grapplingstars.com, femcompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com fciwomenswrestling2.com articles, pexels.com Andrea-Piacquadio
August 14, 2020,
Are you obeying your body’s rules of the road?
Your body is the judge, jury and sometimes executioner when you don’t obey the rules of the road.
You won’t get off with just a ticket.
The good news is that, like the judicial system when it is working, your health will place you on constructive probation, provide you with warnings, rehabilitate when you take corrective measures and sometimes release you with a clean bill of health.
Through symptoms, it can educate you as well if you are willing to listen.
When we think of important rules, virtually all of them are there for a preventive and protective reason.
In general, laws protect our general safety, and ensure our rights as citizens against abuses by other people, by organizations, and by the government itself. We have laws to help provide for our society’s overall enhanced functioning and well-being.
The four basic principles of law, or rules as it were, are establishing standards, maintaining order, resolving disputes, and protecting liberties and rights.
So in terms of our eating habits, how do we discern between a rule of law and an admonition or suggestion?

Our take on it is that, if by consuming certain foods, the body gives you plenty of time before you need to act upon it, that flexibility might be viewed as an admonition.
Perhaps a very strong one.
If on the other hand there are swift and dire consequences, as an example, in terms of drug or alcohol abuse, the reprisals may be swift.
The body is then laying down the law.
We know of a situation where a friend has diabetes. We say that hesitantly because she no longer has the symptoms.
We’ll call her Diane.
There was a time when Diane’s sugar levels were measured at 17.5.
That is extremely high.
Most people with diabetes need to check their blood sugar (glucose) levels regularly. The results help you and your doctor manage those levels, which helps you avoid diabetes complications.
One of the complications of diabetes is hyperglycemia.
Hyperglycemia occurs when people with diabetes have too much sugar in their bloodstream.
As defined by medicalnewstoday.com hyperglycemia refers to high levels of sugar, or glucose, in the blood. It occurs when the body does not produce or use enough insulin, which is a hormone that absorbs glucose into cells for use as energy.
Hyperglycemia should not be confused with hypoglycemia, which is when blood sugar levels go too low. You should aim to avoid spending long periods of time with high blood glucose levels.
As reported by diabetes.co.uk, “Hyperglycemia, the term for expressing high blood sugar, has been defined by the World Health Organization as:
- Blood glucose levels greater than 7.0 mmol/L (126 mg/dl) when fasting
- Blood glucose levels greater than 11.0 mmol/L (200 mg/dl) 2 hours after meals
Although blood sugar levels exceeding 7 mmol/L for extended periods of time can start to cause damage to internal organs, symptoms may not develop until blood glucose levels exceed 11 mmol/L”
As we can see, Diane’s blood sugar levels were way off the charts.
As a result, in the early diagnosis, it appeared her blood was starting to thicken in her left arm and she became a prime candidate for a stroke.
She then had to take four medicines to try and help reduce her sugar levels which also had side effects.
Diane could feel the nerve damage in her toes and started to have increased digestive problems.
Once she decided enough is enough, she started to obey the rules of the health road as law. Not as an admonition.
She changed her diet and strongly cut down on her sugars.
Diane saw major change when she created her own rule and made a decision not to eat after 5pm. Nothing. Not a drop of food.
Instead she drank water in the evening. Water only. Not teas or other fluids with various ingredients.
That act alone begin to massively reduce her blood sugar levels.
Her reasoning was that if she only eats for seven hours a day and fasts along with hydrating seventeen hours a day, which lifestyle is going to win out?
Very sound logic.
Nice deductive reasoning.
She was right.

Diane eventually got her blood sugar level below a six.
As a result, her symptoms all virtually went away.
Very true story.
Before we leave Diane’s story, something should be emphasized as a reminder. Even though Diane no longer has the symptoms of diabetes, if she once again strays from the rules of the road, her symptoms will come back.
In other words, she is not cured. Once a diabetic, always a diabetic.
Just play by the health rules of the road and your body won’t know it.
Will this work for you?
We are not doctors so we don’t know. You should always consult your physician before you make massive dietary changes.
All we are saying here, in this real life story, is that is worked supremely for Diane.
There was more.
Diane also purchased a gym membership and began to work out five days a week. This helped reduce her sugar levels as well.
What is the good news for Diane by closely obeying the body’s health rules of the road?
She no longer has to take her medicines.
“I know America is very nice and very good people. I’m a professional athlete. I come here. I never have a problem with somebody about my religion, about my name. I am happy. I’m always comfortable because I never do anything wrong. All the time I do something right. I follow all the rules.”…Khabib Nurmagomedov
What is extremely amazing is that Diane is over sixty.
So how is your health situation?
If you are young, eating certain comfort foods in moderation probably will place your health in the admonition area.
The key is moderation.
If you consume excessive amounts of fast foods, down sugary drinks and gorge on cakes, ice cream and other sweets, you are starting to place your body in a position to lay down the law on you.
Isn’t it always more desirable when you can lay down your own rules and laws rather than have an outside entity enforce them on you because you disobeyed them?
What many in our circle have found out is that as you age, your recovery time from dietary abuses are greatly shortened.
Simply stated, you either change your ways and obey the body’s rules of the road, or you die an early death.
It can be that direct.
Depending upon how you view it, our bodies are our ultimate masters as the health law enforcement agency.
It seems to be in our best interest to follow the rules as closely as possible.
The younger the better.

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OPENING PHOTO grapplingstars.com, femcompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com fciwomenswrestling2.com articles, pexels.com Andrea-Piacquadio