Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com Eric-Dekker-pexels.com-photo-credit-Editorial-use
July 10, 2024,
The sun has come up for another day and you know what?
There is a lot of information out there to sift through. Some of it good.
Much of it terrible.
The challenging thing is, myriads of people appear to be obsessed with all news and politics terrible.
Too bad. Very dangerous. It can lead to an unbalanced focus on self.
Social exclusion results in a perceived loss of meaningfulness in life.
Furthermore, the four needs for meaning (sense of purpose, efficacy, value and sense of positive self-worth) were found to be mediators in the perception of meaningfulness of life. When one considers themselves to be socially excluded, one’s sense of purpose, efficacy, value, and self-worth are all indirectly diminished.
What can help you withstand the barrage of horrible news and influences?
Having a higher purpose.
We didn’t say, having a purpose. We said having a higher purpose.
Let’s start with the basics.
At psychologytoday.com they raise an intriguing question, “How would you characterize the motivation that sustains you as you go about your everyday activities?”
Good question and sometimes, not an easy one to answer.
There is so much to sustaining daily life and that tends to be what motivates the average person. Going to work, shopping for needs, socializing with co-workers and friends, and so it goes.
Having a higher purpose goes beyond that.
Let’s look at some well-respected organizations that have a higher purpose.
At redcross.org they educate, “Our mission is more than words. We always aim to prevent and relieve suffering with every action. The Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides comfort to people affected by disasters; supplies about 40% of the nation’s blood; teaches skills that save lives; distributes international humanitarian aid; and supports veterans, military members and their families.”
Exceptional purpose.
They add that the Red Cross is not a government agency. The Red Cross is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to deliver its mission.
We love the Red Cross. One of our associates has donated quite often.
How about another.
The wonderful team at cancer.org inform, “The mission of the American Cancer Society is to improve the lives of people with cancer and their families through advocacy, research, and patient support, to ensure everyone has an opportunity to prevent, detect, treat, and survive cancer.”
What a noble cause.
Maybe one more.
The respected team at feedthehungry.org enlighten, “Feed The Hungry has delivered more than $500 million of food and supplies to hungry, hurting people in 92 nations around the globe. We also respond with emergency food and relief during disasters like Hurricane Ian, Ukraine war, and COVID-19 crisis.”
Amazing higher purpose.
Which brings us to you. What is your higher purpose in life? Do you have one?

When we get to sections like this, first, we like to share our own personal experience.
We have an associate who knows young people who are very well-off. They seem to think that having a beautiful home and making a lot of money is their purpose in life. Maybe they are right. What she does notice though is that they tend to get bored and engage in infidelity, don’t appear to care about anyone except themselves, only socialize with people in their wealthier circles and don’t appear to volunteer to help anyone.
Yes, it is extremely important to successfully take care of you and your family’s needs but in a world full of need, should people limit themselves to that?
The documentary Disaster Capitalism found at Prime Video reveals, “When international Aid meets business, where does the money injected really go and who really gains? A 5 years investigative journey traveling to Haiti, Afghanistan and Papua New Guinea which reveals the pitfalls of international aid money and uncovers the ramifications of disaster capitalism.”
We sensed this was going on but this explains it in such an easy to understand way that reaches you with impact.
The bright youthful minds at teenvogue.com provide some insight, “In the aftermath of the 2004 earthquake and tsunami that swept 100-foot waves across South Asia and took 230,000 lives, Klein noticed something peculiar amid the supposed reconstruction efforts. Many local farmers and residents had been forced to evacuate their homes because of the tsunami, but developers were seizing land to build resorts and other ventures.”
It appears it is human nature to be preoccupied with self but does that make the world a better or much worse place?
Keep thinking about what you can do to go beyond the self-need basics and move towards a higher purpose where you can improve the lives of others.
Why don’t we walk over to the bookstore.
Live Your Purpose: A Step by Step Guide on How to Live Your Best Life Paperback – October 9, 2020
By Rick Heyland (Author)
“Did you know that people with clear purpose are 32% happier? Do you know that people with clear purpose and goals are healthier and live longer? People with clear purpose and direction are also more successful in their careers.
Use the tools and skills you will learn in this book to achieve clear direction in life, to reduce anxiety about the future, and to be more successful and happy!
Only 18% of people accomplish all their goals. This book will teach you how to accomplish all your goals!!!
* This book will provide step by step details on how to map out your life for career success and life happiness.
It helps you make clear choices in Life! A clear plan for your life can help you overcome fear and anxiety!
Most books that talk about goals don’t teach you how to connect those goals to your daily activities and habits…..This book does!!!
This book will also show you a clear plan to develop purpose, goals and strategies to overcome setback and stress. Many people today suffer from anxiety and discouragement. This book teaches you how to set-up goals for your life and still live “present” and “in the moment”. How to live “striving” and “content”.”
Well stated.
Personal examples and expanded examples.
As often stated, 10 percent of life is what happens to us, 90 percent of life is how we respond to it. There is lots of news out there. Often terrible.
Having a defined higher purpose in life will help in responding to that information in a self-fulfilling way that helps you and others.
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OPENING PHOTO Eric-Dekker-pexels.com-photo-credit-Editorial-use Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com