead help to promote this way of eating as an everyday, healthy, nourishing way of life.
Over the past 2 years I have held a number of supper clubs, workshops, and social events, sharing my passion and knowledge for health and nutrition. I have featured in The Daily Mail ‘top ten fitness instagrammers’ and I have had a number of publications in magazines and newspapers including; HELLO!, The Evening Standard, and Stellar Magazine.
I am sponsored by MuscleFood and featured in their TV advertisement alongside sport stars Ricky Hatton and David Weir, and reality TV star Joel Corry
I’ve modelled in London Fashion Week Spring/Summer 2015 and Autumn/Winter 2015 for Charli Cohen. I’ve also modelled in shoots for Active In Style, Misfit, That Girl, and Charli Cohen.
In addition to brand endorsement, I have collaborated with the Natural Whey Company on a range of products. I have my own range of flavors with this company and I’m very heavily involved in their product development.
I hope you enjoy reading my blog and trying out my recipes!”
Thanks Hazel. We loved meeting you and plan on watching your updates.
Just casting your eyes upon Donna just once, it’s easy to fall in love with her beauty.
Her fitness skills out shine her glow, if that is at all possible.
Donna started training in 2004. Her first competition was a NABBA Ireland in 2013 where she sizzled.
Her best results are:
IFBB European Championships 2014 3rd place
MS.BIKINI IRELAND RIBBF 2013 Overall winner
RIBBF 2013 1st place
NABBA 2013 1st place
Congratulations are in store to Donna for being a SCITEC NUTRITION Sponsored Athlete.
Sophie Kavanagh
Sensuous and perfectly fit, Sophie would like to introduce her fitness life to you at https://sophiekavanagh.com/about/
Hi everyone,
I am Sophie Kavanagh, I am currently based in the incredible No.17 Personal Training, located on Dublin’s famous Merrion Square.
There is nothing in this world I love more than helping people become their most confident, in and out of the gym.
I was lucky enough to grow up with parents in the gym industry and in my early years I was aware of the importance of clean eating and the power you hold to physically change your mind and body through movement.
I have created this blog to pour out my thoughts on all things training, food and above all balance. The only extreme I preach is extreme balance, so in this I will deliver as much flavor and variety as possible.
People who really want to create a better life for themselves inspire me, they drive me to do what I do.
So this is here for you to stay connected with me in and outside of the gym. With a healthy body, healthy mind and focus for well-being, we have unlimited opportunity to become the most confident and powerful people we can be.
During her interview with the enjoyable site stellar.ie, when asked how long in her role as a Fitness Trainer could she see it taking to whip most of us into shape, she replied, “I think it’s absolutely possible to start seeing the benefits of quality training and food in a week, but I think we need to stop thinking about quick results and yoyo dieting and get into the mindset of longer and sustainable results. A healthier balance really guarantees long term success and you’ll actually stay in shape.”
A visit with stunning Irish girls would not be complete with a visit to historical Dublin.
Dublin is the capital and largest city of Ireland.
Dublin is in the province of Leinster on Ireland’s east coast, at the mouth of the River Liffey. The city has an urban area population of 1,273,069. The population of the Greater Dublin Area, as of 2011, was 1,801,040 persons.
Founded as a Viking settlement, the Kingdom of Dublin became Ireland’s principal city following the Norman invasion. The city expanded rapidly from the 17th century and was briefly the second largest city in the British Empire before the Acts of Union in 1800. Following the partition of Ireland in 1922, Dublin became the capital of the Irish Free State, later renamed Ireland.
The global travel experts at lonelyplanet.com are sweet on Dublin as well. They express. “To experience Dubliners at their most comfortable and convivial, you’ll have to spend some time in a pub. Dublin’s relationship with alcohol is complex and conflicted, but at its very best, a night out in the pub remains the city’s favorite social lubricant and one of the most memorable experiences of a visit to Ireland.
Dublin may be a small capital, but its cosmopolitan bone fides have been firmly established. Beyond its impressive collection of museums and galleries, and its choice of food from all four corners of the globe – in both restaurant and market form – this is a city that conspicuously embraces diversity and has been transformed by two decades of multiculturalism.”
We could say so much more about Dublin.
Her attributes are as beautiful and long as the legs on her sublime Fitness Models.
This time we want to take you outside the city limits. Don’t worry, our heart is in the right place.
Let’s go for a hike.
We certainly trust the official site visitdublin.com to get us there. They educate, “If you fancy a shorter and not-so-challenging walk, but still want to appreciate all the beauty and wonderful views of the city and the sea, take to the Dublin Mountains Way and start your trek in Shankill village. This trail brings you through the forests at Rathmichael Wood and Carrickgollgan Wood before leading you out to the Lead Mines. See the old Lead Mines Tower and take a trip down the orange marked path to enjoy the peace of Barnaslingan Woods before arriving at the stunning ‘Scalp’ viewing point.
While this trail may not be very long, it is certainly not short on wildlife. Keep an eye out for badgers, rabbits and birds and spot magnificent examples of trees including Noble Fir, Scot Pine, Birch and Larch. This trail also has its fair share of historical and interesting sites, with a megalithic Dolmen a standout feature.”
We see that you’ve put your hiking boots on, so you must be convinced.
If only we could conjure up a fancy limerick about our introduction to the beautiful Irish Fitness Girls, our brief visit to an Irish Pub and the serene walk in the mountains that has us refreshed.
What a view of Dublin.
Give us some time. We’ll come up with something grand. It’s worth the effort. Because after all…….
We love all things Irish.
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.