fciwomenswrestling.com article, Wikimedia photo
Every January provides us with a chance to set new goals, try new things and in our dynamic female wrestling industry; be on the watch for new girls bursting onto the scene. 2015 promises to deliver in a large way.
The list of newer girls who are ready to throw down and hit the mats is as long as a New Year’s wish list so we circled the globe in search of new and exciting talent and would like to showcase a few names for you.
Hmm, where should we start?
I love the Pacific Ocean, so let’s start there. Our initial travel takes us to the San Francisco East Bay Area for a petite cutie that I had the privilege of meeting at a San Jose shoot and watched her wrestle live. She has made such a splash that you may have already heard of her, but if not, you will. Thus far she keeps winning one match after another.
Meet Ingrid. (https://femcompetitor.com/?p=1320 Ingrid, A New Wrestler Who Represents The New Oakland)

What I liked most about watching Ingrid wrestle, even against a veteran is that she is relentless and stays in the fight. She also employs a very important sports axiom. Keep using something that is effective over and over until your opponent learns how to stop it. Ingrid loves the choke hold and many have trouble escaping. Keep an eye out for this Oakland cutie.
Time to head down the coast and visit our fearless leader in Tinsel Town, Robin of lesfemmesfatales.com. When Robin speaks, we listen. In terms of a new girl to come out of her stable here is what the Sitting President of the women’s wrestling industry in Southern California has to say.
“Melissa is a beautiful, sexy, energetic woman and is an exciting addition to LesFemmesFatales roster!!! Contact us as to her availability and don’t miss out on this fabulous lady!!!” ( www.lesfemmesfatales.com/ )
I have ordered Robin’s products before and have always been more than satisfied. Watching her stable of wrestlers has always been a treat. Let’s keep an eye out for Melissa otherwise Robin will talk to you on the Red Phone.
Once, in response to Senator Hilary Clinton’s campaign ads, even though former President George W. Bush was quoted as saying he lets the Red Phone go to voice mail, my mole at LesFemmesFatales tells me whether in a Baby Doll or Singlet, Robin always answers.
You heard it said before and it’s time to say it again. Nevada is a great state!
I love Nevada in part because they make no pretense of understanding human nature and facilitate what is hidden and suppressed to come to the surface with creative vibrancy.
When I attended Femwin’s fantastic June 2014 event in Las Vegas, I met this sweet babe who wrestled long time star Samantha Grace and I thought, I hope that this sweet heart sticks around. She is full of energy and willing to take risks, like wrestling super tough and super strong Skylar Rene.
Meet Diana (https://femcompetitor.com/?p=630 Nicole – A New Submission Wrestler With Unexpected Excitement!)
Sexy Diana (right)

Yes I know we called her Nicole because so many submission wrestlers and models go by many names like Daisy Ducati, aka Nikki Lux. So Diana it is, since she appears to continue to work with Femwin under that name.
What I loved about watching Diana is that she is always cheerful and has a way of making everyone around her feel great. I enjoyed her so much that I had a session with her as well and I hope that she begins to list herself at the various session sites because I can truthfully say that her customer service is top notch. Watch for future Femwin events in Nevada. She is most likely to be there.
Let’s head to the airport and fly east.
Well this newbie cutie hangs out with one of the most beautiful Canadian women to have ever graced the feminine wrestling mats. Her Canadian mentor is a walking conglomerate and to our delight keeps introducing new female wrestlers to our community. Mutiny is at it again and she is happy to present, Dayana!
This young 22 year old has a shape so sexy it could buckle the US-Canadian border. Shake it but don’t break it. Let’s listen in on this saucy Canadian Bacon.
“I’ve been wrestling pro style for a year now (started in 2012) and I started to wrestle for Mutiny Wrestling in December 2012.” www.mutinywrestling.com/
Her favorite holds are all pro wrestling moves, power moves, X-Factors, power bombs, flying head scissors, choke slams and chokeholds.
Anyone know a good chiropractor?
It’s time to cross the pond.
There’s nothing like a beautiful, sexy UK Kitty that will give you a stiff…………upper lip. When I saw this sensuous wrestler, I thought it’s time to sit down and have some tea and biscuits.
Lisa King is her name and this British Princess may soon be queen. Here is what she has to say to her royal Court. “I wrestle regularly in Manchester and will be visiting London and Birmingham. I wrestle up to semi-competitive level.” In her female vs female matches she wrestles to a pin. Our English Maiden is also accomplished in Pro Style wrestling as well.
Let’s stay in England and on the count of three, sing a song we are all familiar with. Ready?
Baaaaaby Face. You’ve got the cutest little baby face!
Straight out of industry leader Wrestling Monica’s Studios comes a British School Girl sweet heart named Baby Face. Let’s see what her team has to say about her.
“Meet Baby Face! She’s strong, fast and one of those girls who’s simply a natural at wrestling. This exotic amazon will take you on for semi-competitive sessions, as well as domination, role play, pins and face sitting.” (wrestlingmonica.com/)
She’s not super new, just super! She also may be new to you. I love this British Girlie named Natalie at TC Wrestling. She is the girl next door who tries hard and win or lose, looks sexy doing it. I wish I could do her……………..justice with an appropriate interview.
Well, I’ve had so much fun but now it’s time to go back to my hotel in London and watch Justice wrestle in hot pants (https://femcompetitor.com/?p=2505 Justice LWS Wrestler, If Loving Her Is Wrong……) She not a newbie but I always get excited when I watch her, just like its 1989.
One of the world’s greatest entertainers, Mr. Walt Disney was quoted as saying, “We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”
The female wrestling industry continues to be on the road to expansion and excitement, one new female wrestler at a time. 2015 promises to continue down that sensuous pathway.
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Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, www.mutinywrestling.com/ https://femcompetitor.com, www.lesfemmesfatales.com/ photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.