fciwomenswrestling.com article, unsplash.com pexels.com photo
Viewing one competitive female wrestling video after another, at times you come across a competitor who is a profile in courage.
Laila, a gorgeous Fight Pulse wrestler comes to mind.

When you watch her battle the big sexy girls Lucrecia and Anika, she is either very courageous or a glutton for punishment.
We’ll stay with the courage theory.

We say that because when you look at Laila’s body of work, she is willing to take on all comers. She truly is a brave girl.

All said and done, most of our beautiful Fem Competitors who grapple on camera and in front of an audience demonstrate courage. How many of us would like to put our reputation or ego on the line publicly where we might get embarrassed in battle?
Another beautiful young girl that comes to mind is Poppy of Gilroy in her first match taking on an aggressive journey level fighter in Kait.

For newer females making the decision to become involved in competitive grappling takes a lot of courage and a humble spirit.

Poppy of Gilroy is all of those things.
There are so many examples of courageous women in everyday life that it’s easy to overlook their stories but we came across one that really stood out and we thought that you might find interesting.
Ms. Sarah Ford Watson is a very accomplished woman.
Laila and Poppy would be proud.
Feminine Courage – My Invisible Ally
My life experiences are similar to those of other women who encounter the normal bumps and bruises of living. Yet I feel that an invisible ally that may elude women has guided me. From an early age, I recognized and cherished the energy of courage. When faced with crises in life, I discovered that I could always count on courage to help me with the constant reinvention of my being. I have drawn on courage to overcome illness, reveal vulnerability, face obstacles and confront abuse.
I first became aware of my own courage when I was five years old. A rare form of chickenpox threatened my life. My parents rushed me to a hospital where I lapsed into unconsciousness for almost a week. I was so ill the doctors told my parents I might not live. The experience left me not only with physical scars but a profound awareness that if I could overcome critical illness, I could overcome almost anything. This budding awareness, which I now know was a burgeoning reservoir of courage, continued to strengthen and sustain me through many phases in my life.
Another pivotal event occurred when I was twenty. As a Catholic, I was taught to abstain from sexual activity before marriage. Nevertheless, I became pregnant out of wedlock. The pregnancy was a lonely and terrifying ordeal. For three months, I persevered through morning sickness that lasted all day long, and dry heaves forced me to throw up in street gutters as I walked to college classes. Honoring my faith, I felt compelled to go to confession and absolve myself of what I considered a sin (at that time). Movies depicting women dying during childbirth had made an impression on my young mind, and I feared that I might die before being absolved of my wrongdoing. Desperately distraught and confused, I didn’t know which way to turn. But after much introspection, I was able to confront my disgrace and face a priest.
Entering the confessional with tears of shame, I told the priest of my dilemma. Remarkably, he told me, “God has forgiven you, but you have not forgiven yourself.” In that moment I was filled with an enormous sense of relief and comfort. I realized I had the power of choice. I did not want to marry someone I did not love, nor did I want an abortion. So, with great pain and internal struggle, I decided to give my baby up for adoption. Nothing has compared to going home from the hospital with empty arms.
My experience with the priest turned out to be a monumental blessing. From that experience, my “courageous will” became real to me, and my consciousness of the power of courage provided me with a tool I have used all my life.
Years later, as an adult, I followed a man I was to marry from California to Colorado, where he established a new business. While a major move can be a difficult transition for anyone, this adjustment was greatly complicated by a painful breakup shortly after our relocation.
Angry, disillusioned, and completely discouraged, I had to face the unknown. I was profoundly frightened by the instability of my life, and there I was in a city where I had no friends, family or job. My core fear was that I would not survive. If I did survive, how could I persevere under the circumstances?
I felt vulnerable, fragile and abandoned. Many times, while flying to visit my family for the holidays, I prayed the plane would crash. If I died, my disheartened spirit would no longer be in pain. I would not be required to reinvent myself.
Yet, in moments of prayer and meditation, I kept hearing an internal voice offering hope: If you can make it through this depressing ordeal, great insight and a special gift will unfold.
This crisis re-awakened my awareness of courage as a force that I needed to continue. With courage, a devastating experience could be redeemed as a source of fresh insight, clarity and purpose. This turning point convinced me that God had put me on this planet to sharpen and evolve the courageous spirit within me, and to encourage other women to do the same.
Hearts Passion
As I matured, I was keenly interested in developing self-awareness. Observing how I approached the normal transitions of my life, I noted that my ally-courage–served me well. I made drastic career changes every six to eight years, and each industry I entered was significantly different from the last. Yet as I moved through the fields of education, real estate, banking and business consulting, I was able to transfer my skills with relative ease from one business sector to another.
When asked how I could so easily maneuver through these career transitions, I replied that the desired outcomes were easy for me to envision and implement as long as I drew upon my heart’s desire and my courage. In each industry I was motivated by the excitement of working on my own. Creativity, an essential element of my character, partnered with my courage to “invent” both my professional and personal life.
Assisting others is a goal in my life, whether as a friend, consultant, speaker, coach or author. Fascination with the richness of life and a deep commitment to upholding the highest of human values have been the threads from which I have woven my life experience. I experience all aspects of my life with passion. I challenge myself beyond the status quo, pushing for excellence in sports, travel, relationships, writing and speaking.
For a long time, I didn’t realize that this approach to life was unusual. Living life with gusto seemed natural, innate. But I know now that is not so. Living life with verve is a cultivated skill. With courage as my strength, I have been able to design meaningful goals for my life. And doing so has enabled me to claim my heart and spirit.
Writing has never been one of my ambitions. I am a public speaker and prefer to express myself orally, so writing and researching a book that awakens women to the feminine behaviors of courage has been one of my two greatest acts of courage. The other was giving up my son for adoption. Thanks to that wonderful and caring priest who helped me, I mustered the courage I needed to forge ahead. I knew even then that nothing would ever be as difficult as that difficult experience.
As a five-year old, a young adult and a grown woman, I used my courage to reinvent myself. As I continue to nurture the courage I discovered during those particularly difficult times, courage became an invaluable companion during the more ordinary trails of life.
Sandra Ford Walston is known as The Courage Expert and innovator of StuckThinking™. She is an internationally recognized speaker, learning consultant, author and entrepreneur for almost twenty years who helps organizations, teams and individuals tap into their courage. She found that there is a direct correlation between your success quotient and your courage quotient. She helped organizations from Agrium, Inc., Procter & Gamble, Hitchai Consulting, and Wide Open West to integrate her “Courageous Leadership Development Model.” She also instructs at the University of Denver. Featured on the speaker circuit as witty, provocative, concrete and insightful, she has changed the lives of thousands of leaders each year. Sandra’s the internationally published author of three books: COURAGE (2001), STUCK (2010) and FACE IT! (2011). She has also been published in numerous magazines including Chief Learning Officer, Strategic Finance and HR Matters, Malaysia. All her books are available on http://www.sandrawalston.com and internationally on Kindle.
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons, Pexels.com .
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Sandra_Ford_Walston/642995
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