grapplingstars.com, femcompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com fciwomenswrestling2.com articles, pexels.com Cedric-Lim-Ah-Tock.
Time travel has often been a fascination of the human mind, perhaps fueled by the desire to re-live wonderful memories, redo life altering mistakes or change grand scale future events.

In the 1962 version of the film The Time Machine, the time traveler (Rod Taylor) invents a machine that transcends the boundaries of time and space. As each year passed, the window mannequin in the store across the street changes fashions with the times. He is able to increase the speed of the machine as seasons fly by in a matter of seconds.
There was the 2002 version starring Guy Pearce and the timeless master Movie Review Roger Ebert was very upfront in how he felt about it. At rogerebert.com he snarls, “The Time Machine” is a witless recycling of the H.G. Wells story from 1895, with the absurdity intact but the wonderment missing.”
Roger? Could you please not be so subtle and tell us what you really think?

Then there was the 1966 television series named The Time Tunnel where scientists Tony Newman and Doug Phillips are the young heads of Project Tic-Toc, a multi-billion dollar government installation buried beneath the desert. They have invented a Time Tunnel, which will allow people to visit anywhere in time and space. While testing the tunnel for an impatient senator, Newman and Phillips became trapped in time, and each week coincidentally found themselves at the site of an important historical event.
We say all of this because after electronically traveling to review the life of Curvy Super Model Barbie Ferreira in the present, since she’s at the tender age of 19, there isn’t much past to travel to.
Do you remember who you were and what your world view was at the young age of 19?
“I like science fiction, I like fantasy, I like time travel, so I had this idea: What if you had a phone that could call into the past?”… Rainbow Rowell
For many, not only is their world view limited but their life mastery is much challenged as well.
So how can Barbie have such a mastery of her world view and global life at such a young age?
Well, if you are a super model and your mother was a successful model in Brazil, I suppose that helps a little.
Too, her mom has to be creative to name her daughter Barbie or is that not her real name?
Oh, Barbara is her name you say.
Very good. Good to know.
Barbie is making a name for herself in all of the right places and seems to be doing all of the right things complete with a strong opinion on certain subject matters.
At the beautiful site self.com they educate, “Barbie Ferreira is redefining the modeling industry’s beauty standards one photo at a time. Recently she starred in Aerie’s un-retouched lingerie campaigns, which helped the brand celebrate average-sized women. And Ferreira has also rocked a few bikinis for plus-size retailer Addition Elle. And now she is the new face of the Urbanears Active Collection.
One swipe down the 19-year-old’s Instagram feed, and you’ll see why she has so many fans. It doesn’t matter if she’s snapping a workout selfie or lounging by the pool, Ferreira has an undeniable confidence that has empowered so many women.”
On January 7, 2016, the international news and information source independent.co.uk echoes, “Barbie Ferreira. She’s the name on everyone’s lips after her un-retouched advert for American Eagle Outfitters’ #aeriereal campaign dropped online last week to a very welcome reception.
The body positive campaign promises not to airbrush models featured in its swimwear collection. Bucking the trend of Photo shopping models beyond recognition is a rare but welcome move from a fashion brand, and, hopefully, one that could set the tone for future clothing adverts.”
Very impressive.
Now about those opinions.
Like Jaden Smith, the son of A-List mega star actor Will Smith, who recently appeared in Louis Vuitton’s gender fluid advert, Ferreira believes gender identity is fluid and not fixed by biological sex. Here is her quote, seen controversial by some.
“We need to overcome the stereotype that genders aren’t fluid,” she told ID. “I can’t wait for the moment that gender is taught as something that doesn’t reflect what body you were born with. But I think to promote more body positivity, we just need diversity, period.”
Controversial or not, her thoughts and behavior are tradition and time altering. She’s having an effect on another Barbie. You know, the much older one who seems to be in an ageless time machine.
The respected news source thesun.co.uk on January 29 2016 reported, “While the toy has been one of the world’s best-selling dolls for more than a whopping 55 years, this is the first time that tall, petite and curvy variations of the doll have been released.
The new range also includes seven new skin tones, 22 eye colors, 24 hairstyles – as well as a new range of on-trend clothing and accessories. Mattel, the creator of Barbie, has launched the Barbie Fashionistas range in the hope of adding more diversity to the line.”
For those of us who have been around for many moons, did you ever think that you would live to see the day of a plus sized Barbie?
The sensational teen magazine magnet seventeen.com adds, “There are two Barbies that have been the talk of the Internet the past few weeks. First, there was curvy model Barbie Ferreira with her groundbreaking Aerie campaign video. Then, the doll Barbie got a whole new look, as Mattel released four new Barbies with all different body types, including curves. The dolls were a bit controversial, with some people saying Mattel is promoting “unhealthy” body types.”
In an interview with Seventeen, leave it to our Barbie to lend her opinion. “Not everyone relates to being a blond girl with blue eyes and is proportioned so she could barely walk if she was a real person,” Barbie told Glamour.com.” I think [this new Barbie] makes girls feel more accepted, and that they’re beautiful, too.”
Well, Barbie will get no argument here.
“I find the whole time travel question very unsettling if you take it to its logical extension. I think it might eventually be possible, but then what happens?”…William Shatner
She’s bright, world traveled, comes from great modeling stock, has cool model and actor friends and seems to have a mature outlook H.G. Wells beyond her years.
One day in the distant future, sociologists and anthropologists may want to travel back in time and find out who was instrumental in influencing the evolution of the, in many ways, previously traditional and time static Barbie Doll.
Our suggestion?
It’s all in the name.
With this Barbie, think tender in age, young at heart, highly intelligent and mature beyond her years.
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.