fciwomenswrestling.com article,cindytraining.com
There are many journeys in life that we must take ourselves…….all by ourselves.
There are others that, despite our best efforts, we need help.
Both journeys are necessary.
This played out powerfully on celluloid in the 2001 classic “Y Tu Mama Tambien”.

In Mexico, the film earned $2.2 million its first weekend in June 2001, making it the highest box office opening in Mexican cinema history. In 2003, the film was nominated for Best Original Screenplay at the Academy Awards as well as Best Foreign Language Film at the Golden Globe Awards in 2002.
For this writer, a lover of independent and foreign films, this one struck a strong emotional cord.
On the surface it seemed like a typical coming of age road movie, but even the first time around, when the film nears its end, you know that you just experienced something far more complex, deeply painful and symbolic.
For an explanation, we need assistance.
The masterful and timeless movie reviewer Roger Ebert assists. “Y Tu Mama Tambien is described on its Web site as a “teen drama,” which is like describing “Moulin Rouge” as a musical. The description is technically true but sidesteps all of the reasons to see the movie. Yes, it’s about two teenage boys and an impulsive journey with an older woman that involves sexual discoveries. But it is also about the two Mexicos. And it is about the fragility of life and the finality of death. Beneath the carefree road movie that the movie is happy to advertise is a more serious level–and below that, a dead serious level.”
Fitness for many of us is an off and on proposition.
Mostly off.
For female athletes in general and competitive submission wrestlers in particular, it’s mostly on, but to reach the highest levels that enhance a competitive edge, you might need help.
When you take one look at the gorgeous Fitness Trainer Cindy Landolt, many words come to mind, yet two stand out.
Perfect body.

We don’t need any assistance to figure that out.
We may need assistance in the journey to get there.
If you are looking for an extra edge in your fitness program, Cindy can help. Let’s meet her.
At her captivating site cindytraining.com her credentials are nicely on display. “Cindy Landolt is Switzerland’s Premier Personal trainer and owner of Zurich’s most exclusive gym the Centurion Club.
As a trainer with more than 15 years’ experience working with clients ranging from people simply wanting to get into their best shape, to Film Stars preparing for roles and Professional Sportspeople looking to get the edge required to make them winners in their field, Cindy’s vast experience and knowledge base ensures that you get on the ‘right track’ from the very beginning!
Beyond her direct training role, Cindy also created the World’s first FREE ‘Live Training’ stream, using 6 Cameras in Full HD to coach people all over the World in perfect training form, as well as publishing a Newsletter to over 70,000 individuals, providing them with free training and nutrition information, and access to her many E-Books.
Cindy is a regular contributor to Magazines, Newspapers and TV all across Europe, the UK and Australia as well as playing host to over 600k followers via her Social Media profiles.
Cindy has made it her mission to provide freely as much training and nutrition information as possible, to as many people as she can reach, whilst focusing solely on the most effective training methods known throughout the world.”
For the best look, all beauties need a great foundation applied and our Swiss Princess was raised with a great foundation. She’s always been very active and sporting. Her parents were mountain bike riders and did lots of hiking and running. Her father was a long-distance Swiss Master Cyclist.
Cindy was also a gymnast for many years and has been weight training from an early age. She would eventually compete for the national title.
She joined a gym for the first time when she was 16 and that’s when she realized how much she loved weight training and how much power she had to design and shape her gorgeous body.
It’s evident when someone loves what they do. It has a penetrating effect on us.
Let’s travel to the village that helped shape this divinely sculpted princess.
Zurich is the largest city in Switzerland and the capital of the canton of Zürich.
It is located in north-central Switzerland at the northwestern tip of Lake Zürich. The municipality has approximately 400,028 inhabitants, the urban agglomeration 1.315 million, and the Zurich metropolitan area 1.83 million.
Permanently settled for around 2000 years, Zürich has a history that goes back to its founding by the Romans, who, in 15 BC, called it Turicum. The official language of Zürich is (the Swiss variety of Standard) German, but the main spoken language is the local variant of the Alemannic Swiss German dialect.
At the well planned city site stadt-zuerich.ch they assist us further. “Zürich is a real cultural center, with unique events in all different disciplines and walks of life. On any given day there are around 70 different cultural events on offer.
With its beautiful lakeside location, unspoiled environment and extensive range of leisure and cultural activities, Zürich is both a unique and attractive traveler’s haven and has always been Switzerland’s largest tourist destination.”
Always willing to help, the global travel site Lonely Planet enhances, “Culturally vibrant, efficiently run and attractively set at the meeting of river and lake, Zürich is regularly recognized as one of the world’s most livable cities. Long known as a savvy, hard-working financial center, Switzerland‘s largest and wealthiest metropolis has also emerged in the 21st century as one of central Europe‘s hippest destinations, with an artsy, post-industrial edge that’s epitomized in its exuberant summer Street Parade.
Much of the ancient center, with its winding lanes and tall church steeples, has been kept lovingly intact. Yet Zürich has also wholeheartedly embraced contemporary trends, with the conversion of old factories into cultural centers and creative new living spaces. Nowhere is that clearer than in Züri-West, the epicenter of the city’s nightlife.
Outside the city, there’s also plenty to explore: Uetliberg with its trails and scenic vistas, pretty lakeside towns such as Rapperswil, and the renowned museums of nearby Winterthur.”
Very impressive. Would luv to go. Travel Guide assistance appreciated.
“None of us got to where we are alone. Whether the assistance we received was obvious or subtle, acknowledging someone’s help is a big part of understanding the importance of saying thank you”…Harvey Mackay
More impressive is Cindy’s vision in working with a client for personal fitness. In her interview with womenfitness.net, in terms of what’s possible, she smiles, “When a trainee says to me that something can’t be done, I know for a fact that (genuine physical limitations allowing) their barrier is more psychological than physical.
If you want to achieve the maximum results for your body, you cannot allow your mind to become the limiting factor, so it’s my job to know the real limits of each and every one of my trainees and to ensure that they reach a little further into their new ground, their unknown, step over their own personal fear barrier and belief boundaries at each and every workout.”
Sometimes in life to achieve all things possible, it’s best to have an inspirational guide.
Sometimes we truly need assistance.
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.
Owner of www.centurionclub.ch and www.cindylandolt.ch