fciwomenswrestling.com article, Wikimedia photo
It’s been said the real life is stranger than fiction. I suppose we can add sometimes rougher and meaner too.
I know someone who used to brag about how he could get by on only 3-4 hours of sleep every night and still function well the next day.
It’s wonderful to be young.
He was super busy, involved in many activities and viewed life as very short and you had to cram in as many important activities and achieve as many goals as possible.
That sounds plausible.
Then he began to notice bouts of strong inflammation in one of his internal organs. The doctors for several years tried to name the source of his problem which could eventually disable him. They couldn’t with any certainty.
During the same time period many drastic changes occurred in his life that forced him to shed and in the process begin to have more time for sleep.
His inflammation subsided.
Getting a good night’s sleep won’t grant you immunity from disease. But study after study has found a link between insufficient sleep and some serious health problems, such as heart disease, heart attacks, diabetes, and obesity.
In most cases, the health risks from sleep loss only become serious after years. That might not always be true, however. One study simulated the effects of the disturbed sleep patterns of shift workers on 10 young healthy adults. After a mere four days, three of them had blood glucose levels that qualified as pre-diabetic.
The very informative site better-sleep-better-life.com has some thoughts on the subject as well. They share that the benefits of sleep impact nearly every area of daily life. While it may be obvious that sleep is beneficial, most people don’t realize how much sleep they need and why it is so important.
According to the Division of Sleep Medicine at Harvard Medical School, your body manages and requires sleep in much the same way that it regulates the need for eating, drinking, and breathing.
Extensive research has been done on the effects of sleep. These studies consistently show that sleep plays a vital role in promoting physical health, longevity, and emotional well-being.
Studies show that people who get the appropriate amount of sleep on a regular basis tend to live longer, healthier lives than those who sleep too few or even too many hours each night. This underscores the importance of making sleep a top priority.
If you have trouble falling asleep, we searched for an author, in this case Dathan Hinrichs who provides tips on how to sleep better and get there faster.
Everyone needs their sleep. Good sleep reduces stress, recharges and repairs your body, makes you more alert, and just makes you feel good. For most people an average of seven to nine hours on sleep is fine, but everyone is different, some need more and some need less. If you are having troubles falling asleep or just getting a good night’s sleep it can have negative effects on your daily life.
There are many things you can do to help yourself fall asleep faster, and stay asleep. Your daily routine makes a big difference in your quality and quantity of sleep.
First, make sure your bedroom is conducive to a good night’s sleep.
1. Keep the bedroom quiet. You may need to use something to mask the noise like a fan, a CD of your favorite soothing sounds, soft music, or just white noise. Make sure your bedroom is dark. Use dark heavy curtains or wear an eye mask if needed.
2. Keep your bedroom cool. Most people sleep the best when the temperature is around sixty five degrees Fahrenheit.
3. Make sure you’re comfortable in your bed. You may need to try soft, firm, and in between mattresses to see which one is best for you. An adjustable bed that can change the firmness may also be an option. A memory foam mattress topper might also work for you. Try out some of the many different pillows that are now available.
4. Use your bed as a bed. Use it for sleeping, don’t use it to watch television, work on the computer, or do other things in bed that it’s not intended for. By doing this you can teach your brain that when you’re going to bed, you’re going there to sleep and nothing else.
5. Set up a schedule for yourself. Set a specific bedtime and time to get up in the morning. Start by picking a bedtime that you think is appropriate, and go to bed at that time. In the same way, wake up in the morning at the same time. If you still feel tired in the morning or throughout the day you may need to set your bedtime a little earlier. Although, if at your bedtime you are lying in bed and not falling asleep you may need to extend your bedtime. By experimenting with these times you will find a plan that works for you.
After you have found your optimal sleep times, you need to stick with them. Go to sleep and get up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This will get your body into a sleep routine. If you do stay up too late on a weekend, still get up at the same time the next morning. You can catch up on sleep the next day by taking a short thirty minute nap in the afternoon. Make sure you take your nap before five PM or don’t take it at all. Napping too late in the day will make it hard to fall asleep at bedtime.
To help fall asleep quickly exercise during the day, but not too close to your bedtime. Stay active after you have eaten dinner, if you find yourself getting sleepy after your meal. Falling asleep too early will have you waking up in the middle of the night. Even just napping after dinner will give you problems at bedtime.
Don’t eat or drink two hours before going to bed, especially rich foods, alcohol, and caffeine. Eating makes your body work to digest the food while you are trying to calm down and go to sleep. Drinking too late may have you up during the night to go to the bathroom. Relax before going to bed. Try relaxing techniques you may find online or in books. Take a hot bath and release your stress. Visualize a peaceful place, and put yourself there. Use deep breathing exercises also found in books or online.
Once you get to bed, find your peaceful place and relax. Don’t think about what happened that day or focus on what needs done tomorrow. Don’t watch television in bed, it stimulates your brain and has noisy commercials and constant flickering light. Don’t worry about getting to sleep, what time it is, or how much time you have until you have to wake up. Just relax and soon you should be sleeping.
If you’re still having trouble getting to sleep or you’re waking up in the middle of the night remember to think about relaxing in your peaceful place and try some deep breathing. Give yourself some time in bed. If after twenty minutes you’re still not sleeping, get out of bed and do a quiet activity, drink a warm glass of milk (this actually does help soothe your nervous system), drink some hot herb tea, or do your relaxation techniques.
Overall, don’t give up. Stick with it and follow through with your bedtime routine. Keep with your routine and you will be falling asleep more quickly, sleeping through the night, and waking up in the morning refreshed. Don’t quit, you may be surprised at how much better you will feel when you start getting a good night’s sleep every night.
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Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.
Dathan Hinrichs wrote much of this article and can provide more information on good sleep habits.
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