fciwomenswrestling.com article, https://femcompetitor.com photo
They are all strategically seated in the conference room, positioned by title, and you have only one chance to make an impression.
Your product can be the best new innovation on the market and your idea stellar but what is the key to you winning them over?
Your high energy pitch.

No matter the industry, when you want to make an impression, doing it with high energy is essential.
Our great global female grappling industry is filled with competitors, newer or veteran who display very high energy when it comes to the mat wars.
Let’s travel across around the world to verify.

Please don’t let the name fool you because Cat Wily is a curvy girl to take seriously on the mats.
The producers at Doommaidens speak to that. “Playful, energetic, and dominant, newcomer Cat Wily brings charisma and spunk to the mat – with a mean streak to boot! Proud of her assets, Cat Wily revels in utilizing her voluptuous size to smash, crush, suffocate, and humiliate her opponents.”
Her matches at VeVe Lane’s stadium speak to that.
We purchased a number of her high energy affairs. In this one verses Sweetie Dreams (not her real name right?), Cat is on high energy alert.
“Heavy-weight wrestlers Cat Wily and Sweetie Dreams collide on the mats for this fully competitive submission wrestling match-up! Not only was this the opening match of our October 2016 Live Filming Event, but it’s the first official clash between Cat and Sweetie.
Though both Cat and Sweetie have been training for about the same amount of time, Cat has a weight advantage and has had more competitive wrestling experience. On top of that, Cat is also a tough and tenacious competitor with a mean streak and very dominant personality. Sweetie comes in as a fresh-faced newcomer, ready to give it her all and fight her best. But taking on Cat Wily is no easy feat…
And it is a definite uphill battle for Sweetie as she’s driven into absolute exhaustion trying to ward off the indomitable Cat Wily. Heavy on the offensive, Cat completely overwhelms Sweetie, attacking relentlessly with breast smothers, hand smothers, body pressure, headlocks, chokes, arm attacks, and crushing pins. Sweetie’s efforts to hang in are commendable, but she winds up completely out-matched here. Cat most certainly enjoys her dominance, and she doesn’t let up on Sweetie at all.”

Daisy Ducati is a fighter who demonstrates high energy on the mats every single time, including when she took on Great Britain’s Minxy Li.
The San Francisco Grappling Stars producers always admire Daisy’s high energy efforts. “Daisy has evolved into a champion in her own right scoring big victories at other wrestling companies. Here she faces UK star Minxy Li who comes in as the favorite. Will Daisy upset Minxy or will Minxy show why she often reigns in the British Empire. Two sexy girls in bikinis go at it where the outcome is in doubt.”
Another high energy intense match at Grappling Stars is Olivia D’Angelo vs Kait Snow.

Here is the accounting. “Sometimes we show others outside of our circle previews of our matches and when someone saw this they honestly expressed, “Wow, they are really going at it.” Very true. That’s Olivia vs Kait for you. They blossomed into strong rivals, so bad that at another event, the producer decided not to match them up, even though Olivia requested it. . Here they are matched up and things get so intense at one point we have to briefly stop the match due to injury. It’s not like they don’t like each other, there is just a pecking order to be established. They are both young, incredibly sexy, shapely gorgeous with lots of butter. If you love two young curvy girls in bathing suits battling it out, this is perfect.”
We love all things Laila.

She has taken on larger opponents like Lucrecia and Anika and lived to tell about it. During all of her matches she bursts with high energy.
This is the case with Xena as well. Here is the blow by blow from the great producers at Fight Pulse. “Laila’s debut at Fight Pulse, in which she faces Xena, ends up being one of the most intense and aggressive matches we have ever filmed. It also is easily the sexiest. Not only because of accidental nip-slips, but also because of absolute effort exerted by both opponents, the interchanging looks of determination and desperation, the very visible and audible agony.
Laila (5? 9?, 159 lb; 176 cm, 72 kg) and Xena (5? 11?, 161 lb; 180 cm, 73kg) are closely-matched size-wise. In the pre-match interview Xena said that she has better chance of ending up the winner of this match. Nobody knew what to expect from Laila, but in our eyes she was the underdog too. Laila ended up surprising us with unseen ferocity, and great dominant attitude. However, experience was on Xena’s side. Both wrestlers showed outstanding stamina in this long tiresome fight with almost no break between the rounds. We only gave one 2-minute break in the middle of the match.
There is a decisive and dominant winner, achieving victory with exceptional schoolgirl pins and body scissor submissions. But the true winner here is you, dear audience, because this is one-of-a-kind intense aggressive competitive female wrestling match between two women who are determined to win the encounter no matter what – one because she does not want to lose to a newcomer, and the other because this is her Fight Pulse debut, and she is clearly not one to be pushed around.
Who will prevail? We found out. Now it’s your turn.”
Great match. That’s what high energy will do for you.
On the mats and in life, let’s keep our enthusiasm by listening to a visiting writer who impresses us with her energy.
Keeping High Energy For Success In Life and Business!

No matter what you do in life, you must keep your energy high for success. If you have a nine to five boring job, it takes a lot to just get up, let alone work every day. If you have a brick and mortar business, it takes a lot of energy to keep it going every day. And if you have an online home business, you must have high energy to learn everything there is to stay ahead of your competition.
It really is a fast paced world we live in, and if you want success you have to know how to keep your energy level high. You have to continually stay motivated and moving ahead. You need to stay enthusiastic and passionate about what you are doing in life in your online home business, or brick and mortar business.
What Do You Eat?
So now that you know everything you have or must do, just how do you do it? Well if you had parents like mine, you were told to eat right. That eating a good breakfast will keep up your energy level throughout the day.
With such a busy world we live in today, sitting down for any meal is really hard, especially breakfast. But if you want to be successful, you need to do just that. Eating three good meals a day, will give you better performance throughout the day, and help you sleep better at night.
Do You Exercise?
Eat right and exercise. How many times have you heard this one? It is so true though! You work hard all week, around comes Sunday, and you decide to just lay around on the couch and eat. How does that make you feel?
It might feel good for a while, but do realize how sluggish you are. You have no energy to do anything, and you are so full, you couldn’t if you tried. If your body is not in shape to exercise, then find something to do to take your mind off of eating so much. If you do not have the money to go to the gym, then go for a walk, and use cans for weights. Any little thing you do will help increase you energy, so you can do more.
Are You Stressed?
The biggest thing that can drain your energy is stress. The economy really sucks for most people today, and that is causing a lot of stress. With stress, comes bad health, bad relationships, bad work environments and loss of energy.
As hard as it may be, you have to stay positive. Keep a good mental attitude, keep thinking about what you want, not what you do not want. Stay around positive people, read positive books, go for walks to clear your mind. The biggest stress reliever is to laugh. Laugh at your mistakes, watch funny movies, watch little kids play, just laugh!
What Are You Wearing?
If you are really feeling down in the dumps, no energy at all, then put something on that is bright and cheerful. Believe it or not statistics say this really works. If you are wearing black, brown or any dark color, people are less likely to smile at you.
When you wear bright cheery colors, people will be more likely to smile at you. Try this out first by looking at yourself in the mirror, then go for a walk or go shopping, see if you have more spring in your step, and get more smiles with bright colors versus dark drab colors.
Water, Water, Water?
You are always told to drink more water, drink more water. Dehydration really can cause fatigue, which causes stress, which causes low energy. Another way to energize yourself with water, is splash some in your face.
If you’re by a pool, take a dip. If you’re at home, take a shower to revive yourself. Maybe you’re on a walk and see a pool of water, go splash in it, become a kid again. Run out in the rain and sing a song, OK you cannot sing, then play a song, like ‘Singing in the Rain’!
Try incorporating some of this tips into your life for twenty one days. They say it takes twenty one days for something to stick and become a habit. Always talk positive about your goals, about other people, about your business, and your life. Do this for 21 days and watch your energy levels sore to unknown heights of success!
Julianne Rowat, the author, is an online home business entrepreneur. She has wrote other articles, press releases and has videos on motivation, self-improvement, and FAQ about having an online home business. Her husband is a retired fire fighter/ paramedic. They have 4 children and 8 grandchildren. They travel all around the United States in their motor home while working their online home business. Their mission is to help others all over the world succeed in their own online home business. You can read more about them in their blog at: [http://www.juliannerowatsblog.com] or check out their business at http://www.ultimatewealthfromhome.com
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Julianne_Rowat/125640
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5385952