fciwomenswrestling.com article, enerskinamerica.com photo credit
Adequate support is beneficial in all aspects of life, especially in the areas that need shoring up the most like an injured knee while competing on the grappling battlefield.
We greatly admire the Fem Competitors who compete, sometimes under knee duress.
So just talking about being concerned is cheap so we searched the internet for a company that seems to be innovative in providing high tech knee support attire.
The knee just isn’t 100 percent. It’s hard to be out there when you know that you can’t play at your best and could potentially make it worse. Serena Williams
Lets meet them.

At enerskinamerica.com they explain how they can help. Enerskin Unisex Knee Sleeves help strengthen your knee, protect your knee, stabilize your knee, reduce knee swelling and inflammation, and recover quickereven from knee injuries such as a torn ACL, MCL, meniscus and patellar tendonwith patented silicone taping infused onto knee compression sleeves.
That is impressive.
We love their look.

They continue, At Enerskin, we are committed to removing the limitations that are keeping you back. These include spending lots of time taping your muscles and joints before every workout. Over time, buying tape gets really expensive, and the compression clothing you can buy doesnt always do the job. You do not have to settle for this anymore.
Our products are made with medical-grade silicone and high-tech Gastex. These two materials work together to provide varying strengths of support right where you need them. Extensive research and testing resulted in an elite design that is being embraced by both pro and amateur athletes around the world. And who wouldnt? You get the benefits of taping and compression at the same time from garments and wraps that are reusable.
Not only do we offer sleeves for your arms and legs, we also offer shirts and shorts. This means that no matter if you are preventing an injury or recovering from one, you can have support exactly where you need it. These garments can be worn over and over again, and their performance will not change with the weather.
Having a normal knee would make life a lot easier. Andy Murray
Obviously you would research and review their company before you make a purchase but we think you would agree that they seem to have a unique approach.
In our great female grappling industry, many wear knee sleeves for support during matches as shown here:


An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure so we are going to try and keep walking the walk in helping female athletes in general and female grapplers in particular by sharing articles on what you can do to help prevent serious knee injuries.
We have a guest female writer who has some exceptional suggestions so please read, enjoy and be safe.
Exercises and Workouts – Quick Tips To Help You Prevent Knee Injuries

Knee injuries are one of the most frustrating injuries you can suffer from because they will limit your performing so many different exercises. In addition, since you have two knees, the chances of injury are going to be significantly higher. You don’t always injure both at once so, in many cases, one knee will start hurting and just as it gets better, the other starts up.
Nothing is more frustrating than this situation.
Fortunately, you can help prevent knee injuries by taking a few smart steps. Let’s go over what you should know…
- Pay Attention To Where You Exercise. First, be sure you are paying attention to where you are exercising. The surface on which you are performing exercise will influence how much total impact is going to be placed on your knees.
For instance, repetitive jumping on concrete and asphalt in more likely to injure your joints than jumping on grass, so if skipping is in your workout, make sure you are on a grassy surface.
Avoid concrete at all costs and if you are someone who has suffered from knee pain before, you may want to consider adding more treadmill running than outdoor running. The treadmill will provide a more cushioned surface.
- Invest In Good Footwear. In addition to looking at the environment in which you run, also think about the footwear you are wearing. Is it still supportive? Does it have proper arch support for your foot build?
If neither of these is true, you need to be shopping for new shoes – pronto. Many people underestimate how much a good pair of cross-training shoes will help prevent not only knee pain, but other body pain as well.
Remember just because your footwear may look new, this doesn’t necessary mean it is performing like it should.
- Listen To Your Body. Also make sure you are listening to your body. If you are jumping rope or running and you start to feel pain, don’t ignore it. It’s there for a reason.
Learn when you can keep going or when you should stop the exercise immediately. If you learn to read your body, you can stop exercising before the pain becomes a full-blown injury.
- Lose Excess Weight. Finally, if you are currently carrying excess weight, consider losing some. Excess weight will only increase the total amount of stress being placed on your knees with each and every step you take, leading to a higher risk of injury.
Even 10 pounds lost (and never to be found again), can make a significant difference.
So there you have some key points to know and remember regarding knee pain. Take these steps and you hopefully your will never encounter it.
Although managing Type 2 diabetes can be very challenging, it is not a condition you must just live with. Make simple changes to your daily routine – include exercise to help lower both your blood sugar levels and your weight.
For nearly 25 years Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to http://DrugFreeType2Diabetes.com to learn about some of those secrets.
The answer isn’t in the endless volumes of available information but in yourself.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Beverleigh_H_Piepers/123142
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9111470