fciwomenswrestling.com article, https://femcompetitor.com photo
She’s more beautiful in person than her photo is an over-used compliment but you know what? Sometimes, like in the case of Kymberly Jane, it’s actually true. She is far more gorgeous in person than her photos as I found out when I covered a wrestling shoot in Canoga Park.

Having said that, it’s understandable why extremely good looking people want to take advantage of their great looks especially while they’re young, but physically attractive or not, what kind of person is obsessed with being famous, or to use a euphemism, addicted to stardom?
You do realize scientific studies speak to this modern phenomenon and if they were sitting down with you at a table and having a spot of tea and some ginger snaps, what would they say?
According to http://blogs.scientificamerican.com, in 2012, a study found that a desire for fame solely for the sake of being famous was the most popular future goal among a group of 10-12 year olds, overshadowing hopes for financial success, achievement, and a sense of community.
It begs the question, why do so many want to be famous?
Here is a breakdown of some of the reasons.
The study cited:
- Intensity
- Vulnerability – It would help to overcome issues about self.
- Celebrity Life – The desire to be rich.
- Drive
- Perceived Suitability
- Altruism – Contribute to society (Probably not anonymously).
The most prominent drive seems to emanate from the desire to be seen and valued as the main reason why many chase fame.
Let’s now look at it from a psychological stand point.
The respected news sources http://www.nytimes.com sheds light from another perspective. People with an overriding desire to be widely known to strangers are different from those who primarily covet wealth and influence. Their fame-seeking behavior appears rooted in a desire for social acceptance, a longing for the existential reassurance promised by wide renown.
It appears these desires can become more important as one becomes older and the opportunity to achieve fame begins to dwindle.
Orville Gilbert Brim, a psychologist who is completing a book called “The Fame Motive” had gathered data and analyzed this subject. His credentials show a long and distinguished career. He is the former director of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Successful Midlife Development, former president of the Foundation for Child Development, former president of the Russell Sage Foundation, and author and coauthor of more than a dozen books about human development, intelligence, ambition, and personality.
The sound educational site http://www.press.umich.edu expresses the book, “Look at Me! examines the desire to be famous in people of all ages, backgrounds, and social status and how succeeding or failing affects their lives and their personalities. It explores the implications of the pursuit of fame throughout a person’s lifetime, covering the nature of the desire; fame, money, and power; the sources of fame; how people find a path to fame; the kinds of recognition sought; creating an audience; making fame last; and the resulting, often damaged, life of the fame-seeker.”
As a former coach in the elite high school sports, my own observations are consistent with the above but my life experience and research views it from another angle as well. One thing that surprised me about those who are driven to be number one is that the motivations are often driven by extremely low self-esteem.
Yes the operative word is “extremely”.
Being pretty good is not good enough. They have to be better than everyone else and more importantly get recognized by it. I had always assumed the opposite, thinking that people with high self-esteem simply have the frame of mind that if you’re going to do something, do it well, be the best you can be and the like but research seems to indicate that’s not actually true.
I’ve also felt that fame is often the by-product of creative people and risk takers. If you are willing to put yourself out there, put the gas to the floor and attempt to achieve goals that others who play it safe are not willing to, then you desire the adoration and fame that goes with it.

I can remember when my athletes were at the top of their game and the city or state standings, whether it was at the bank or on the street, average citizens would recognize and give me credit as well. Naturally that made me feel great. When the stars graduated and moved on to college and I had to go back to my ordinary and categorically disappointing life, it surprised me how deeply, deeply depressed I felt.
It’s an absolutely what have you done for me lately industry. Once you are out of the limelight, it’s like you never existed.
The site http://evolutioncounseling.com that focuses on the thinking of the Psychoanalysis by Michael Schreiner on September 26, 2014 seems to hit the nail on the head.
His summary appears to indicate that narcissistic individuals were that way before they become famous. That is the very thing that propelled then to seek out fame.
He explains, “To understand our contention it’s necessary to clear up a common misconception about narcissism. Most people believe that narcissists love themselves too much, but in actuality they love themselves too little. It’s the hole where self-love should be that causes narcissistic behavior – the preening, the constant need for attention and approval, the self-centeredness – it’s a global strategy to try to fill up that hole.
The desire for fame is at bottom the need for validation, to prove self-worth by becoming worthy in the eyes of others. Obviously all of us want to be liked, to be appreciated, to be accepted, to be validated, but what separates ‘healthy’ people from narcissists is that healthy people don’t feel that same inner compulsion to go out and seek validation because they already have it from themselves.”

This is just a brief sampling of this fascinating subject.
The contents on this subject could fill books and have.
One of the reasons Female Competition International doesn’t display the writer’s name on the articles is because our mission is not to make writers famous; it’s to bring women’s wrestling into the new social media world where like other female sports, female grappling becomes more of a female driven sport as opposed to strictly a male pleasure product which we are certain will never be accepted by main stream society or corporate advertisers.
So, if you are a female wrestler who hopes to one day become famous, we hope you do as well and FCI is going to do everything in its power to promote you. Making more money is a wonderful perk among the other benefits.
Still, it’s good to know that if this drive for fame is a constant dream of yours or mine, at least we know what may be the underlying motivation as to why, which gives us an opportunity to pursue it anyway with our eyes wide open or re-think our strategy.
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Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
http://blogs.scientificamerican.com, http://www.nytimes.com, http://www.press.umich.edu, http://evolutioncounseling.com.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.