fciwomenswrestling2.com Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com fcielitecompetitor.com Oleg_bf-Oleg-Borisov-pexels.com
March 14, 2023,
You love exercising but you’re just not into using the weights.
Especially heavy ones.
That’s okay. You can get your body toned and stronger, even with a very important weightless exercise.
Today, we’ll look at one of the best Aerobic Isotonic exercises.
In many circles Aerobic exercises like walking, running, hiking, swimming, skiing, and dancing are all considered isotonic exercises.
Swimming pools may be hard to come by, depending upon where you live, so let’s first focus on walking. Should be simple enough.
There are parks, sidewalks and shopping plazas, well designed for walking.
If you live in Northern California, as we do, there are so many beaches that line the coastline that you can walk endlessly on the beach.
We have walked beaches in Oregon, Pacifica, San Francisco and Southern California and found it to be a very spiritual experience. There is nothing like walking the beach at sunset to help you reflect upon where you are at in your life and where you want to go.
In general, to have a healthy lifestyle, how much should you walk per day?
According to the team at nhs.uk, “You do not have to walk for hours. A brisk 10-minute daily walk has lots of health benefits and counts towards your 150 minutes of weekly exercise, as recommended in the physical activity guidelines for adults aged 19 to 64.”
That doesn’t sound too exhaustive.
Regular, brisk exercise of any kind can improve confidence, stamina, energy, weight control and life expectancy and reduces stress.
We are all for that. Our team has been taking long walks for years.
It can also decrease the risk of coronary heart disease, strokes, diabetes, high blood pressure, bowel cancer and osteoporosis.
That’s a lot to think about. Something virtually everyone can do has massive health benefits.
Scientific studies have also shown that walking, besides its physical benefits, is also beneficial for the mind, improving memory skills, learning ability, concentration, mood, creativity, and abstract reasoning.
One program to encourage walking is “The Walking the Way to Health Initiative”, organized by the British walkers association The Ramblers, which is the largest volunteer led walking scheme in the United Kingdom.
Now that you are excited and ready to walk, the first step is to get some good walking shoes.
Let’s put them on and walk over to the bookstore and turn to an expert on healthy walking.

Walking for Health and Fitness: The Easiest Way to Get in Shape and Stay in Shape Paperback – April 7, 2020
By Frank S. Ring (Author)
“Imagine my surprise when walking solved my major health problem!
-Watch my video below for the complete story-
Are you like me? Or, should I say like I was in the recent past.
Injured again from running, not exercising due to the injury, my body not recovering as quickly as it did when I was younger, and feeling a little depressed.
I needed help to get in shape during the rehab from my back injury.
I found walking is the easiest way to get in shape and stay in shape.
Why should you be enthusiastic about Walking for Health and Fitness?
- Walking is free.
- Walking is easy to do.
- Walking is easy on your muscles, joints, and bones!
Walking for Health and Fitness gives you specific steps to take to get moving today and keep you moving well into the future. Its 170-pages were designed to be read quickly, highlight the benefits of walking, and most importantly… get you out the door walking!
Each of its 22 chapters ends with “Your Next Step”; a very simple plan-of-action to follow as you begin your walking exercise.
Discover the benefits of listening to audiobooks with the FREE DOWNLOAD of the Walking for Health and Fitness Audiobook.
An investment in yourself!
Doctor’s visits, lost time at work, and the lessened quality of life due to preventable illness all add up to a significant sum of time and money.
This book is an investment in yourself! What could be better than that? Your health, happiness, and life depend on it!
There’s no question walking is good for you.
Think about the tortoise and the hare. When you take a long-term view of the benefits of walking for health and fitness, you’ll see it makes sense to slow yourself down and to continue to walk for fitness to stay healthy well into old age.
Also, let me show you how to get in shape after 50.
The book is organized into 4 sections:
- Getting Started
- Basic Training
- Beyond the Basics
- Mindset
Don’t become a statistic!
- Health care costs steadily increase with body mass
- Obesity is one of the biggest drivers of preventable chronic diseases
- Heart disease and stroke cost America nearly $1 billion a day
- Low back pain has a major economic impact with total costs related to this condition exceeding $100 billion per year.
Your Next Step:
You must decide right now not to become a statistic. You have it within yourself to take control of your health!
After a back injury forced me out of work for four months, I began walking for exercise as a way to get in shape.
Being out in the fresh air, feeling the rhythmic movement of the walking stride, and using walking meditations to get deeper into my thoughts with a walking meditation.
As a walker I’ve:
- Slowed down and improved my mindset
- Done Walking meditation
- Listen and absorbed audiobooks
- Take pictures
- Recorded my thoughts into my iPhone
- Looked forward to my walks
Also, I supercharge my walk with bodyweight exercises and I’ve used walking to lose weight!
In contrast, when I was a runner and worked out at the gym I’d have to get myself psyched up just to get out the door and I usually used the little annoyances in life as an excuse to not work out.
Walking has worked wonders in my life so let me show you how to get in shape and use walking for exercise to improve your health and fitness.”
Sounds very comprehensive. That is why the book caught our attention.
As we walk forward, we can’t say enough about how purchasing the right shoes and walking on natural surfaces will make your long-term walking experience far less painless than constantly walking on concrete.
But if you live in an urban environment, you have to do the best that you can.
So, if you get out and walk, extensively, look forward to better health and life (on the beach) experiences.
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OPENING PHOTO Oleg_bf-Oleg-Borisov-pexels.com fciwomenswrestling2.com Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com fcielitecompetitor.com
NOTE: Very important, whenever you are engaging in a new exercise or sport for the first time, please consult with your physician first.