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What is the top product that has men’s hearts racing?
Debenhams plc is a British multinational retailer operating under a department store format in the United Kingdom and Ireland with franchise stores in other countries.
Founded in 1778, Debenhams has had plenty of time to understand the minds of both sexes and once again, the United Kingdom retailer has hit the bull’s eye or in this case, the heart.
According to the informative news group express.co.uk relates that in an effort to establish in which department customers get the most enthusiastic, Debenhams used monitor devices to track the heart rates of 1,000 shoppers.
And the study of customers aged 20 to 40 revealed extreme differences between what gets the pulses racing for men and women.
Lingerie topped the list of goods that boosted men’s heart rates, followed by high-tech TVs and sound systems.
“A woman’s average resting heart rate is 74 beats per minute, but the sight of a must-have dress got hearts racing to an average 120 bpm in four out of 10 women monitored.
For men, the average 72bpm resting heart rate surged to 118bpm in the lingerie department compared with the pulse-boosting effect of flash new TVs, which raised heart rates to 105bpm.”
So session girls; even if your customer has not requested that you wear lingerie, maybe it’s a good idea to do so, especially in the initial meet and greet.
It’s very revealing the summations that ehow.com drew from their study.
They raise the question; why are men really attracted to lingerie? The answer seems to involve a number of factors, including the desire for simultaneous mystery, exhilaration and allure.
- Popular and risqué lingerie website Sheer Lingerie and More suggests that the main function of women’s lingerie is to “highlight and flatter the sensual areas of a woman’s body.” Lingerie arouses and intrigues men in ways that everyday feminine clothing does not. As soon as a specific area of a woman’s body is accentuated and given attention, the man is “brought to attention” by the excitement of the special image before him.
- According to HintofRomance.com, given the choice of seeing a woman naked or a woman in sexy lingerie, men would choose the latter in almost every scenario. The reason for this surprising response is that most men are looking for three things: excitement, mystery and a bit of teasing from the woman. The idea of the naked woman may be exciting, but it holds no mystery. The idea of the woman in sexy lingerie, on the other hand, holds all three components at once.
- Sheer Lingerie and More describes the ways in which different kinds of lingerie can accentuate and underscore parts of the female body in different ways. Corsets force the eye towards the chest, Baby dolls draw attention to the bust with their V-frames and Teddies have a plunging neckline and high-cut panty slits. Using varying kinds of see-through fabrics can also serve to emphasize different spots on a person’s body, which keeps the sense of desired “mystery” alive.
- Experts agree that the effects of sexy lingerie are ultimately two-fold. In the inherent act of donning this sexy or erotic lingerie, women gain a sense of confidence, power and attractiveness. Women will naturally feel sensual and physical when revealing something so intimate about themselves. This, in turn, allows the attraction men feel towards women to become stronger, as men are further attracted to women who are confident in their sensuality.
A popular Social Media Writer Zoe Pallister takes it a step further and speaks to women’s favorite lines according to manufacturer.
Women enjoy feeling sexy, and what better way to initiate that feeling than with new lingerie? Check out these top picks for lingerie online stores. That sexy look is only a few clicks away.
The picks
Victoria’s Secret
Nearly every woman is familiar with this store, usually glazed and bedazzled in pink. However, Victoria’s Secret also offers women’s lingerie on their online website so that you can make your lingerie selections without having to leave the comfort of your own home.
Also, the website has many options that are not always carried in your local store. Victoria’s Secret online is a great choice for women who want a store where they already are familiar with the sort of merchandise available.
Fig Leaves
Fig Leaves offers bras in a wide variety, from size A all the way to size J, with everything in between. The site is easy to navigate and even has an outlet section where you can buy underwear for as low as two dollars per pair.
Bare Necessities
Bare Necessities provides many selections needed for more of an everyday use rather than those special occasions when you want to light a spark. Bare Necessities sells the sort of lingerie that will leave you feeling sexy but comfortable and covered so that you won’t be embarrassed if someone walks in on you while you’re changing.
Cameo Intimates
For lingerie online that’s still made “from scratch” and available as a custom order, you’ll want to check out Cameo Intimates. Cameo offers a wide variety of selections reminiscent of a time gone by, and if you find that you can’t fit into any of the standard sizes available, the intimate items of your dreams are only a special order away, as this company will custom fit any pattern to your order. Shop away!
There are a wide variety of websites today specializing in women’s lingerie, so make sure you shop around before you settle for the nearest retail store. Choosing intimate items to wear can be fun and enjoyable when your selections are just a few clicks of the mouse away.
So Fem Competitors? The next time you have a session with a first time customer, perhaps wearing some choice lingerie might turn him into a repeat customer.
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Zodee is Australia’s leading online retailer for women’s designer lingerie including Ambra Lingerie & Bodywear. We also stock a large range of bonds baby, children’s clothing, boys wear & baby clothing. Shop with confidence and select from major brands including Elle Macpherson Intimates, Bonds, Seafolly, 2 Chillies and more!
- Note: Cameo Intimates is no longer in business.
The author invites you to visit: http://www.zodee.com.au
Some may find other women’s wrestling sites erotic in nature. If you are offended by depictions of women wrestling in erotic situations, please exercise caution in visiting women’s wrestling sites.
Femcompetitor.com subscribes to fciwomenswrestling.com news source, no affiliation.
Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, https://femcompetitor.com, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.