fciwomenswrestling.com femcompetitor.com, fcielitecompetitor.com pexels.com-photo-Yasin-Gündogdu
The adventurous person that becomes addicted to life’s adventures and develops an insatiable appetite for it, seems to live a life voluminous.
One such luminary is the young, stunning, shapely, bold and brave French Model Clementine Desseaux who lives and breathes a life of passion.
Virtually all life affirming adventures are welcome.
The ultimate really cool, great looking French girl, Clementine has modeled for American Apparel and the French clothing company Castaluna.
She also runs a cutting edge lifestyle blog bonjourclem.com.
There we can find out more about her.
Clementine Desseaux was born and raised in France.
As a child, she was lucky enough to travel regularly to visit family members spread all over the country. When Clem grew older, she traveled more frequently and further away from home. It was during her world travels that she realized how inspired she was by her own life and everything she was able to experience, and decided to express this through photography, styling, writing and cooking.
Ah cooking. Which means eating.
Besides fashion, another great love Clem grew up with was food.
She was introduced to the art of food at a very young age by her grandma in the south of France. To this day, she has kept the passion that her grandma passed on to her and loves cooking as a means to sharing happiness with the people she loves.
After going to school in France and earning a Bachelor’s Degree in International Marketing, Clem decided that the idea of starting an adventurous life in the USA was much more appealing to her than becoming a Marketing mogul in some Paris office. She said goodbye to her home and left for sunny Miami to live her version of the American Dream.
“One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure.”… William Feather
Soon after moving, Clem signed her first modeling contract and later moved to New York where she now lives and works for various international clients, and continues to pursue the adventurous life she’s always wanted.
Femcompetitor Magazine thinks her resume is really inspiring.
She’s also very down to earth and logical.
When asked by allure.com what she thinks about the term plus size, in an industry that sometimes appears very politically correct, she seems to give the correct answer.
Her response? “I feel like we’ve been talking about this for so long. I wonder why it’s something we still talk about. It’s fine because people have to find a way to put you in a box, so I guess ‘plus’ works.”
Well said madam.
As you can imagine, because of her many attributes including being down to earth and being loved abroad and especially in France, when Clementine speaks, people listen. That’s why her blog is so popular.
What is the purpose of BonjourClem.com?
She expands, “For now, BonjourClem.com is a view of the world through my eyes and will cover a wide range of stories about people and things that inspire me that I want to share with you. As a model, I frequently have to speak for and represent other brands; BonjourClem.com, however, is a personal project where I’m not representing anyone other than myself – a wild child fresh from France and filled with excitement about everything that surrounds me.”
Clementine is brimming with excitement.
So is the place where she grew up, was nurtured in part by her grandmother, and spent so much time. It’s a fabulous region that needs little introduction but is always fun to re-visit.
Let’s travel to the South of France.
Southern France also known as Le Midi is a defined geographical area consisting of the regions of France that border the Atlantic Ocean south of the Marais Poitevin, Spain, the Mediterranean, and Italy.
The region includes:
- Aquitaine
- Corsica
- Languedoc-Roussillon
- Midi-Pyrénées
- Poitou-Charentes (the Southern parts)[3]
- Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
- Rhône-Alpes (the Southern parts)
Our tour guide about-france.com speaks English and French and is happy to simplify and expand on our tour. “The area that makes up what the French refer to as “le Midi”, is generally speaking the most popular tourist region in France, and needs little introduction.
The French Riviera is a small part of the south of France, the thin coastal strip from around Cassis (east of Marseille) in the west to the Italian border in the east. It is a coastline that gets very crowded in summer, though on account of the rocky coastline, there are still some quiet and peaceful spots to be found.
The historic area of Provence has a lot of historic cities, such as Avignon with its famous bridge, Arles with its Roman remains, the Camargue, and the university town of Aix en Provence.”
As you can see, there is so much to the region.
Enough about mortar, sand, sea and history.
Let’s talk about food.
You already know in France that’s a splendid subject. Clementine made that clear when speaking about her childhood.
The very creative site bootsnall.com lays down the table cloth. “First, there are the traditional dishes that characterize the South of France. Let’s talk seafood – grilled sardines sprinkled with sea salt from the Camargues. Moules frites in the walled city of Aigues Mortes. Bouillabaisse on the Vieux Port of Marseille. Towering raw bars at beachside bistros in Nice.
Wintertime brings hearty cassoulet, a sausage, bean and duck stew that warms the soul and fills the tummy. Tartiflette – sliced potatoes soaked in wine, covered with lardons and cheese and baked, served with salad and dried meats – will send even the hungriest bear into sleepy hibernation.”
No wonder Clementine loved her childhood.
“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.”…. Oprah Winfrey
As we cover the shapely model market, we are happy to see it expanding. Clementine is happy as well, expressing the plus-size market is booming, and the selection offered to curvy women has grown immensely.
As for the future, our gorgeous French world traveler shares there’s much new coming up on Bonjour Clem, presenting a lot of different ways to get inspired. You should keep enjoying her site for updates.
We all should keep dreaming.
You never know what can happen.
Just like Clementine, and she can vouch for this, an everyday girl can turn the world around if she’s positive about herself and others.
It helps to be adventurous too.
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.