Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com -NIL-Girls-wrestling-Editorial-credit-Vladimir-Vasiltvich-Shutterstock.com
December 1, 2021,
The competition is getting better, so you had better as well.
If you are a female grappler in high school or college, you already know this.
Especially given the variety in body styles that compete against one another.

The team at an.athletenetwork.com educates, “Trying to stereotype a female wrestler’s body as only short and stocky will only give you a narrow view of our sport. Wrestling is one of the few sports where you use your body type as a way to get the advantage over your opponent. Tall wrestle short, skinny wrestle stocky. As long as they are the same weight, you must learn how to wrestle whatever your opponent looks like.”
Given the growth of girls grappling, you will have plenty of choices.
As posted by nwhof.org, “In 1990, there were 112 girls who participated in high school wrestling. For 27 straight years, girls high school wrestling has grown. In many of those years, the percentage of growth was 10% or more. As of the 2017-18 season, there are six high school state associations which have officially sanctioned state high school championships for girls. The states with girls wrestling, with the year of their sanction, are Alaska (2014), California (2011), Hawaii (1998), Tennessee (2015), Texas (1999) and Washington (2007).”
What can help a female grappler perform better?
Strength training.
In particular, Isometrics.

An isometric exercise is a form of exercise involving the static contraction of a muscle without any visible movement in the angle of the joint. The term “isometric” combines the Greek words isos (equal) and –metria (measuring), meaning that in these exercises the length of the muscle and the angle of the joint do not change, though contraction strength may be varied.
This is in contrast to isotonic contractions, in which the contraction strength does not change, though the muscle length and joint angle do.
The three main types of isometric exercise are isometric presses, pulls, and holds. They may be included in a strength training regime in order to improve the body’s ability to apply power from a static position or, in the case of isometric holds, improve the body’s ability to maintain a position for a period of time. Considered as an action, isometric presses are also of fundamental importance to the body’s ability to prepare itself to perform immediately subsequent power movements. Such preparation is also known as isometric preload.
The isometric preloading of muscles is instinctively performed in order to generate power to be used in subsequent dynamic movements: a fundamental element of this muscular preloading is the performance of an isometric press action. An everyday example is a person getting up off a chair.
Speaking to Isometrics and enhancement, the team at products.activbody.com relate, “Isometric exercises are proven to help build muscle, strength, balance and range of motion. Other isometric exercise benefits include stress reduction, improved mental health, assistance with yoga exercises and injury avoidance.”
Good to know.
Female Grapplers? The competition is heating up and we’re sure your coaches have stellar ideas on how to improve your strength but a little extra effort on your own part can be beneficial as well.

Think Isometrics.
We have a visiting writer with further thoughts.
Isometric Exercises – Everything You Need To Know

By Trevor Wicks
Resistance training is the key to decreasing body fat, increasing bone density and developing lean, healthy muscles. But in order to maximize your results with resistance training, it’s important to mix things up; otherwise you will hit a plateau and stop making gains. To avoid this, you should incorporate a form of resistance training called isometrics, which allow you to really challenge your muscles and make gains, without any movement. In fact, you can perform isometrics pretty much anywhere, whether you’re in the gym, sitting at your desk or driving home from work.
What are Isometrics?
Isometrics are a form of resistance training that involves static muscle contractions. In other words, the muscle does not lengthen or shorten. For example, one isometric exercise is to hold a dumbbell in each hand while bending your elbows at a 90 degree angle and holding that same position for 60 seconds. Even though you aren’t actively moving, your muscles are still being engaged.
Benefits of Isometrics

There are many benefits to isometrics but one of the most important is that they don’t require expensive equipment, gym memberships or large amounts of space in your home. In fact, many isometric exercises can be performed using only your body weight, such as planks and squats.
Isometric Training Basics
One of the key things to remember when adding isometrics to your training regime is that the muscle gains you make are going to be joint specific. In other words, using the previous example, if you only train a group of muscles at 90 degrees, then any benefits you gain are going to be limited to that angle only. That’s why it’s important to use isometric exercises that train your muscles at a variety of angles, not just 90 degrees, such as 20, 40 and 60 degrees.
To develop your own isometric exercises, simply decide what muscle group you want to target, choose a challenging weight and then determine what angle you want to train at. Then lift your weight to that angle and hold it for three to ten seconds before releasing – that’s one repetition. You’ll want to perform anywhere from 5 to 10 repetitions for each exercise, five days a week. And don’t forget to vary the angles!
Dangers of Isometric Training
While isometric training is very effective, it can be dangerous if you don’t train properly. If you suffer from any cardiovascular problems or have high blood pressure, then you will definitely want to consult your physician first before doing isometrics. Why? Because isometrics are static, which means we tend to hold our breath during the exercise. This causes an increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressure because of a reduction in venous return to the heart. To avoid this, you need to be sure that you always breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth during the entire muscle contraction rather than holding your breath.
With isometric exercise you can add variety to your workouts to keep your progress from getting stalled. By mixing up your training routines using isometrics, you can accelerate your fitness program and increase your ability to develop healthy, lean muscle. Article Source:
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5102039
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OPENING PHOTOS Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com -NIL-Girls-wrestling-Editorial-credit-Vladimir-Vasiltvich-Shutterstock.com