fciwomenswrestling.com article - Dance-Party-Vector photo
Of all the thousands of faces we will see in a life time, why do a certain few with defined clarity stand out from the crowd and call out to us from the past?
Who was it and where was it for you?
Was it on the train? Was it when you visited a relative out of state and there he or she stood on that rainy day?
It could have been at the restaurant on your business trip in a strange city. You’re sitting with your group and there they are quietly at another table, catching your glance, smiling respectfully and going back to their business. You temporarily make eye contact, look away; then glance back. They can feel the intensity of your gaze. They look up one more time only this time you both keep eye contact.
You are instantly in love.
Someone at your table commands everyone’s attention as it’s time for the group to order. You have no choice but to participate. Once finished you look back and like a gentle southern wind, the magical person is gone.
But clearly not forgotten.
When I look back on my favorite group of female wrestlers ever assembled; the DWW princesses, the face that stood out most in a crowd for me was Timea.
There were so many good looking girls there, often with girl next door faces and sunny smiles yet somewhat common in appearance. If they were in a crowd, many would blend in.
Timea was not that way.
She has a very unique look. Here in America we would like to say ethnic. Maybe very Eastern European. No doubt though, if Timea were walking down an American street and remained speechless you would know she is from elsewhere.
Very intriguing. Very exotic.

One thing about her that was more common in comparison to the DWW warriors was her exceptional wrestling. She was a competitor that defeated the people that she should but struggled against the early upper DWW echelon.
Her resume includes competing against Evi, Timea S, Ildi, Viktoria M, Lucy H., Christie, Kriszta, Aniko, Monika G., Edina P. Edina P, Melanie and among others.
What I enjoyed most about her style that lent to the erotic was she seemed to favor school girl pins, full and cross body presses. She was curvy in all the right places and as with her DWW sisters was modest in demeanor.
An educational site goldmark.org remarks on the origin of Timea’s unique name. The writer explains, “A number of people have asked us what the name means and about its origins. The name is known in Hungary, and we have never seen it used outside of some Hungarian connection.
Within Hungary it is widely believed that the name is the invention of the romantic author Mór Jókai (1825–1904) in his 1873 novel Az Arany Ember (Golden Man). In the novel the name is spelled Timéa. I understand that Timéa was a young Turkish women who agrees to marry the story’s hero to escape poverty, but does not (initially) love him.”
Hmm, more intrigue. The plot thickens. What is our Timea’s favorite music? It’s guaranteed to leave you spellbound. What genre?
The great information source Wikipedia explains, “Trance is a genre of electronic dance music that developed in the 1990s in Germany. It is characterized by a tempo of between 125 to mid-160 beats per minute (BPM), repeating melodic phrases, and a musical form that builds up and down throughout a track. Trance is a genre on its own, but also will include other styles of electronic music such as techno, house, pop, chill-out, classical music, and film music.
Germany is regarded as the birthplace of electronic trance music, with the original melodic trance sound first appearing around 1993 in Frankfurt.
A trance refers to a state of hypnotism and heightened consciousness. This drifting sensation is portrayed in this genre by mixing many layers and rhythms to create build and release. For example, a characteristic of virtually all trance songs is the soft mid-song breakdown.”
The sound source urbandictionary.com adds this. “A euphoric electronic dance music genre that’s the love child of classical music, house & techno. In essence classical music for the dance floor or ‘the next generation of classical music’. One of the most uplifting, beautiful, spiritual & at times religious types of music available today.”
Another informative site re-compose.com takes us down another pathway examining how it affects us.
“Findings in music psychology suggest that music originates from a basic human need for entertainment. Music can influence the social behavior of groups, creating a sense of community and forging social bonds and fostering positive interactions are a modern day example.
Trance, the name of the associated musical genre, says it all. Crowds dancing at clubs or outdoor venues seek altered states of consciousness, often heightened by a synesthetic multimedia fusion between sound, visuals, stunning decorations, and spectacles like laser shows and fire acrobatics.
In Trance Formations, religious scientist and book author Robin Sylvan goes so far as to claim that rave culture around the world manifests signs of a new spiritual movement. This is not surprising considering the historical background of religious music dating back many millennia, whose purpose was to help worshippers forget their day-to-day concerns and transport them into the realm of the spiritual.
Released by the pituitary gland, the hormone oxytocin has a similar effect. It plays a role in the contraction of the uterus during labor and is presumed to influence the bond between mother and child. It may also be significant in building pair bonds in couples following its release post-orgasm. Ecstatic experiences of any kind appear to release the hormone in both men and women.
A hypothesis by Prof. Walter Freeman at UC Berkeley, Neurophysiology Lab, suggests that oxytocin is released when people dance, listen to music, and enter trance states.
Music affecting the body this way and inducing a trance-like state (i.e. dancing to music leading to a motoric trance) may lead to self-reinforcing feelings of well-being that encourage social bonding.”
Social bonding? Yep, hooking up. You got it right the first time. And here you thought your success at dance clubs was because of your charm.
With Timea’s choice in music, I truly get it because I love it too. I once had a very stressful existence of family, faith and work which felt like unappreciated life in a strait jacket. One of the releases I thoroughly enjoyed was listening and dancing to techno pop in the dark or driving past city skyscrapers at night, windows up, while it’s blasting.
I love American music too. With country Mickey Gilley’s Stand By Me, stood out. From the 1960’s The Walker Brothers hit, The Sun Ain’t Gonna Shine Anymore is unforgettable. Old soul Jimmy Ruffin’s What Becomes Of The Broken Hearted, well……..breaks my heart. Every time. Even still.
If I didn’t get enough, there is the late powerful spiritual duo of Marvin Gaye and Tammy Terrell singing, You’re All I Need To Get By. Then the girl who was in between them all from rural America, Sue Thompson of Paper Tiger fame sung a song that was wrenching called, What’s Wrong Bill?
Those American songs did their job a little too well. They made me think and feel but mostly what I felt was deep sadness, melancholy and if I’m honest……depression.
I agree with Timea, maybe for different reasons but at times I want to be transported away into an energetic world that stirs feeling of freedom, creativity and……..the fantasy of scoring.
Timea sure scored in the wrestling world. With her exotic looks, skillful grappling, erotic school girls pins accented with a very shapely form; no doubt if you are like me, watching Timea will leave you in a trance too.
I didn’t see her at a crowded restaurant. It wasn’t on the train. It wasn’t while visiting relatives in Texas during a gentle southern wind. It was from a distance at a magical place by the Danube oh so long ago.
Her face will forever call out to me from the past.
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Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source. No affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, re-compose.com, goldmark.org, behindthename.com, dwwgalaxy.com, dww girl data base, urbandictionary.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons