fciwomenswrestling.com article, fightpulse.com photo
Terms of engagement are most often not terms of endearment.
If you can dictate the terms, that’s fine but most times in life, especially if we have been misled or swindled and we need to legally engage, it’s not always on our terms or worse to our advantage.
No matter the situation, if we want results, we must be extremely determined to go the distance to achieve victory.
Self-Determination is a must.
An engaging film where self-determination in high tech battle was critical and entertaining is the film starring the fantastic UK actor Pierce Brosnan.

I.T. is a thriller film directed by John Moore and written by Dan Kay and William Wisher. It stars Pierce Brosnan, James Frecheville, Anna Friel, Stefanie Scott and Michael Nyqvist, and is produced by David T. Friendly and Beau St. Clair, who was Brosnan’s producing partner at the Irish DreamTime production company before she died.
The storyline goes, Mike Regan is a self-made man who has it all: a gorgeous wife, a beautiful teenage daughter, and a sleek, state-of-the-art spacious smart home.
He invites Ed, his I.T. guy, to his home for the consulting and installing of high tech applications but he soon finds himself in a deadly, high-stakes game of cat-and-mouse when his employee Ed, starts using his skills to stalk Mike’s daughter and endanger his family, his business, and his life. In a world where there is no privacy, Mike needs to rely on his old connections to defeat a new kind of nemesis.
The mesmerizing female grappling world is one of engagement.

Tough engagement.
Long-term engagement.
Often it’s not on the Fem Competitor’s terms so her self-determination to stay in battle is critical.
It makes for a great passionate and intense match.
We’ve seen many in our global industry and we’ll share them with you here.
Please pack your backs, we are flying to the scenic Czech Republic.
FW-51: Revana vs Chrissy Fox
“In her debut at Fight Pulse Chrissy Fox is facing Revana in a competitive female wrestling match.
While Chrissy Fox has no sports background, she is a strong and athletic young woman. She is also a fast-learner – after only an hour of training and one non-competitive match she proceeds to use some of the holds she’s learned quite effectively. But Revana, while ranked lower, has almost two years of experience wrestling for Fight Pulse on her side.
After FW-51 there is no question that Chrissy Fox is a very good pinner and, generally, a natural. She acts on her instincts more than on her very short training, and scores two reverse face sit / tight reverse schoolgirl pins, which is not a usual hold even for the experienced wrestlers at Fight Pulse. She also manages to score a submission via a foot choke (ankle choke with arm control), the photo of which is the header of this release – something that has never been done in a competitive F/F match, and only achieved in a competitive mixed match at Fight Pulse by VeVe Lane (3 times). Both wrestlers comment on this submission in the post-match interview.
Another unusual submission was scored by Revana, with a thigh-scissors, also a first at Fight Pulse. Chrissy Fox comments on this after the match as well.
There is a lot of action in FW-51, with 19 points achieved in total by both wrestlers. While it starts more or less even, one of the opponents soon gets to dominate the entire match, scoring a decisive victory.”
We loved this match because of the extensive time frame involved and the self-determination of one of the combatant’s self-determination to completely dominate the other. It was amazing.
Big matches often happen in the Big Apple. New York City is home to a fantastic match of self-determination. Let’s take a ring side seat.
“An exciting and hard-fought competitive submission wrestling match between Enchantress Sahrye and Andrea Rosu, two feisty, sassy, and voluptuous female wrestlers! Though these ladies had never met before, they were both anticipating this match so much that they secretly checked each other out online! They’re competitive-minded, eager, and both down for a tough tussle.
The conditions: Two 10-minute rounds, with submissions allowed by only scissors, smothers, grapevines, and faces its. Most submissions wins. And a victory pose to the winner!
The ladies are focused and determined during the match; serious competitors both intent on fighting their hardest.”
What we loved about the match is that Sahrye came into the match with much less experience than Andrea who we had seen previously wrestle extensively in the San Francisco area with sturdy results but we could tell by Sahrye’s pre-match interview where she exudes confidence that she would absolutely stay in this fight.
Her self-determination is demonstrated throughout.
Time to board our flight to San Francisco. We are crazy about the vibrant city by the bay.
FeFe vs Bella Rossi San Jose GS28
“FeFe is super sexy with those well-known big strong sexy thighs from bike riding around the San Francisco bay area. She is gorgeous. She takes on Bella Rossi, a mat war star with years of experience and tons of victories. FeFe seems to catch Bella on the wrong day and in an erotic pins only match, the girl with the strong thighs really takes it to shapely Bella who she lost to before but is determined to atone for. Up close and sexy, two shapely girls in fully competitive pinning action.”
We were there and since FeFe previously lost handily to the shapely journey fighter Bella Rossi, she quietly used self-determination to turn this into a war. Kudos to FeFe.
This time let’s get in the economical sleek driving machine and head to San Jose.
Isamar vs Olivia D’Angelo, San Jose Rematch Revenge GS 49

