Filled with desperation, grief and self-pity, millions have pleaded and sobbed about wanting to change their lives, yet when presented with countless windows of opportunities to do so, they fail to take steps.
The usual suspects are often lacking: the development of a plan, self-sacrifice, cooperation, falling back upon old terrible habits, the willingness to take risks, sincerity, hard work and humility to name a few.
What is the main ingredient that is virtually always lacking?
It is not light that we need, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake.………Frederick Douglass
If you were fortunate enough to watch Pharra wrestle at Femwin’s April 2015 event, she demonstrated many qualities including courage, determination and sportsmanship yet the quality that surprised many due its coal hot intensity was her fire.

(Hint: As you read this, listen to Bruce Springsteen’s I’m On Fire)
At times it was frightening to watch.
She spewed, blasted, splattered, tossed and consumed like an angry forest fire melting everything in its path, energized by twister like Santa Ana winds.
Watching Pharra wrestle can fill you with many emotions including awe, excitement and eroticism.
Forest fires are entities that can fill you with mixed emotions as well.
From a distance they can be incredibly mesmerizing and beautiful, masking the terror and complete powerlessness that even professional Fire Fighters feel in their efforts to stop its feeding frenzy.
Sometimes you just have to let it burn itself out.
The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire.……….Ferdinand Foch
Pharra did just that.
She burned out.
Saturday she fought with fiery orange and yellow torches, shocking the Fem Competitors who had underestimated her due to her gorgeous shape, sensuous wild blonde hair and Soccer Mom beauty.
By Sunday, Pharra was done.
Her body couldn’t take anymore.
When you read the newspapers and scan online sources, it’s as though the United States in burning alive from forest fires.
On August 28, 2013, News.nationalgeographic.com reported the large wildfire burning in and around Yosemite National Park has already consumed more than 184,000 acres, and shows no signs of slowing down. The blaze, which has been dubbed “Rim Fire,” is now the largest fire in the Sierra Nevada mountain range and one of the largest in California’s history.
The Rim Fire is one of more than 30 blazes currently churning across the West. And a combination of higher temperatures, untamed underbrush, less rain, and more developments in the region means that the number and intensity of wildfires is likely to increase in the coming years, says Don Wuebbles, a professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Illinois.
“This probably is the new normal,” he says.
The numbers certainly back him up: Wildfires are roaring through twice as many acres per year on average in the U.S. than they were 40 years ago, U.S. Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell told the Senate in June, 2013.
The Huffingtonpost.com on September 28, 2013 added, just four weeks after the most intense day of California’s Rim Fire – when wind and extremely arid conditions created a conflagration that turned 30,000 acres of dense conifers and oaks into a moonscape – life is returning as the forest begins to repair itself.
States in the West have already seen temperatures jump. Over the past three decades, Arizona—which saw huge wildfires earlier this season—has seen its ten-year average temperature increase by 2.3ºF, compared to 1.6ºF for the entire U.S. And California—currently home to ten blazes—is experiencing the driest calendar year so far on record, says Christopher C. Burt, the author of Extreme Weather: A Guide and Record Book and the weather historian for Weather Underground.
As fuels increase and temperatures rise, the number of people moving to areas that border wild lands—a location called a WUI, short for wild land-urban interface—also continues to increase. The number of housing units within half a mile of a national forest, for instance, grew from 484,000 in 1940 to 1.8 million in 2000.
If you viewed Pharra’s first two matches with Femwin against Sablique and super star Skylar Renee, you knew she had potential, but so many Jane come lately profiles do, then soon afterwards you never see or hear from them again. What spark they initially had extinguishes.
Pharra is not that way.
Inside sources say she is in negotiations with Femwin to sign a fighting contract. We’ll keep you posted.
In speaking with Femcompetitor Magazine Pharra admitted her day was “kind of scary” and she was exhausted.
On one occasion her foot almost went through the wall and on another the match had to be temporarily halted due to her slamming her head on the mats.
The challenge now for Pharra as she goes forward is to balance that insatiable attractive energy with passion and self-control.
As fans, we love her intensity. We certainly prefer that to scripted chicken broth soup or the “let’s pace ourselves approach.” The difference is evident. Pharra absolutely delivered the goods.
If I’m gushing, please forgive me. Shall I continue without blushing?

She’s got a great personality and is a fantastic interview. Humble, down to earth, truthful and vibrant, it’s easy to be a hypnotized moth flying into her inescapable flame.
Self-control and balance is possible given her demeanor away from the mats where according to her, she has the skillsets to talk her way out of potentially volatile situations punctuating the thought with the expression that she is a lover and not a fighter.
She has been a fighter on the sports battlefield having played organized softball, volleyball and basketball.
Now she is a rising star in the global organized female submission wrestling world.
In his classic melody aptly named “I’m On Fire”, the legendary thought provoking musical magician Bruce Springsteen expressed “Sometimes it’s like someone took a knife, baby, edgy and dull, and cut a six-inch valley through the middle of my skull…….Oh-oh-oh, I’m on fire.”
Pharra had a visible mark above her lip and her beautiful thick blonde hair was wildly in constant motion.
Ladies and Gentleman?
Sound the alarm. There is smoke in the distance with menacing clouds swirling and rising. Cut the grass fields low, water the roof tops and set up a perimeter. Pharra’s in town and in the fully competitive female submission wrestling world, that can only mean thing…..
It’s fire season.
~ ~ ~
Sources : brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, www.i-women.org/women, www.pbs.org, www.npr.org, oaklandnorth.net, www.kqed.org, www.nu.edu, oaklandwiki.org, www.wwltv.com, www.usd116.org, wildfiretoday.com, www.wjla.com, news.nationalgeographic.com, www.bbc.co.uk, www.livescience.com, teebhabzie.wordpress.com, www.huffingtonpost.com, photos thanks courtesy Wikimedia Commons.
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