fciwomenswrestling.com article, fciwomenswrestling.com article, athleta.gap.com photo
Anything that makes women smile while they are shopping, riding, walking, studying or exercising deserves to be written about.

So we’ve done that now, at least twice.
At Femcompetitor Magazine, we so love the Gap’s Athleta women’s stylish yoga and workout apparel.

Other reviewers do as well.
Please meet the creative founder of princesspinkygirl.com.
“Hi! I’m Jenn – mother to three beautiful boys, wife to an amazing husband, social influencer and blogger. I live in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan where we are fortunate to be surrounded by wonderful friends and family. For almost 20 years I worked in the not-for-profit world, mostly at the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation National Headquarters in program development and training. Not so long ago I took a leap of faith and decided to dedicate myself first to my family and then to my website and my Pinterest addiction (check me out, I have more than 3.5 million followers! www.pinterest.com/jfishkind)”
Athleta asked Jenn to review some of their clothing lines.
Here is her response. “I kid you not, I put this tank on and was like “wow” – it sucked me in! The support in the top is better than any other workout tank that I have worn (I have always been a huge Lululemon tank fan too, but for larger breasted women, I like these better).
The wide straps are one of my favorite things – they don’t cut in at all and really help hold everything in place nicely. One of the best parts about this tank is that it is tight fitted with a loose overlay. I like the tight feeling, but the overlay hides my not so “special” areas. The tighter, more fitted layer comes longer and again, covers up my thighs – which I am all about. The material is moisture wicking and did a great job keeping the results of my hard workout away from me (I worked it!!!) I have tried a LOT of different workout tanks – this is by far my favorite to date.”
Okay Jenn. We’re sold.
Athleta continues to be a leader on the innovative front.

On Apr. 26, 2016 it was reported at businessinsider.com, “Athleta is encroaching in on Lululemon’s turf. The company just launched its kids’ line, Athleta Girl, today, Racked reports.”
We believe them so let’s see what Racked had to say exactly. On April 26, 2016 at racked.com they ask, “How young is too young to live your life in spandex? Athleta’s thinking like 6.
The brand is launching Athleta Girl today, an active wear and lifestyle collection for girls ages 6 to 14 divided into sports categories just like the main womenswear line, from “yoga and studio” to “training,” “run,” and “swim.”
Oh well, leave it to Athleta to think outside the box. We always love to say we told you so, thus here we go. In our first article we wrote about Power To The She.
On April 18, 2016 Athleta fully launched their new campaign.
Let’s cup our ears to the door and listen in.
PETALUMA, Calif. – April 18, 2016 – Today, Athleta is unveiling “The Power of She,” a bold campaign inviting women and girls to stand together, collaborate and put an end to undermining. Through the launch of this campaign, the brand aims to create a sisterhood of women and girls fueled by the core belief that alone we are strong, but united we thrive.
With the brand’s new Athleta Girl line, the brand will continue to encourage healthy, active lifestyles and instill a strong sense of confidence in the next generation of girls. Starting April 26, multiple generations of women and girls can shop together for beautiful, versatile high-quality products with the debut of Athleta Girl’s first collection, truly bringing Athleta’s brand mission to life.
“We believe in the limitless potential of women and girls, and we are passionate about the power of women coming together – it’s in our DNA,” said Nancy Green, president, Athleta. “As we enter the girls’ active wear category with the launch of Athleta Girl, we feel a responsibility to create a campaign that can teach and inspire the next generation of women and girls about the power of collaboration.”
“The Power of She” is a long-term effort that aims to inspire women and girls to join forces and empower one another. Starting today, all are invited to visit athleta.com/powerofshe to learn more about the campaign and take a pledge committing to:
- Living on the healthy side of competition
- Lifting their fellow sisters
- Realizing their own limitless potential
- Putting an end to undermining
Once the pledge is taken, consumers will be able to share their commitment across their social media channels, along with a customized personal image. Additionally, Athleta is assembling an incredible force of notable women who will take the “Power of She” pledge, while also bringing their unique and powerful voices to this important conversation.

“The Power of She,” also marks Athleta’s television debut. Created in partnership with YARD, a strategic and creative agency, the anthemic video features inspiring women and girls playing and working out together across various sports and activities. Another powerful element of the campaign is a four-part video series highlighting “sister groups” that exemplify women
supporting women from the worlds of surf, running, dance, and yoga. Each group speaks to their individual experiences, realizing their full potential and the importance of sisterhood. The campaign will be felt and seen across every touchpoint of the brand, including online, catalog and in each Athleta store.
“Athleta’s mission is to ignite a community of active, healthy, confident women and girls who empower each other to realize their limitless potential. Now is the time to start an important conversation that inspires collaboration and brings awareness to the issue of undermining,” said Elisabeth Charles, senior vice president of Marketing, Athleta. “With the launch of ‘The Power of She’ and Athleta Girl, we hope the next generation will feel inspired to join together to achieve active, happy and full lives.”
Through “The Power of She,” Athleta will continue and enhance its commitment to its national charity partner, Girls on the Run, an organization with a similar mission around empowering the next generation of girls and creating opportunities for women to participate and volunteer on the local level. Through the campaign’s digital hub, customers can get involved, volunteer and donate to the organization.

Thank you Athleta.
Female Athletes? Stay tuned. Athleta will continue to innovate and Femcompetitor Magazine will continue to update.
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.