fciwomenswrestling.com femcompetitor.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, Brock-Badgers-photo-credit
March 15, 2020,
Canada and America have nurtured a great diplomatic relationship for years.
They have so much in common.
The North American Union (NAU) is a theoretical economic and political continental union of Canada, Mexico, and the United States.
The concept is loosely based on the European Union, occasionally including a common currency called the Amero or the North American Dollar. A union of the North American continent, sometimes extending to Central and South America, has been the subject of academic concepts for over a century, as well as becoming a common trope in science fiction.
One can still dream.
Canada and the United States share countless qualities, such as language and culture, along with deeply entwined histories and a wonderful co-existence on the North American continent.
Too, thanks to modern travel technology and common economic systems, it wouldn’t be too tough to move back and forth between the two countries, either.
That’s a great thing given how girls wrestling is flourishing in both countries and teams and organizations from both societies compete against one another.

When Female Competition International (FCI) began covering Girl’s wrestling back in 2012, the statistics were very encouraging.
In their 2010-11 release, the NFHS High School Athletics Participation Survey stats revealed there were 273,732 boys competing in wrestling, an increase of 842 wrestlers from the previous year (0.3 percent increase). Girl high school wrestlers grew to 7,351 athletes, an increase of 1,217 wrestlers from the previous year (a 19.8 percent increase).
The girls have never looked back.

As reported by teamusa.org in August of 2019, “The National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) has released its 2018-19 High School Participation Survey, and the sport of wrestling has grown in all five categories reported.
This is the second straight year that high school wrestling has grown in all categories.
The biggest jump within wrestling came in girls wrestling, which grew for its 30th straight year.

There were 21,124 girls participants in 2018-19, an increase of 4,562 athletes from the year before. This is a tremendous 27.5% increase from last year.
The number of schools with girls wrestling climbed to 2,890, an increase of 539 schools. This marks a 22.9% increase from the previous year.
Girl’s high school wrestling has climbed to the No. 17 most popular high school sport for girls. There are currently 18 state high school associations which have developed or announced official girls high school wrestling championships, an increase from just six two seasons ago.”
They add that the top ten states for girls wrestling competition are California (6,014); 2. Texas (4,421); 3. Washington (1,864); 4. Missouri (956); 5. Illinois (676); 6. Hawaii (620); 7. Oregon (597); 8. Arizona (481); 9. New Jersey (477); 10. Florida (475).
FCI can attest to that. We had a chance to visit a girl’s wrestling tournament in Rocklin, California and were surprised at how massive the tournament was with attendance so great there was overflow parking.
We along with other parents had to be bused in.
Canada is doing very well in that regard as well. They have a great organization that is enhancing the sport of girl’s wrestling.

We visit their team at wrestling.ca who educate, “Wrestling Canada Lutte is the national sport governing body for Olympic style wrestling in Canada. Among its responsibilities, the association selects and prepares Canada’s teams that participate in international competitions including Continental Championships, World Championships and major multi-sport Games (ie. Olympic Games).
Wrestling Canada Lutte serves a number of stakeholders to further its mission. The organization is committed to working in closer alignment with its provincial and territorial partners to deliver world-class programs and services to athletes, coaches, and officials. Wrestling Canada Lutte recognizes the significant contribution that the secondary and post-secondary school system makes to the growth of the sport and will continue to strengthen the relationship it has with these academic institutions.
The National Office of Wrestling Canada Lutte, in partnership with provincial and territorial wrestling organizations, provides a number of core services and programs to its members, in carrying out its mission. In addition, the National Office often plays a leadership role in advancing the sport of wrestling both domestically and internationally.

Wrestling Canada Lutte has confirmed the following six long-term strategic goals that it will continue to work towards achieving:
- Coordinating and assisting wrestlers, coaches, managers, trainers and officials in the pursuit of excellence in wrestling, regionally, provincially, nationally and internationally.
- Promoting the sport of amateur wrestling in Canada through its members and to the public at large.
- Unifying the sport of wrestling by providing the necessary leadership.
- Encouraging and developing the widest participation and highest proficiency in Olympic wrestling in Canada.
- Managing and governing the organization according to best practices and industry standards.
- Improving the skill and technical knowledge of wrestlers, coaches, managers, trainers and officials in Canada.”
We can certainly appreciate their passion and tremendous organizational skills.
Their vision is to be a leading wrestling nation through the growth and development of wrestling in Canada and through consistent international podium success.

As of this March 15, 2020 writing, according to teamusa.org, here are the schools in Canada with Girl’s Wrestling programs and their contact information.
Canadian College Programs
Brock University, ON
Head Coach: Marty Calder
Email: mcalder@brocku.ca Phone: 905-688-5550 ext 4758
University of Calgary, AB
Head Coach: Mitch Otsberg
Email: ostberg@ucalgary.ca Phone: 403-220-8677
University of Guelph, ON
Head Coach: Doug Cox
Email: dcox@uoguelph.ca
University of Saskatchewan, SK
Head Coach: Daniel Olver
Email: Daniel.olver@usask.ca
University of Regina, SK
Head Coach: Leo McGee
Email: leo.mcgee@uregina.ca Phone: 306-585-4067
University of Alberta, AB
Head Coach: Owen Dawkins
Email: owen.dawkins@ualberta.ca
University of New Brunswick, NB
Head Coach: Don Ryan
Email: donryan@unb.ca Phone: 505-453-5191
University of Winnipeg, Manitoba MB
Head Coach: Adrian Bruce
Email: ad.bruce@uwinnipeg.ca Phone: 204-230-4236
Concordia University, QC
Head Coach: Victor Zilverman
Email: wrestling@concordia.ca Phone: 514-848-2424 ext 3863
Lakehead University, ON
Head Coach: Francis Clayton
Email: Francis.clayton@lakeheadu.ca Phone: 807-343-8513
University of Western Ontario, ON
Head Coach: Ray Takahashi
Email: tak@uwo.ca Phone: 519-661-2111 ext 85078
McMaster University, ON
Head Coach: Nick Cipriano
Email: cipriano@mcmaster.ca
Queen’s University, ON
Head Coach: Gianni Vecchio
Email: qwrestle@queensu.ca Phone: 613-533-6000 ext 78860
York University, ON
Head Coach: Eamonn Dorgan
Email: moedorg@hotmail.com
University of Toronto, ON
Head Coach: Michael Quinsey
Email: mikequinsey@gmail.com Phone: 416-880-3417
Laurentian University, ON
Head Coach: Joe Greer
Email: jgreer@laurentian.ca
Simon Fraser University, NCAA Div. II, (BC, Canada) Member of WCWA
Head Coach: Justin Abdou
Email: jabdou@sfu.ca
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Opening photo fciwomenswrestling.com femcompetitor.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, Brock-Badgers-photo-credit