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Once you meet Evadne you’ll never forget her.
I can guarantee you that.
When I first researched her and saw some of her photos, many that were stunning, I couldn’t help but imagine her as Marilyn Monroe.
Like most modern female submission wrestlers, she’s well-traveled. She’s fascinating.
Let’s talk about that.
Let’s talk about coffee.
Your trip to the local Starbucks has become a ritual for you. The server knows you by name and flavor. Caramel Frappuccino, Caramel Macchiato, Dark Chocolate Mocha or today will it be White Hot Chocolate? You relax in your favorite chair with a panoramic view of the street watching the short sidewalk stories of daily life unfold. Submerge into a good book, listen to the glistening conversation by the two Goth artists next to you or type away on the laptop?
Civilization brought to you by Starbucks.
As announced March of 2013 in the media outlets Fox News and Dailyfinance.com the coffee retailer has bought its first farm – a 600-acre property in Costa Rica. It’s a move that will help it develop and test new “innovative blends” of coffee in Costa Rica.
The 240-hectare farm, located on the slopes of the Poas Volcano, will be transformed into a global agronomy center that Starbucks said will influence the development of coffee varietals based on the insight offered through soil management processes.
The Seattle-based café operator said the new research center is part of its ethical sourcing program that has so far delivered $70 million in collaborative farmer programs and compliments a billion-dollar commitment by Starbucks to buy 100% “ethically sourced coffee” by 2015.
The Starbucks collaborative farmer initiative has delivered a number of beneficial programs to farmers over the last 40 years, including C.A.F.E. practices, farmer support centers in Costa Rica, Rwanda, Tanzania, Colombia and China as well as farmer loans.
In addition to creating new coffee varieties, Starbucks says it intends to use the new farm as a basis of research that will help coffee farmers around the world. One priority is to investigate a fungus, known as leaf rust that is devastating crops in Central America and Mexico. It kills coffee leaves by sapping them of nutrients and lowers bean yields. An international trade group estimates the fungus could wipe out 2-1/2 million of those giant bags of coffee this year, and as much as 4-million bags next year.
Starbucks also says its research will focus on finding new methods to grow coffee, on farming techniques that improve coffee production, and on mitigating the impact of climate change. The company says it will share what it learns with other coffee farmers to improve the quality and size of the worldwide harvest.
On January 29, 2014, ticotimes.net reported the Seattle-based coffee chain will open its first store in eastern San José in March, the company’s fourth in Costa Rica.
The new store will be located in Plaza Freses in Curridabat, where currently a company banner advertises job openings.
This brings us to Evadne.
This writer was invited to cover a private wrestling event in San Jose, produced by a Canadian video company and there were a number of beautiful young women in attendance who had wrestled the day before with one exception. The girl who had not wrestled but observed was shapely, gregarious, blonde and wearing long compression shorts. Everything was great until the very last part.
This will not do.
We must entice this sexy, curvy girl to wear a bathing suit.
I would not dare ask myself so I whispered to the producer who whispered to our female recruiter who whispered to Evadne.
There was a lot of whispering going on.
Something else was going on. A bright blue bathing suit for Miss Evadne.
She would energetically wrestle two matches that day and held the audience captive. Life is about the beautiful moments.
In an exclusive interview with FCI Women’s Wrestling News at an Oakland, California event, Evadne shared her views on many things including the foreign countries she’s traveled to and the purpose of the visit there. What country in particular stood out?
Evadne: Costa Rica. I spent time on a beautiful coffee farm there.
FCI: Costa Rica is a middle-income, developing country with a strong democratic tradition. What we found thought provoking is that its main competitive advantage as a travel destination is its well-established system of national parks and protected areas, covering around 23% of the country’s land area, the largest in the world as a percentage of the country’s territory.
Evadne: It truly is a paradise and I fell in love with the gorgeous waterfalls.
FCI: It’s bewildering. From rain forests, to dry tropical and temperate forests, to volcanoes, to Caribbean and Pacific beaches, to high mountains, and marshy lowlands. We’re sure you had a great time exploring. We hope to partner the women’s wrestling world with travel organizations. What are your favorite cities?
Evadne: San Francisco, San Diego and Las Vegas.
FCI: Why San Francisco?
Evadne: It inspires me.
FCI: What about San Diego?
Evadne: It is my home town and I love to spend time on the beach there.
FCI: Finally, what about Las Vegas?
Evadne: It’s a place that holds many special memories.
FCI: A discussion about coffee farms and Costa Rica. One of the qualities I admire about an organization is when they give back to the community as Star Bucks has often done. What about qualities in people? What do you admire there?
Evadne: Integrity. You’re nothing without it. A sense of humor, you’re nothing without it.
That is certainly true of Evadne. In our time with her, she displayed a great sense of humor.
FCI: We know there’s more. What else?
Evadne: A sense of adventure. I feel it’s important to be open to new experiences and get the most out of life.
FCI: I had an experience in Japan where I met a family when I was a part of an international non-profit group and I perceived the husband to be a person who thought outside of the box, especially in what I interpreted to be a conformist society like Japan. He was a tennis instructor of wealthy women, had shoulder length hair yet had a beautiful religiously conservative family. So we’re driving to dinner one night and I asked him what was his life philosophy and he refused to answer. Later I was informed that he was a little offended that I would ask him that question publicly. It is a question I often ask, so Evadne, I’m going to ask you the same question. What is your life philosophy?
Evadne: To liberate myself and others through artistic expression and to put out as much positive energy as I can.
FCI: Thanks for the interview.
Vibrant, attracting, gregarious with a trademark recognizable laugh, Evadne makes everything around her blossom. Introduced to her first competitive match in the spring of 2012, this Fem Competitor has come a long way. When FC watched her first match, we knew had to book her and eventually we did.
We sincerely hope to work with Evadne again.
The typical Female Competitor and female submission wrestler is a world traveler with many broad and fascinating life experiences. Because of their education and occupation, they also tend to have sizable discretionary income. At our meeting with Evadne, she had a large circle of San Francisco, Bay Area friends and ran her own small business. Evadne is a bright young woman with a promising future and is proof women’s submission wrestling is attracting a broader female participant base.
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Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com. No affiliation.
Sources: Fox News, Dailyfinance.com, Wikipedia, photos courtesy Microsoft, brainyquote.com, ticotimes.net, Ms. Evadne’s photos copyright ladyevadne.com, Female Competition International, FCIwomenswrestling.com, https://femcompetitor.com. Other photos thanks to Wikimedia commons.