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Loveline, with its first episode airing in 1996 was an adaptation of a popular radio show where by Dr. Drew Pinsky dispenses relationship advice to callers, assisted by celebrity guests and co-host Adam Carolla.
It was one ground breaking, fun, innovative, socially relevant and penetrating show.

One day a very sincere sounding young male caller phoned in and expressed to Dr. Drew and Adam that he had a problem that was really troubling him. He had a very large private part and the girls just loved it too much.
Something like that.
What this writer remembers more is Adam Carolla’s response, words to the effect saying yeah right, I’ve got a big whopper and that’s a problem.
And they quickly did.
I laughed my head off.
So when I saw Indie Wrestler Dana Adiva, I thought wow.

Then when I read about what she said her major problem in life was, if she called in to the show to get some advice, and I was hosting Loveline, I would say, yeah right, and hang up on her too.
Hey, don’t get me wrong, I like her lot and even agree with her to a great extent.
What’s her problem you ask?
She sadly expresses that she’s too beautiful and guys just won’t leave her alone.
It seems that the Huffington Post thought something similar. In a June 4, 2013 article they shared, “We’re all about women being confident and appreciating their bodies just as they are — rock on. But do women who claim they are too pretty deserve sympathy? One young woman says yes.
A recent episode of MTV’s “True Life” series featured Dana Adiva, a 21-year-old from Illinois who claims that her beauty causes her endless problems. “People will stare at me no matter what,” Dana tells her sister in the video clip above. “It’s the most irritating thing in the world.” The episode follows Adiva and another girl, Brooke Torres, as they explore the “resentments and jealousies that are making them miserable every day.” These resentments and jealousies, according to the show, are all about their looks.”
Even Fox News seem a little taken aback by it and admitted it wasn’t breaking news, “Need a break? We’ve got three stories about beauty today that are sure to entertain.
First, meet Dana, a 21-year-old star from MTV’s “True Life: I’m Too Beautiful.” Life is really, really hard for Dana, who often gets stressed out because so many people stare at her, in awe of her beauty. It’s tough being beautiful, right? Watch the video above to see the other awful hardships poor Dana has to endure.”
I would soon research Dana’s lady pro matches online, which weren’t many, and guess what?
She lost all of them.
Look, life is balance and Dana should feel good about this. While everyone continually stared at her?
At least it wasn’t because of her wrestling.
Okay, let’s talk for a moment about beauty, because as I scratch my head in pounding puzzlement, I always thought that women wanted to be too beautiful.
There is a website that openly advertises that, men or women, it only wants beautiful people. At dailydot.com they express, “According to Greg Hodge, the site’s managing director, just one in 10 applicants is accepted. The process of admission is “clever, because it gives you an accurate representation of beauty,” he told the Daily Dot. “Beauty is subjective, so by democratizing it, you get an honest perception.”
This is so perplexing and vexing that I think I’m going to call into Loveline. Maybe they could clear this all up.
Psychology Today always does an exceptional job of hosing the beautiful mud off the side walk so we can see with clarity. What’s beautiful to men and women of course seems to be very different. “There is a vast body of evidence indicating that men and women are biologically and psychologically different, and that what heterosexual men and women want in partners directly corresponds to these differences. The features men evolved to go for in women—youth, clear skin, a symmetrical face and body, feminine facial features, an hourglass figure—are those indicating that a woman would be a healthy, fertile candidate to pass on a man’s genes.
These preferences span borders, cultures, and generations, meaning yes, there really are universal standards of beauty. And while Western women do struggle to be slim, the truth is, women in all cultures eat (or don’t) to appeal to “the male gaze.” The body size that’s idealized in a particular culture appears to correspond to the availability of food. In cultures like ours, where you can’t go five miles without passing a 7-Eleven and food is sold by the pallet-load at warehouse grocery stores, thin women are in. In cultures where food is scarce (like in Sahara-adjacent hoods), blubber is beautiful, and women appeal to men by stuffing themselves until they’re slim like Jabba the Hut.
Men’s looks matter to heterosexual women only somewhat. Most women prefer men who are taller than they are, with symmetrical features (a sign that a potential partner is healthy and parasite-free). But, women across cultures are intent on finding male partners with high status, power, and access to resources—which means a really short guy can add maybe a foot to his height with a private jet. And, just like women who aren’t very attractive, men who make very little money or are chronically out of work tend to have a really hard time finding partners.”
Okay so that speaks primarily to attraction but still makes some good points.
Can I put my two cents in?
A woman can only be too beautiful if she is not only gorgeous on the outside but elegant and classy on the inside.
I can’t tell you enough about how many actresses I find super sexy, religiously watch their films, and fall deeply madly in love with them, until they start using profanity.
So who was too beautiful in my mind? Well you have to go back in time because in her day, it wasn’t considered beautiful to spew profanity.
Oh by the way, please don’t take my word for it because the great A-List acting legend Kirk Douglas in his role as a successful architect, while with a shopping cart in his hands, looked at her and after having a conversation with her, said honestly and in a matter of fact way, that she wasn’t so beautiful.
It caught Kim Novak’s housewife character off guard because he was thinking out loud.
The reality was, in the movie, he thought she was exceptionally beautiful but since he was married, he just had to try and convince himself that she wasn’t.
Now that truly was a problem to call in about, only they didn’t have Loveline then.
The truth of the matter was that she actually was too beautiful. Probably one of the most beautiful, elegant and classiest actresses that I’ve ever seen on screen.

The film was entitled Strangers When We Meet, a 1960 drama about two married neighbors who have an affair. The movie was adapted by Evan Hunter from his novel of the same name and directed by Richard Quine. The film stars Kirk Douglas, Kim Novak, Ernie Kovacs, Barbara Rush, and Walter Matthau.
The picture was filmed in Los Angeles, with scenes shot in Beverly Hills, Brentwood, Santa Monica, and Malibu.
If you try an experiment, I think that you will agree with me.
The trailer capsulizes it well. It states “They were madly in love, married, but not to each other.”
Step one: turn the volume off on the video trailer.
Step two: go to another window and play this music while you listen to the trailer. It’s Stanger On The Shore, by Acker Bilk.
Step three: go back and play the trailer in conjunction with the music.
In combination that is very beautiful.
And oh, by the way. True beauty?

Can never be too beautiful.
~ ~ ~
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.