fciwomenswrestling.com article, Wikimedia photo
Alice Malsenior Walker, an American author and activist who wrote the critically acclaimed novel The Color Purple for which she won the National Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction was quoted as saying, “One child must never be set above another, even in casual conversation, not to mention in speeches that circle the globe.”
As Female Competition International (FCI) circles the globe to bring you news, information and stories about the varied women who have competed at wrestling, not making comparisons is challenging but celebrating each wrestler’s unique gift is essential.
A reflection on the record of DWW Cathy seems to reflect a Casual Competitor.
She was a beautiful woman that primarily wrestled from 2001-2011, often taking long breaks in between. While most wrestlers competed intensely for a designated period of time then completely retire, Cathy seemed to be comfortable with taking breaks.
When she did make a decision to wrestle, no breaks were given to her opponents.

Her resume includes competing against Monika N, Marcela, Dani, Jana, Tiffany, Lucy H, Renata B, Antonia, Viviene and Jitka. One of her memorable intense battles was against Monika N. complete with blaring music in the background and her signature win was over DWW super star Antonia. She was courageous enough to meet the Danube Warrior Tiffany twice.
That’s notable because Tiffany is her sister. One reviewer speaks to that.
“This is a wrestling match for pins and submissions between two real sisters. This match was one of the first matches for Cathy. Also Tiffany hasn’t been in her prime wrestling days either in early 2001. Both young women were learning by doing but when two sisters fight then there’s quite some action and you can witness lots of falls in this exciting and entertaining match.”
Cathy is a beautiful mother and team player. It seems like she was on the DWW on call list. Once when Gloria became ill, she was willing to fill in and wrestle for her.
This now brings us to an intriguing fork in the road. One of the reasons why FCI loves to span the globe, electronically meeting the women in our industry and studying the countries that they live in, is because we have learned so much in the process and have tried to pass some of that knowledge on to you.
One little detail can open up a world of fascination, debate and philosophy.
With the star of our story here, Cathy, her favorite food is chicken.
As of this February 1, 2015 writing, have you kept abreast of what’s happening between the United States and the European Union regarding the issue of chicken? The story has legs and is broiling.
I was certainly surprised. I look at the news everyday but completely missed this one. It was only by researching Cathy’s love of chicken that allowed this to come to the fore.
Cathy no doubt loves chicken’s raised in Europe but as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is being ratified; angry feathers are flying all over Europe.
According to an excellent September 2014 article at npr.org, National Public Radio, most Europeans absolutely do not want to eat American chicken. That’s because most U.S. poultry is chilled in antimicrobial baths that can include chlorine to keep salmonella and other bacteria in check. In Europe, chlorine treatment was banned in the 1990s out of fear that it could cause cancer.
The chlorine vs. no chlorine issue came to light in the context of a massive trans-Atlantic trade agreement. Negotiators from Europe and the U.S. have been meeting in Washington for talks aimed at creating the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, or TTIP.
The agreement would create the world’s biggest free-trade zone and touch everything from banking to agriculture. The fear in Europe is that this agreement would lower their food standards and activists have found the perfect symbol for their fight in chlorinated American chicken.
The respected global news source bbc.com further explains that The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, now generally known as TTIP, is primarily a deal to cut tariffs and regulatory barriers to trade between the US and EU countries, making it easier for companies on both sides of the Atlantic to access each other’s markets. Industries it would affect include pharmaceuticals, cars, energy, finance, chemicals, clothing and food and drink.
The fear and rage against this agreement was publicly on display in Germany by way of a massive protest. On January 17, 2015, the well-read Russian news source, ft.com reported that a broad alliance of farmers, ethical consumers, and anti-capitalist activists staged a march through Berlin that numbered up to 50,000, to denounce the proposed TTIP treaty between the US and EU, and mass farming technologies.
“More than 120 organizations joined the fifth annual ‘We are Fed Up!’ demonstration, which this year focused on the increased importation of American farming practices – such as genetic modification, frequent antibiotic injections for animals, and chemical meat treatments – following the implementation of the controversial Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).”
This is a subject with which you should stay in tuned.
We wish that Cathy had wrestled more often. She brought energy and fortitude to the mats that increased fan enjoyment. An investment in researching her career had the same effect as studying the careers of other female wrestlers in that we and our readers receive an education on what’s happening around the globe in areas that may have escaped our attention.
A DWW reviewer sums up Cathy’s very sexy contribution to the DWW historical library when she met Dani. “Both are mature and big women and it is always interesting to watch two women wrestling who are already in their thirties or near that mark. This is real woman wrestling if you highlight the word woman.”
With Cathy, we would also highlight the word “sexy”.
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Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, dwwgalaxy.com, rt.com news, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.