fciwomenswrestling.com article, https://femcompetitor.com grapplingstars.com photo credits
What if Clint Eastwoods Dirty Harry was actually dirty?
Well, he would then look a lot like James Woods in the film Cop.

Heres the storyline.
Los Angeles police Detective Lloyd Hopkins (James Woods) gets in trouble with his superiors for his insubordinate ways. When Lloyd realizes that he’s on the trail of a serial killer, he is told not to pursue the case, but he presses forward anyway, fiercely intent on catching the murderer.
He is a dominator. He loves to dominate. Criminals and women too.
Eventually, his investigation leads to a feminist bookstore where he falls for Kathleen McCarthy (Lesley Ann Warren), a beautiful aspiring writer.
Regarding the criminal, the question becomes, will he assert his will and dominate or will he exercise self-control and show mercy? Play by the law enforcement rules as it were.
Or is he going to be a dominator trying to make a point?
It is good we are asking that question from the safety of our chair at home.
Here are the clues if you are the criminal on the other end of his fury as to whether you will live to see prison during the final scene.

- He traps you in a school gymnasium where there are no witnesses. (Very bad start)
- Hes wearing all black. (Not good. Is Kelly Cutrone in the gym?)
- Hes carrying what appears to be a sawed off shotgun. (Absolutely terrible)
- He then says to you as he raises it aimed at your chest: Theres good news and bad news. (Call a priest).
This is what happens when a dominator is trying to make a point.
In our great female grappling industry, there are plenty of dominators who sometimes show mercy and then there are those who are often trying to make a point.
From her hair and makeup, virtually always in black, Karina Gotika is often trying to dominate and make a point. With us in the audience and her competition.
Especially if they ticked her off.
A Dominator is determined to make a point.

Something like that occurred when she met Thunder in Germany who was unwise enough to insult Karina in the beginning of the video.
No problem for our Russian beauty.
Thunder was very respectful during the final scene after her old fashioned butt whipping was done.
When Karina was making her point during the match, she screamed, Yahooooooooooooo!
Point taken.
Then there is gorgeous San Jose tough girl Olivia DAngelo. Shes been known to make a few points in her time too.
Sweet Eden

Even when you havent insulted her. In fact, before her thrashing, new girl cutie Eden was even smiling at her before the gorgeous butt whipping took place.
Please do not forget Samantha Grace.

A clue as to what was coming was when we interviewed Olivia before her match with Samantha during a small San Jose event, Olivia smiled respectfully and indicated the given Samanthas resume that our So. Cal beauty was a girl she had her eye on (to dominate no doubt).
And dominate she did.
We would have called 911 except no cell phones were allowed inside the room.
Olivia certainly made her point.

We stay up north examining a match from Mistress Kara at an East Bay Dojo.
Her home turf. In her second match she faced a sexy shapely mom in Katie from Canada and even though she completely dominated her, she let up off the gas at the end because she had no real point to make.
In her first battle against Bryn Blayne, Kara did have a point to make and did so with a punctuation mark.

It was her coming out party and Bryn already had a solid reputation so Kara the Dominator needed to make a point.
Both Olivia and Karas demonstrations of complete domination can be found at:
There is something about Dominators that catch our fancy, especially when its happening to someone else.
However, if it is our turn, and we are in the final scene, you might be shown some mercy if they are not trying to make a point.
But if they say to you theres good news and bad news.
So look, in regards to dominance, there is some positive news, especially if we use it in thought to achieve goals.
We have a visiting female writer with an intriguing perspective on that.
By Priya Deelchand Submitted On November 29, 2015
The Power of Our Dominant Thought

Most of us must have heard this old saying “What you think about, you bring about.” In fact, our thoughts create our reality. Everything that we experience in our life originates from our dominant thoughts. We can become the master of our life by becoming aware of our thought patterns, by controlling the nature of our dominant thoughts and by replacing our negative, unwanted thoughts with more positive ones which are in alignment with what we want to manifest in our physical world.
Our dominant thoughts can either be positive or negative and whether our thoughts are positive or negative our mind will always act on them and we will as a result experience the corresponding situation in our life. If our dominant thoughts are positive, we will have a more positive life. However, if our dominant thoughts are negative, we will attract more negative experiences in our life. As James Allen, author of “As a man thinketh” rightly said “A man’s mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must, and will, bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance of useless weed seeds will fall therein, and will continue to produce their kind.”
Every effect that we perceive in our life has a specific cause which has its origin in our mental world. In other words, the conditions and circumstances of our life are the results of our dominant and repetitive thoughts and beliefs. Every facet of our life, from the state of our relationships to the state of our finances, career or happiness is correctly revealing our thoughts and beliefs. If the results that we are experiencing in any area of our life is the opposite of what we want, it simply means that our thoughts are not correct. Once again James Allen clearly stated “Circumstance does not make the man; it reveals him to himself.”
Most of us however believe that the reverse is true. We believe that the circumstances or situations that we face in life are responsible for the thoughts and feelings that we have. We are not aware that it is our thoughts that are creating the circumstances and situations that we experience in our life. We have the power to change our circumstances in life by being aware of our thoughts and by replacing the unwanted negative thoughts with more positive ones. We all have this power to consciously choose the type of thoughts we want to focus our attention on. We can either choose to let our unwanted, useless and negative thoughts control our life and we become victims of our circumstances or we can choose to consciously control our thoughts and become a victor.
It is important to know that not all our thoughts have the same creative power. The attractive power of any particular thought depends on how frequently we have that thought and on how strong are the emotions and feelings associated with that thought. The more energy we give to a particular thought and the stronger the feelings associated with that thought, the greater its power to attract its corresponding circumstance into our life. Our one-off thoughts do not have the same creative power as our repetitive dominant thoughts. The average person has around 60,000 thoughts a day and our aim is not to control each and every thought. Instead, we should learn to consciously control our dominant thoughts
We must learn to be aware of our repetitive thoughts and make sure that most of our thoughts are positive in order to attract better experiences in our life. If most of our thoughts are negative or useless, we can immediately replace these unwanted thoughts with more positive ones. One way to instantaneously counterbalance the power of a negative thought is to consciously and deliberately replace it with its opposite, positive equivalent. For instance, if someone thinks “I am always late and I never achieve my goals”, the person can mentally replace that thought with “I am on time and I can achieve my goals now”. Another way to stop dwelling on negative thoughts is to use the “cancel, cancel, cancel” technique taught in the well-known Silva Method. Every time we catch ourselves thinking an unwanted or negative thought, we can mentally say to ourselves “cancel, cancel, cancel” and immediately replace that thought with a positive affirmation or statement which is in alignment with who we want to be or what we want to experience in life.
Our life is the perfect reflection of our thoughts and as Ernest Holmes said “Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it.” Whether we are aware of it or not we are constantly creating our reality through our thought power. If we are directed by our dominant thoughts, why not fill our minds with things that will benefit us? We have to choose our thoughts wisely and focus on the things and experiences that we want to manifest in our life. We can all follow the wise advice of Henry David Thoreau who said “As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.”
Priya Deelchand is a Corporate Trainer, Life and Business Coach and Founder of Success Strategies Consultants Ltd. She conducts several workshops on motivation, emotional intelligence, success principles, management and leadership skills. She also coaches and helps people worldwide in both English and French using Law of Attraction, EFT and other powerful techniques. Please visit us at http://successstrategiesconsultants.com or call us on +230 7580695.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Priya_Deelchand/423309
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9241436
Source: https://femcompetitor.com/