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Companies that take pride in their products and customer service are to be admired.

Companies that go above and beyond basic customer service are to be adored.
We can look to Nordstrom as a perfect example.

Nordstrom, Inc., is a leading fashion specialty retailer, offering customers one of the most extensive selections of clothing, shoes and accessories for men, women and children.
The awareness that they sell exceptional retail product lines is a given. What makes them special is their customer service that goes above and beyond. Its one thing for a company to say that about themselves but is another for others to praise you in that way.
At the respected retail industry site returnsandrefunds.com they praise the pride that Nordstrom has in their exceptional customer services that exceeds expectations. Consumers who have purchased products from Nordstrom and wish to return them will find the exchange and return process of this major retailer to be easy and customer-friendly. If the item was bought at a Nordstrom store, all that is required for return or exchange is to bring the item to a nearby store along with the original receipt or packing slip and the credit card used in the transaction.
Handling returns and exchanges online is an easy process as well. Customers who don’t have order information or a Nordstrom account can print out blank return forms and labels on Nordstrom’s website. Customers who are trying to return oversized, edible or otherwise unusual items should call the customer service telephone number at Nordstrom for assistance.
Pride has its own reputation.
Demonstrated in a negative way by extreme arrogance can be life implosive.
Demonstrated in a balanced and positive way speaks to your reputation and how others see you and most important, how you see yourself. Pride reinforces the widespread belief that someone or something has a particular habit or characteristic.
In summary, its a feeling that you respect yourself and have demonstrated by defined behavior, deserve to be respected by other people too.
There are two kinds of pride, both good and bad.Good pride’ represents our dignity and self-respect. ‘Bad pride’ is the deadly sin of superiority that reeks of conceit and arrogance. John C. Maxwell
Pride by Fem Competitors in our global competitive female grappling industry is evident in the sense of purpose, relentlessness and strong desire to win.
Thats good pride.
Thats pride to be respected.
Thats pride that goes above and beyond.
A rivalry that seems to perfectly represent positive pride is found at the site of our leading video producer Fight Pulse.
Femcompetitor Magazine has purchased many of their videos for research and pleasure and the battle between Katniss and Giselle is a movie in motion about pride in battle.
We first met these two gorgeous Euro warriors at FP-FW-33. Here is the producers match description.

Giselle is very fast and strong. There is no doubt she is a promising wrestler. However, her lack of proper technique does not let her capitalize on her athleticism as much as she would like to. Giselle is a newcomer after all. But she is learning fast. You can actually see within this video the progression of her skills. She learns with each round. In the post-match interview Giselle says that while she started slow, but she learned from her opponent as they were wrestling and was able to use the same movements and holds on her. This is a quality of a future star. FW-33 no doubt features a spectacular debut by the newcomer.
But will that attitude, backed by her athletic abilities, be enough for Giselle to defeat a more experienced opponent in Katniss? We will not disclose that. However, we will tell you that this was a very close match.
FW-33 is an intense fast-paced encounter between two females who are willing to do everything they can to win. Giselle, who is by nature a very competitive person, wants to win her debut match and get a chance to wrestle higher-ranked lightweight wrestlers, while Katniss hates the idea of losing to a newcomer, and wants to prove that we made a wrong choice and underestimated her by choosing her as a newcomers first opponent.
Part of what propelled Giselles pride and intensity is dissected in her pre-match interview.
Giselle has been a kick boxer since she was 13. Her pride in her athletic training shows.
If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride – and never quit, you’ll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards. Paul Bryant
Please enjoy the match.
Katniss and Giselle demonstrated the right kind of pride in their multiple matches. They would meet again at The 2016 Fight Pulse Light Weight Championships.
Pride will be on the line.
Reflecting on pride to be admired, we have a visiting writer who shares his thoughts. In life its good to see life from many perspectives.
The Right Kind of Pride is a Virtue

Is there something you are particularly proud of in your life? Pride in what you have achieved and in who you are is a good thing when it is based on something genuine. It is a positive thing to be able to have qualities of character you can speak well of to others and to believe about yourself. In fact, it is admirable. Don’t be afraid to be proud of who you are. Pride reflects a passion for who you are and for life in general. With the right kind of pride in our lives we can live fully and passionately.
Pride is really the result of being aware of our own personal power. Pride is actually a by-product of our success and in turn strengthens us so that we become even more successful.
Pride can give you the courage to fight for what you want and to refuse to be walked all over. The right kind of pride in who you are and what you represent will help you achieve mastery in your life whereas those who always defer to others live lives of quiet desperation. Pride can give you the gift of personal freedom. It can help you feel more powerful than any difficulty you may confront. It will give you confidence that you can achieve whatever you set out to achieve in life. Nothing will be impossible to you. When you have a sense of personal pride you will not allow yourself to be controlled or limited by other people because you are the master of your own destiny.
Lions roam in prides. The power of their roar and their very attitude reveals their pride in being the “king of beasts.” Not only do they win the game, they eat it. They are the conquerors, not the conquered. Conquerors are the survivors throughout our history and they shape the evolution of mankind. You too, can become a conqueror. Remember, nature rewards the strong and the proud.
In a study of men across a large area of Asia, it was found that eight percent of them were descended from Genghis Khan. Do you realize that your ancestors also live on in you? In fact, you are the result of their pride.
Pride is a natural consequence of honor. We honor people for their great accomplishments and qualities. So, we should also honor ourselves and let others honor us. When we honor others we help them to grow in personal pride. Pride is not a bad thing. It is not arrogant and selfish. It actually means you have a purpose and personal integrity.
Don’t be afraid to feel proud. After all, you have earned the right. You can feel proud that you are alive because nature favors the strong. You can feel proud because you an extraordinary creation called a human being and you are unique. Feel pride in your choices and the direction you are heading, for the destiny that is yours. The right kind of pride will help you become the person you want to be and guide you to a series of successes. True pride is a reflection of greatness.
Have you ever heard someone criticized with words like “he has no personal pride?” It is not a compliment. When you have pride you are living up to certain values and setting a good example in the world. By taking pride in your work, you can build a reputation for excellence that will take you far.
Pride is a cousin to willpower and determination. These qualities create a strong human being, whether male or female. Such a person may at times be demanding but they are also in demand. True pride can motivate us to do our best work and is a quality possessed by those of high character. Individuals who seek to achieve great things for both themselves and others are also proud human beings.
More than anything your personal pride reflects your belief in yourself. You are alive and you have a purpose for being alive. It feels good to live with pride, to have high self-esteem and to respect yourself. You deserve to have pride because you are a valuable and worthwhile human being. Living with pride will give you a sense of satisfaction with life and empower you to achieve success.
It may sound simplistic, but it is a lot better to feel happy with yourself than otherwise. Self-criticism can wear you down and keep you from being successful but pride in who you are can lift you up and help you do well in life. Let’s face it, no matter where you go you have one constant companion – you. If you have pride in yourself you won’t feel the need to hide from who you are. You will be comfortable in your own skin and happy to spend time with yourself.
Personal pride provides a sense of self confidence that magnetizes you for success. You will attract the things you desire into your life. Let’s face it, you are so wonderful, marvelous and absolutely fantastic that you deserve the good things of life.
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.
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