fciwomenswrestling.com article, fightpulse.com photo
November 4, 2016 report.
Under the bright lights of global sports championships, the stars come out to watch.
It can be at the US Open, the grand stage of professional tennis or at the courtside of the former luminaries and super heroes of the NBA in the Los Angeles Lakers.
In our competitive female submission wrestling industry the best and the brightest of the Light Weight Fem Competitors of the Czech Republic will battle at Fight Pulse’s 2016 Championships.
Here is their tournament design description.
General information & release schedule

“8 competitors will be wrestling for the title of Fight Pulse Lightweight Wrestling Champion, this trophy, and prize money. The latter is awarded for the first 3 places. The prize money for the champion this year is five-fold the amount given to the winner of the 2015 championship.
The tournament will be in play-off style, starting with quarter-finals. The original 4 match-ups and the tournament chart will be presented with our first release of the championship, which will also include an introductory segment (video) with interviews with all wrestlers.
The matches will be held under the usual Fight Pulse pins & submissions rules. Each match will last 12 minutes, except the final match, which will last 15 minutes. If there’s a draw by the end of this time, 3 minutes of overtime will be added without stopping the action (5 extra minutes for the final match). The wrestlers will be informed verbally of overtime start. The first wrestler to achieve a pin or submission during the overtime will be declared the winner. If by the end of overtime the match is still a draw, the winner will be decided by 3 judges based on who was the more offensive and active wrestler of the two.”
This should be fun. There should stars and luminaries sitting at mat side.
Part of our fascination with Fight Pulse girls is that they seem to be a group of beautiful over achievers.
Ironically the gorgeous girl not on the card, Laila, is probably one of the greatest over achievers in their camp since she has taken on Amazon Anika….
Laila (right)

And curvy girl super star Lucrecia.

What turns beautiful girls into fighting over achievers?
Zoe, the tournament front runner

In an intriguing 2004 article in Psychology Today they share, “Performance psychologist John Eliot describes the characteristics found in overachievers. And timid or conservative behavior doesn’t enter the discussion. Many people, he says, are victims of the false-god syndrome. They think everything goes smoothly for others. They don’t realize that everyone else, including star performers, experience rejection and failure even on a daily basis. It’s not rejection that distinguishes achievers from non-achievers—it’s the way they handle failure.”
Another extremely important point that he entertains and relates is “Overachievers know when to stop working at their job and start playing at it.”
The girls at Fight Pulse have battled against the odds and are perhaps some of the most dynamic over-achievers in our global female submission grappling industry.
They also clearly love what they do.
If you are a female athlete who hopes to achieve better results on the mats or in another sport discipline, the following is an interesting viewpoint on how you can accomplish that very thing.
You too can transition into the life of a great achiever.
Please enjoy.
10 Dynamic Traits of Over-Achievers
Are you a successful over-achiever? Considerable research has been done about the characteristics that typify the successful business owner. Most experts who have studied the subject tend to agree that the most important single factor is an overpowering need to achieve. In other words, a person’s attitude seems to be the main determinant of success in business, more so than education, intelligence, physical attributes, or having a pleasing personality. The key characteristics that have been found to be part of the makeup of all successful over-achievers are:
- Powerful need to achieve — which should not be confused with a mere need to exercise power or be liked or admired; the way in which different entrepreneurs “keep score” in assessing their level of achievement varies, and may range from accumulating great wealth to creating a better mouse trap;
- Perseverance — the characteristic trait of following through on commitments and not abandoning objectives when difficulties are encountered;
- Positive mental attitude — the self-confidence in one’s abilities that allows a person to remain optimistic in new, unfamiliar and unexpectedly difficult situations;
- Objectivity — an ability to accurately assess the risks associated with a particular course of action, including a realistic understanding of one’s own capabilities and limitations. This includes being willing and able to abandon an ill-advised project without having ones’ ego get in the way.
- Foresight — the ability to anticipate developments and be proactive, rather than constantly having to react to problems after they arise;
- Well-developed personal relations skills — being cheerful and cooperative and able to easily get along with people, but often without being close to employees and associates;
- Strong communication skills — the ability to communicate well in written form and in making effective oral presentations, either one-on-one or before groups;
- Resourcefulness — an ability to solve one-of-a-kind problems in unique or creative ways, including the ability to handle problems for which you might not have had previous training or experience to call upon;
- Technical knowledge — broad and well-rounded technical knowledge and understanding, especially with regard to the nuts-and-bolts physical processes of producing goods and services
- A respectful attitude towards money — a tendency not to look upon it as an end in itself, but to view it as a means of making things happen and accomplishing business goals, or as a type of objective feedback from the outside world, which lets the entrepreneur know if is on the right track with the business.
So, there you have it…10 successful business traits. If you see yourself in this list, then we will be seeing you at the top!
Michael (Mike) Brassil is author of “The Only Business Start-Up Guide Your Will Ever Need.” Download two chapters — Starting a New Business and The Home Working Revolution — at: [http://www.ImpactGuide.com]
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Michael_Brassil/13104
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/71729