fciwomenswrestling2.com Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com fcielitecompetitor.com -YouTube-screenshot-Uploaded-by-Dr.-Hannah-Straight
July 14, 2022,
Where can you spend a relaxing and lazy day? No, make that days.
We can create an oasis in our back yards or private hiding and getaway spots in our home but sometimes you truly need to leave metropolis and go out into nature.
An associate in our circle, we’ll call Nadine, shared a number of her experiences traveling off the grid and going hiking with a friend who loved to hike.
It was truly was invigorating and, if you can get the horror film stories out of your head where some mountain inbred is going to attack you, on your hike out into nature, you will find something far more spiritual and beautiful.
Part of what Nadine saw was history and how much of our civilization was formed. She loved the quietness of the desert, which up close didn’t seem so sandy or harsh and the serenity of the Redwoods on a misty day, filled with drizzle, where she felt time stood still.
It was a quiet and powerful reflective moment.

The way she described it, we wish we were with her.
When you decide to travel to your favorite place, even if it is electronically, we have a beautiful lady who is exceptionally fun to spend time with.
One of the most fascinating women on YouTube, who takes us some of the most tender, scenic and glorious journeys to wonderful places unknown is Dr. Hannah Straight.
We love watching Dr. Hannah Straight’s YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/c/DrHannahStraight
There she smiles, “Hello! My name’s Hannah, join me on my van life adventures in my off road F250 truck camper! Come along with me as I explore this beautiful world we live in!”
Sounds great. Before we get started, Hannah, you have so much going for you and you could do virtually anything you want in the economic realm, why are you out here?
Hannah is a famous Pharmacist from Pittsburg, Pennsylvania who is known for her work in the field of medicines to make the healthy life possible. She is known for the work she has done in the field of medicine and weight loss.
At one point she became disillusioned working in big Pharma and coupled with her massive student loan debt, Hannah decided to reduce her stress and live a much simpler life.
We are so glad she did. Her disillusionment helps us navigate where we desire inclusion.
Would you like to go on some of Hannah’s adventures?
Come along.
Off Roading into Deep Underground Mine Tunnels – Camping in my $700 Van Life 4×4
Here Hannah takes us by the hand into an old Sierra Nevada goldmine.

Yes, those mines were very real and really dangerous. Spooky too.
What becomes clear to Hannah, and us as well, is how dangerous the old mines were. Once an earthquake occurred and killed over twenty people. When she stood upon a cave in spot, it was amazing how small she look compared to the massive mound of earth.
As she drove through the cave tunnels, we were amazed that they stood upright at all. They were drilled into but there seemed to be nothing holding them up. Hannah and her crew got a little spooked by the tales of the ghosts of miners and decided to leave early.
We don’t blame them.
It was blazing hot that day. It is the desert after all. So Hannah took us down to a cool running creek and we could feel the refreshing water ourselves.
She then closed with a strong philosophical question, which is one of the many reasons why we love watching Hannah’s videos.
Hannah is happiest when she traverses in the forests and mountains by the lakes, rivers, streams and hot springs. Which raises a question.
Where are you the most happiest?
Only you can answer that question. No one can take you there. It is something that you have to decide yourself. Again?
Where are you the happiest?
Find a way to spend a lot of time there.
It is a question we ask ourselves and we have specific ideas and you know what?
We are not spending enough time there.
Time to re-think things.
Great video.
Now for one more.
Hannah decides to visit a crystal mine in another location, drives up into the mountains and begins her new trek.
Quartz is a hard, crystalline mineral composed of silica (silicon dioxide)
The atoms are linked in a continuous framework of SiO4 silicon-oxygen tetrahedra, with each oxygen being shared between two tetrahedra, giving an overall chemical formula of SiO2.
Quartz is the second most abundant mineral in Earth‘s continental crust, behind feldspar.
Aren’t you glad you now know that?
As she walks by a stream, she sees little crystal rocks to let her know that we are getting close.
What do the crystal rocks look like?
They remind us of the white rock that we have purchased from home improvement stores for our back yard. They are beautiful.
The team at onlyinyourstate.com welcome and educate, “California may most often be referred to as The Golden State, but you’ll find a lot more than just gold in our state’s hills. In fact, there’s one destination in Northern California that has become popular among hardcore rock hounding enthusiasts and it’s definitely worth checking out.
Located near Loyalton, this crystal mine makes for a fantastic place to explore with the family. Here you can go digging for crystals to your heart’s content. For a unique adventure that everybody can love, be sure to add this place to your list.”
Are you yearning for a little crystal digging to keep for souvenirs?
You don’t have to live in or travel to California.
The New York Times adds, “Moonstones in Montana, amethyst and emeralds in North Carolina, garnet and quartz in upstate New York. At pay-to-dig mines around the United States, visitors can paw through piles of mine tailings to uncover crystals and gemstones on “finders, keepers” terms for as little as $10 a day.”
Sounds like a great outing for the family.
Well, from a distance, Hannah is becoming part of our traveling family and she closes out the video by making some delicious looking meatballs marinated with honey, soy sauce and chili flames.
Online, we are extremely happy when we are guided into the wilderness by Hannah.
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OPENING PHOTO fciwomenswrestling2.com Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com fcielitecompetitor.com -YouTube-screenshot-Uploaded-by-Dr.-Hannah-Straight