“Isamar met her young protégé Olivia in battle previously and in a fierce contest extracted a victory. Olivia is gaining in stature, completely dominating Division Three fighters like Eden Cox and Dana Vixen and even an experienced Division Two fighter with extensive experience like Samantha Grace. No contest. Lots of pain. So Olivia’s pride came into play here where she badly wanted a rematch. She got off to a great start but as expected, Isamar tactically gained the upper hand, destroyed Olivia’s confidence and began to methodically dominate the shapely brunette with gorgeous strong feminine thighs. This one is a passionate methodical ground struggle between two shapely beauties, Isamar with the muscles and Olivia with the curves. Wonderful.”
We always love Isamar’s fighting spirit. Her stellar performances are to be expected. It’s Olivia that we weren’t sure about but once the grappling began, Olivia didn’t back down. She was very determined to bring it and she did. We we’re captivated.
Self-Determination is so important in terms of engagement that we can never get enough advice and suggestions on how to be resolved.
We have a visiting writer who is determined that you get the message.
Bolster Self-Determination – 4 Cornerstones to Strengthen Self-Discipline

By Beth Tabak
“The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.” Tommy Lasorda
How would your life be different if you strengthened self-discipline? For some people ‘discipline’ sparks negativity so I will use ‘self-determination’ instead. Strengthening self-determination is one of the best things you can do to make great advancements in life and work. You gain freedom, confidence, and success. Self-determination leads to accomplishing more, perseverance, healthier choices, financial stability, a positive career/ business outlook, confidence to handle and achieve whatever comes your way, better control of time, and perceiving obstacles as only bumps in the road. Below are 4 cornerstones to bolster self-determination.
“People of mediocre ability sometimes achieve outstanding success because they don’t know when to quit. Most men succeed because they are determined to.” George E. Allen
Determination- Determination is resolute. Firm decisions are made with the best possible outcome in mind. The objective is established often in contrast to emotions tied to instant gratification. There is no room for excuses. You are set in your purpose. This is where strategy becomes your structure to hold you accountable to a systematic plan to reach your end result. Whether you are deciding on stopping at the donut shop next to the gym, working an elaborate project, or growing a new business determination is the first step. Pause and make the best choice with firm resolve knowing your ultimate objective.
“The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for.” Maureen Dowd
Daily Discipline- This is the execution of your strategy. It is disciplining and training oneself to follow through on the best choice while refusing to give in to emotionally-based instant gratification. You carry out a regimen knowing the rewards are great. You strengthen your will to resist impulses that conflict with your best interests. When you fall down you get back up, learn from it, and continue. With free will we can alter our fate. Daily discipline provides the support system. Through this process positive transition occurs.
“Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little, has its stages of drudgery and triumph; a beginning, a struggle and a victory.” Gandhi
Discomfort- A natural part of the growth process, discomfort permeates our being when resisting an impulse. It indicates growth and rewards are on their way. Similar to muscle soreness after a workout, discomfort signifies growing pains. As you continue saying ‘yes’ to building skills, developing knowledge, healthier food choices, taking time for your most meaningful relationships, handling details of a project, exercising, etc. you become comfortable with discomfort.
“Winners take time to relish their work, knowing that scaling the mountain is what makes the view from the top so exhilarating.” Denis Waitley
Desserts- The final course, the rewards, is sweet. When you become resolute in your determination, consistently continue daily discipline, and forge through discomfort you begin experiencing rewards. Some are slow to come but have long range, carrying you into the future with more stability. Others come while reflecting, acknowledging, and celebrating steps achieved and progress made. Do not skip these ‘feel good’ moments by looking at what is yet to be done. Set milestones to relish the journey along the way.
In The Mental ABCs of Pitching the author H.A. Dorfman shared, “Self-discipline is a form of freedom. Freedom from laziness and lethargy, freedom from the expectations and demands of others, freedom from weakness and fear-and doubt. Self-discipline allows a pitcher to feel his individuality, his inner strength, his talent. He is master of, rather than a slave to, his thoughts and emotions.” You do not have to be a pitcher to apply this wise piece of advice. Do you currently choose to be a master or slave to your thoughts and emotions? Use the 4 cornerstones above to tap into the massive amount of strength you hold within and bolster self-determination… Starting Now!
Be Unlimited Action Challenge

Choice A- Choose one specific area to build self-determination.
~ Begin with a smaller goal to build a record of accomplishment. Choose your objective and strategy with firm determination. No hoping. It is a decision, a commitment, with firm determination to succeed.
~ Execute your strategy with daily discipline. Record in a journal each time you succeed in overcoming emotionally-based impulses by making the best choice for you. If you give into an impulse learn from it. Jot down what was going on: were you tired, hungry, sad, stressed, etc. Excuses are not an option but we can learn from them in order to take better care of ourselves and strengthen.
~ Decide what you will tell yourself about discomfort so that you continue to make the best choices.
~ Acknowledge your progress and enjoy the rewards. Congratulations! Celebrate your achievement! Continue strengthening!
Choice B- Practice building self-determination for a full month.
~ Mark the last day of the month as a Celebration Day!
~ Make a note in your smart phone, a handy notebook, or whatever works best for you each time you encounter a moment of self-determination. Note the date, day, the situation, how you felt before and after, if you used self-determination or gave into impulses.
~ Build a record of strengthening. Learn from moments of weakness.
~ Each week acknowledge your progress, growth, and any rewards.
~ Do something special to enjoy your Celebration Day! Congratulations! Continue strengthening!
Beth Tabak of http://www.startingnowcoaching.com is a Business & Life Coach, speaker, columnist, & owner of Starting Now. She coaches big thinkers to move beyond limits, stand out in the crowd, and experience the vastness of their capabilities. Stop by to see all that is available to you and say hello.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Beth_Tabak/1130
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6984759