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October 2, 2019,
Did you play the game Peekaboo as a child?
If you didn’t play Peekaboo, it is a game played with a young child, which involves hiding behind something and suddenly reappearing, saying “peekaboo”.
There is an ice cream that is fascinating the market with the name of Peekaboo, but with this delight, there is no hide, just seek.
It appears to be a hidden gem.
As you might guess, children absolutely love it. They should. It was created by a mom for her own children for an important reason.
As a parent, getting most children to eat their vegetables is extremely hard. Wouldn’t you agree? Getting them to eat ice cream is a cinch. What if you seamlessly blended vegetables into the ice cream where that kids can’t taste it but still could benefit from them?
Great idea.

In an interview with KTLA.com, mother and founder of Peekaboo ice cream has some explaining to do and she does it well. The news team shares, “Mom and Founder of Peekaboo Organic Ice Cream Jessica Levison joined us live to tell us all about Peekaboo Ice Cream. Peekaboo Ice Cream is indulgent ice cream with hidden veggies that you can’t see or taste but they are just as powerful in delivering their healthy benefits. Eating your veggies never tasted so good. Only you will know what’s hiding.”
Should we or should we not tell the kids? Maybe just let them enjoy the cream with the “what you don’t know won’t hurt you theory”.
Let’s visit Jessica’s website at peekabooicecream.com and get her take on her thought process. She smiles, “We all know we need to eat our veggies, but we don’t always get enough of them.
This was especially true for my family, for whom ice cream is a primary food group. (This might have something to do with the fact that my day job is making ice cream for our Miami-based scoop shops). So, I started thinking: wouldn’t it be rad if veggies tasted like ice cream?
After lots of tinkering and even more taste testing, I developed Peekaboo Ice Cream. Peekaboo Ice Cream is indulgent ice cream with hidden veggies that you can’t see or taste but they are just as powerful in delivering their healthy benefits.”
There’s been a 600% increase in people identifying as vegans in the U.S in the last three years. According to a report by research firm GlobalData, only 1% of U.S. consumers claimed to be vegan in 2014.
Leading the trend, our sweet entrepreneur is making the rounds and spreading the word as she has done with KTLA and CNBC. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=augZLMUwzQ0
A former attorney who wanted to do something that she was passionate about, Jessica actually studied how to make ice cream. There are schools for such a thing.
One of the ice cream making schools is at Penn State.
It actually is true. They do have a school that teaches the art of making ice cream. At foodscience.psu.edu they educate, “The program instructs professionals in the nuances of commercial ice cream manufacture. It is taught for a diverse audience, including personnel from:
- production and quality control
- research and development
- companies providing goods and services to the ice cream industry
- sales and general management of large and small manufacturing companies
Each year about 120 students from all over the world attend the program. In its 128th-year history, the course has attracted more than 4,400 participants from every state in the nation and every continent except Antarctica.”
Fascinating. Did not know that.
The seven day course is offered annually in January.
At times, students will attend more than 20 workshops on specialized areas of ice cream technology including flavoring, refrigeration, freezing and hardening techniques, and the manufacture of frozen yogurt and novelty frozen desserts.
Enlightening. There is more to making ice cream than meets the eye.
This is not some fly by night course for eccentric minds. Some big names have attended this school.
The Penn State team adds, “Representatives from mom-and-pop operations, as well as industry leaders, have traveled to University Park to learn the secrets of ice cream making. Participants represent Baskin-Robbins, Ben and Jerry’s, Blue Bell Creamery, Borden, Colombo, Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream, Friendly, Good Humor/Breyers, Haagen-Dazs, Hershey, HP Hood, International Dairy Queen, Mars, Inc., Nestle, Sealtest, Schrafft, Wells, and other well-known ice cream manufactures.”
Exceptional teachers they are. We’re convinced.
So, would you like to try Peekaboo Ice Cream? Previously you could only purchase it at Jessica’s website but she has some great news that has made it easier for you to seek out this tasty and healthy treat.
Please enjoy.
Eating Veggies Just Got Way Sweeter As Peekaboo Ice Cream Launches At Kroger Nationwide

Miami-Based Startup Brings Hidden Veggies — That You Can’t See or Taste — to Frozen Dessert Aisle
MIAMI, Oct. 1, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — Whole veggies hidden in delicious full-flavor ice cream comes to 1,800 Kroger Family of Stores when they begin carrying the Peekaboo brand starting this month. The Miami-based health and wellness company is dramatically expanding its reach by partnering with Kroger, America’s largest grocery retailer. This will mean even more American households will have access to more nutritious and great tasting dessert options.
Peekaboo is the only manufacturer of organic super premium ice cream infused with veggies. The products are designed to deliver a boost of functional ingredients that support nutrition and wellness, and speak to today’s consumers’ desire for healthier, sustainable and plant-forward food choices that still meet their expectation of indulgence. This represents a huge opportunity for Peekaboo Ice Cream as it sits in the crossroads of wellness-indulgence.
“As a certified B Corp., we are honored to partner with Kroger as we share its commitment to sustainability and social accountability,” says Jessica Levison, founder and C.E.O. of Peekaboo Ice Cream. The company has already had enormous success with their initial five flavors as they continue to expand beyond their first year of operations. They are now rolling out a new line-up that will soon include their much-anticipated plant-based non-dairy varieties.
Aside from Kroger, Peekaboo ice cream is already available in over 2,500 stores nationwide, including Safeway, Whole Foods, Bristol Farms, Lazy Acres and Shop-Rite, and has received national media attention with features in media including the Today Show, KTLA, CNBC, USA Today, WSJ and Gwyneth Paltrow’s Goop.
“This is just the beginning,” Levison continues. “We are aiming to disrupt indulgent foods and make them better for you. Our mission is to blur the line between vice and virtue.” The Peekaboo founder is a mother of picky eaters, and was fed up with the “eat your veggies” argument night after night. She began experimenting with hiding veggies in her kids’ ice cream and perfected the consistency, taste and pairings for each signature flavor. After receiving rave reviews from both kids and adults alike, the company was born.
Peekaboo Ice Cream uses only the best organic ingredients to make a product that is gluten-free, non-GMO, certified organic and kosher. The five flavors currently on the market are:
- Strawberry with Hidden Carrots
- Vanilla with Hidden Zucchini
- Mint Chocolate Chip with Hidden Spinach
- Chocolate with Hidden Cauliflower
- Cotton Candy with Hidden Beets
For more information about Peekaboo Ice Cream, ordering online and finding the nearest retailer, visit peekabooicecream.com and find them on social media @EatPeekaboo. Visit kroger.com to find the nearest Kroger store.
– Hi res images, video and other materials, and interviews are available upon request –
SOURCE Peekaboo Ice Cream
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