fciwomenswrestling.com femcompetitor.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, pexels.com- Andre-Furtado photo credit
For the average person, inspiration may be viewed as a luxury. For an artist it is an absolute necessity.
Fortunately inspiration can come from many sources.
Staying healthy and trying to maintain a strong health and exercise regime is tough to do.
Sometimes we need a muse.
As we explore the fascinating world of the Brazilian Fitness Model there are so many with great Social Media followings, are gorgeous as the sun, sand and beach combined and are very easy on the eyes.
In that extremely competitive community one girl that stands out is Carol Saraiva. If you need a muse to get you motivated, Carol is just the ticket.

I think people inspire me the most. If I meet a person who is incredibly complex, and all of a sudden, I start thinking in rhymes, that person could be a muse.…..Taylor Swift
The energetic site localsofbrazil.com gushes about her. “Carol Saraiva is one of the most sought after models in the fitness market. Physical education teacher, she does not exercise the profession in a gym, but giving tips on social networks in Brazil. Celebrating her success, the beautiful shared with fans the arrival to one million followers on Instagram.”
The healthy site womenintofitness.com agrees. “You cannot talk about Brazilian Fitness Models and forget this beauty. Well defined sculptured set of ABS on a beautiful chick is no other but Carol Saraiva. She is a fitness model and also a trainer based in Brazil. She has a thousands of followers on both Facebook and Instagram showing her popular and a celebrity she is.”
Let’s get a nice quote from Carol found there.
“When I started my journey in the fitness world, I had no idea where I would get and that I could inspire so many people. I always did everything with great love and deposited all my energy into it. And today, I want to thank all of you who follow me and follow my work.
You fill my heart with joy every day with positive messages and that’s what motivates me and moves me! Inspire someone is very rewarding! Each of you is important to me. Thanks also to all the special people who have been by my side and companies who have always supported and helped me to trace my way. I love you all. I am very happy.”
They describe her as a Fitness Muse.
Women are our most miraculous muse, an enchanted intangibility that encourages all art.………………. CeeLo Green
Makes sense.
What amazes us is how the Brazilian girls have really figured out how to develop their fitness brand and make a nice living taking photographs on the beach and traveling the world.
Part of that seems cultural.
Part of that is being wise and determined.
The fitness industry in Brazil is as massive as her mega cities.
Beautiful muses are everywhere.
According to thebrazilbusiness.com, “The Brazilian gym industry is a rising sector of the economy considering Brazil is second behind the United States among countries with the highest number of gyms. In 2000, there were only 797 gyms in the country; by the end of 2012, there were over 22 thousand gyms, and 6.7 million people registered in them, summing up a billing of USD 2.3 billion. This increase represents a positive difference of 130% compared to 2011, when there were almost 17,000 gyms in Brazil.”
Carol was bright and creative enough to make the most of that. It helps to be dedicated and hard working as well. It’s certain a line of work where do as I do is far more important than do as I say.
At her store carolsaraiva.com Carol has an array of stylish and practical fitness attire. It shall we say….inspires.
Carol shares more of her inspiration at blackskullusa.com. She states that she was a very active child and very early on already practiced sports activities.
Beautiful Brazilian Fitness Girls inspire us to travel. Let’s travel to a unique region where Carol lived.
Have you ever heard of Florianopolis Brazil?
This metropolis is the capital city and second largest city of the state of Santa Catarina, in the South region of Brazil. It is composed of one main island, the Island of Santa Catarina, a continental part and the surrounding small islands.
It has a population of 461,524.
The city is known for having a very high quality of life, ranked as the country’s third highest Human Development Index score among all Brazilian cities (0.847).
The city has 42 beaches and is a center of surfing activity. Newsweek placed Florianopolis in the “Ten most dynamic cities of the world” list in 2006.
The global travel site lonelyplanet.com is always happy to help with more information. “There are two faces to Florianopolis (Floripa). On the mainland, the industrial zone occupies the districts of Estreito and Coqueiros. Across the bay, the island holds the historic center and the chic district of Beira-Mar Norte. Two picturesque bridges link these halves. The old suspension bridge, the Ponte Hercílio Luz, is no longer open to traffic, but it still lights the night sky, acting as the defining feature of Floripa’s spectacular skyline.”
Let’s have some fun and travel to the beach. You’ll be inspired.
Our guide is nexussurf.com. They smile, “Beaches in Florianopolis, Brazil are some of the most breathtaking anywhere in the world. There are forty-two Florianopolis beaches, to be exact, with one more beautiful than the next and all of them here waiting for you to enjoy.
While the waters at the Floripa beaches on the west side of the island are calm and protected and thus great for families and swimming, Florianopolis’ entire east coast is blessed with a constant flow of powerful Atlantic swells, making for some of the most amazing and consistent year-round surfing you will find anywhere in the world.”
Reading about Carol and where she flourishes has us inspired to focus harder on our exercise regime.
Muses of course are nothing new. According to vocabulary.com, “In mythology, the Muses were nine goddesses who symbolized the arts and sciences. Today, a muse is a person who serves as an artist’s inspiration. Often filmmakers talk about a certain actor being a muse — meaning the actor inspired a movie. Writers, painters, musicians, and other artists have muses.”
How are you doing with yours?
Don’t worry, if you need a fitness muse, you’ve come to the perfect place.
Welcome to Carol’s world.
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.