fciwomenswrestling.com, femcompetitor.com article, pexels.com
June 23, 2024,
It is a sensational and often relaxing way to spend your college years but after you graduate, can you get a job if you majored in philosophy?
While in college, one of our associates was given an ultimatum by the university because his grades were hovering around a C-.
Here is what it was.
If you get one more D or incomplete, we’re going to have you sit out a year before you can come back.
He was terrified. He knew that if he was forced to sit out a year?
He may never come back.
So, instead of working and taking classes, he quit his job, took out a couple of loans and, most important, took what he felt were powder puff classes. Ones where he could actually get an A or a B. And what were those classes?
Philosophy, physical fitness and psychology.
It worked.
He got all A’s and B’s and was off probation.
It was the mellowest and most enjoyable semester he had at college. He loved those five months. Now, a question for him.
Could he get a job pursing any of those pathways full time? In his mind, absolutely not. But he did learn a lot about himself and broader social issues.
Our point?
Even if you do not make money at it, having a personal philosophy, in a crumbling modern world that offers so many, often not beneficial to you as an individual, is important. It is as though if you do not, you will have a void. That void will need to be filled. How would you like it to be filled? Two of the usual subjects are religion and politics. Both can be very volatile and, in our situation, life altering.
In an extremely bad way.
Our suggestion is to develop a philosophy designed for yourself.
Be very wary of new age philosophies where you have to join a group and think like the group.
Be very wary of philosophies where one of a few leaders have all of the answers.
Be very wary of philosophies where they tell you to give up your old family and friends and stay loyal to your new family.
Be wary.
So, time for some basics.
What exactly is philosophy?

Philosophy is a systematic study of general and fundamental questions concerning topics like existence, reason, knowledge, value, mind, and language.
It is a rational and critical inquiry that reflects on its own methods and assumptions.
Influential traditions in the history of philosophy include Western, Arabic–Persian, Indian, and Chinese philosophy.
Those are the basics.
We often have found it helpful to start you off with a personal example of our philosophy. Or at least one of them.
Let’s start with self and then broaden out.
In our experience, so much of your personal philosophy will be shaped by what pathway you are currently on or would like to pursue.
This is why being cautious about modern day cults is so important. If you have your own philosophy, you will less likely be swayed by theirs.
Our basic philosophy is that life is about closing windows and transitions. It is very important to look at future timelines and recognize your opportunities and try to climb through those open windows before they close.
Do not procrastinate or life will pass you by.
For example, recently there was blockbuster news in the NFL where a once franchise quarterback got traded. Why? During his window of opportunity he could not generate enough offense and his team decided to go in another direction.
From a distance, he played like his window was going to be open for a long time, in part, because the team invested so much money in him. If that was true?
Very bad idea.
Which brings us to you.
What is the most important pathway you are on? Typically it will center on family and employment. What are your windows of opportunity in both spaces? By what timelines should you accomplish certain important things? If you understand what those goals are, you will be less distracted by what is occurring in a volatile world that, yes, can affect you, but mostly does not. You can be sucked in to unfortunate situations by others who are placing their best interests first.
Develop your personal philosophy and you will likely see a progression of accomplishments based upon your time deadlines.
So much of your personal philosophy may be structured around the concept of, as a human race, why are we here? What is the purpose for us being here?
That will tend to have an effect on the Golden Rule of treating others the way you would like to be treated or possibly a dog eat dog mentality where, every man has to be out for himself first, or lose out and get eaten alive. If the other side has a bomb, we have to build a bigger bomb.
We tend to focus on the things that we can control, though we are very aware there are many things out of our control. But, if they are out of our control, and mostly do not affect us, that determines how much time and attention we should give it.
As we often do, time for another point of view.
My Philosophy For Successful Living Paperback – November 8, 2012
By Jim Rohn (Author)
“Before he passed away in December 2009, Jim Rohn had influenced more than 5 million people in all corners of the world. He was counted as a mentor by thousands including the likes of Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Harvey Mackay, Mark Victor Hansen and others.
Jim was one of the most powerful and memorable listening experiences ever because he could take timeless, ageless principles and present them in such a simple way.
Tony Robbins, who first met Jim Rohn when he was 19-years old, said Jim, “had a positive impact on me at a time in my life when I was first forming the philosophies that guide me today.”
That positive impact continues today with this special edition of Jim’s My Philosophy for Successful Living.”
Since we have admired some of the men above, we feel this is worth a read.
One more.
Here is another person we greatly admire.
The Score Takes Care of Itself: My Philosophy of Leadership Paperback – June 29, 2010
By Bill Walsh (Author), Steve Jamison (Author), Craig Walsh (Author)
“Bill Walsh is a towering figure in the history of the NFL. His advanced leadership transformed the San Francisco 49ers from the worst franchise in sports to a legendary dynasty. In the process, he changed the way football is played.
Prior to his death, Walsh granted a series of exclusive interviews to bestselling author Steve Jamison. These became his ultimate lecture on leadership.
Additional insights and perspective are provided by Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Montana and others.
Bill Walsh taught that the requirements of successful leadership are the same whether you run an NFL franchise, a fortune 500 company, or a hardware store with 12 employees. These final words of ‘wisdom by Walsh’ will inspire, inform, and enlighten leaders in all professions.”
Very good.
In summary, it is good to gain insights from others after you have the basic structure of your own philosophy first. Just a suggestion, avoid groups that ask you to join them to support “the cause” which is often their cause or worse, some charismatic leader’s cause.
As important, just because you like portions of another person’s philosophy, be careful not to buy into all of it.
They are imperfect just as you are.
By developing your own philosophy and climbing through your open windows, we are confident in your pursuit of happiness and your place in the world, life will not pass you by.
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OPENING PHOTO fciwomenswrestling.com, femcompetitor.com article, pexels.com