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Comedy is no laughing matter, even when it’s funny.
Hopefully it is…….funny.
The United States National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health explains with a straight face, “Using humor to decrease stress, diminish pain, improve quality of life and even attempt to improve immune functioning has recently become a popular topic in the lay and professional literature.
Laughter in response to a humorous stimulus is a natural occurrence and does not require large amounts of time or money in order to implement. While therapies such as relaxation and exercise require significant time and commitment, and therapies such as herbs or massage can be expensive, use of humor can be easily implemented and cost effective.”
Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.…….Victor Hugo
So we’ve been told that the beautiful UK Wrestler Athena can put a smile on your face and has a great sense of humor.
In reviewing one of the session review boards, one customer smiled that during a session with Athena, she made him laugh.
Are you good at making others laugh? It’s a powerful communications skill.
Athena seems to possess that and more importantly knows when and how to apply it.
Is that a sign of wisdom? It could be since that’s what her name means.
The sterling naming site sheknows.com shares, “In Greek the meaning of the name Athena is: Goddess of wisdom.”
They also add, “People with this name have a deep inner need for quiet, and a desire to understand and analyze the world they live in, and to learn the deeper truths.
People with this name tend to be a powerful force to all whose lives they touch. They are capable, charismatic leaders who often undertake large endeavors with great success. They value truth, justice, and discipline, and may be quick-tempered with those who do not. If they fail to develop their potential, they may become impractical and rigid.”
So, laughter can be a powerful force and so can being skilled in mixed martial arts. Athena is a winner on both accounts.
The person who can bring the spirit of laughter into a room is indeed blessed.…….Bennett Cerf
At her site athenawrestling.com she speaks for herself and acknowledges, “I first started taking part in martial arts as a teenager frequently competing in karate. I then progressed into Thai boxing and wrestling which introduced me to MMA. I have been fighting in the cage for 2 years now and have had many wins! I love training and wrestling with my male team mates which has made me tough and strong! During my time fighting in the cage and training daily in mixed martial arts I was approached by an agency to wrestle with guys in London! I haven’t looked back since! It’s the best job I have ever had!”
Do you see all of those exclamations? There she is smiling and laughing again.
It is impossible for you to be angry and laugh at the same time. Anger and laughter are mutually exclusive and you have the power to choose either.……Wayne Dyer
We should mention something else.
She’s absolutely gorgeous, super sexy and great to look at for a looooooong time.
Hey, laugh. That’s an order. That was meant to be funny. True that.
Okay, let’s get back to the sexy part then.
Here is what a happy customer had to express after having a session with her. “A stunning girl answered the door in hot pants. I thought she was way too attractive to be a wrestler but how wrong I was. She completely owned me from the first devastating scissor right through a series of schoolgirl pins and merciless scissors. By the end I was screaming out my submission.
She has really strong, powerful and sexy legs which rendered me virtually unconscious, at the end I was shattered and battered while the magnificent woman was as sparkling as when she opened the door. She is the best.”
With what we’ve seen of her, we agree.
Have you ever been to Central London? It’s a fun place. You can session with Athena and then enjoy the nearby attractions.
Central London is the innermost part of London.
There is no official definition of its area, but its characteristics are understood to include a high density built environment, high land values, an elevated daytime population and a concentration of regionally, nationally and internationally significant organizations and facilities.
The informative site visitlondon.com shakes our hand and in the King’s English nods, “Step into the beating heart of London and lose yourself in its exciting mix of tradition, culture, commerce and innovation. Discover historical treasures at the British Museum, follow in the footsteps of the famous at Westminster Abbey or get a great aerial view from the London Eye.”
There are many great attractions in Central London including the famous London Bridge, but after having a session with Athena dialed to your tastes, your taste buds might want a working out.
Having said that, let’s briefly focus on a fun place in Central London and that is SoHo.
Like Central London, timeout.com agrees, “SoHo is a hard place to pin down. The district – and its southern subsection Chinatown – teems with tourists going to West End shows, media professionals marching to work, hungry patrons sampling some of London’s best restaurants and people looking to have a long night out at one (or several) of the area’s clubs, bars and pubs. But SoHo was also home to many historical figures, including Mozart, Karl Marx and The Sex Pistols.
SoHo’s wide array of pubs makes the area a popular destination for those looking for a drink in central London. Track down SoHo’s best pubs with Time Out’s guide.”
You see. You can laugh with Athena and then later laugh at a SoHo pub.
Athena is new to the wrestling game but is making quite a name for herself and making lots of friends including the management at alphafemmesuk.com who describes her as “cheeky”.
There are so many fantastic British girls wrestling right now and fortunately we now have another in Athena who not only competes, sessions and entertains, but makes us laugh and smile as well.
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.