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Perseverance propels in many unusual life stories and important theaters.

Casino Royale (2006) is the twenty-first film in the Eon Productions James Bond film series and the first to star Daniel Craig as the fictional MI6 agent James Bond.
There is a timeless scene on the train to Madagascar where Bond and the Treasury Secretary Vesper Lynd (Eva Green) are attracted to each other and engage in an analytical sparring match where both conclude that the other is an orphan.
To achieve their high status and importance to the Crown, they must possess many unique traits. What is one of the supreme traits that propels an orphan to infamy?
A female FBB and Session Wrestler that is gaining fame in a very competitive industry is from the Ukraine and her name speaks to power personified.
Anna Mikhaylenko.
Try saying that five times without wanting to flex your muscles.
After taking one look at her sensuous form, if you’re up for it, some intense wrestling is in store.
One customer among many found that out. “Anna is probably the most feminine bodybuilder I’ve ever met. Don’t get me wrong – she is massively muscular – but she has such beautiful velvet soft skin, combined with the sweetest voice and girlie demeanor and such a pretty face; the combination of which was quite shocking at first (in a good way!) She overpowered me with such ease, pinning down both my arms with just one of hers, probably at no more than 50% effort (I’m 150lbs), all the time looking at me with a nonchalant smile. Anna is also very sweet, great fun, easy to talk to, and doesn’t watch the clock.”
Having that type of over powering experience is not surprising given Anna’s muscular resume.
Anna is a Ukrainian national who speaks Russian, Ukrainian, English and German. What’s amazing about that feat is that she did it without any formal education.
She learned all on her own.
A serious weight lifter, she is also an actress and one of the biggest FBBs in the world.
Actress? Ah yes. Guess what she has in common with James Bond?
She’s an orphan as well.
When you review her life online, Anna has accomplished many feats and unlike many submission wrestlers has been very comfortable in the media spotlight.
To excel at her elite level from humble beginnings no doubt took substantial perseverance.
“A little more persistence, a little more effort, and what seemed hopeless failure may turn to glorious success.”… Elbert Hubbard
When visiting her site at annamikhaylenko.com this becomes very evident.
Anna is very charismatic and would like to share her story with you. “I was an orphan so had no opportunity to get an education. I learned two languages by myself. Now I am working as a fitness model, sports model, doing my personal sporting show all over the world and since 2012 began my Career as an actress.”
How did she get started traveling on the road to maximum fitness?
“Once a friend got involved with a Satanist sect. I wanted to help and invited him to my Church. And in return I gave him my word that I would go with him to his gym, and I knew it was for me! I started with powerlifting. I was short of money at that time, and I did not gain much muscular weight, as I only ate potatoes and onions. God was my genius trainer – not that God was my actual trainer, but God gave me a trainer.
I aspire to be the best in all I do. For me there’s no 2nd place, only first.”
Very revealing.
Here are some of Anna’s achievements in perseverance.
- 2006 Ukraine Armwrestling Championship, The Mixed Pairs Absolute Champion
2. 2007- 9th place World Bodybuilding Championship (got to final)
3. Third at St. Petersburg Armwrestling Championship
4. 5th place World Bodybuilding Championship
5. 2008– Absolute world record in deadlift – 305 kg
6. Ukraine Bench Press Record – 145 kg
Now can you see how wrestling this Eastern Euro beauty can rock your world?
It’s time to travel to Anna’s part of the world, Kiev, Ukraine.
Kiev is the capital and largest city of Ukraine, located in the north central part of the country on the Dnieper River. The population in July 2013 was 2,847,200.
It is the 8th most populous city in Europe.
Kiev is an important industrial, scientific, educational, and cultural center of Eastern Europe. It is home to many high-tech industries, higher education institutions and world-famous historical landmarks.
Following the collapse of the Soviet Union and Ukrainian independence in 1991, Kiev remained the capital of Ukraine and experienced a steady migration influx of ethnic Ukrainians from other regions of the country.
Speaking about its inhabitants who possess Anna’s strong spirit, the globally strong travel site lonelyplanet.com reminds, “It has a fair few must-sees, mostly related to the glorious Kyivan Russian past, as well as both charming and disturbingly eclectic architecture. But its main asset is the residents – a merry, tongue-in-cheek and perfectly bilingual lot, who act as one when their freedoms are threatened.”
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not: the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.”…. Calvin Coolidge.
The country’s spirit is reflected in Ann’a spirit. It is as though they are united in thought.
Here is a video of an insightful Anna interview. Strong and sweet.
Regarding her life philosophy Anna concludes, “First, I do not break any rules regarding rest and recovery. I don’t go to out or go to parties. I like movies, to learn from actors how to act. I like reading books. I like animals – I feed street animals and try to take care of them.
I like to eat in cozy restaurants with friends and drink cups of good tea.
I like to participate in various TV shows, act in films and movies. I like to consider over the Biblical verses, consider over supernatural things and events. I like travelling and learning new cultures from various nations. I like to rest at the seaside and on the ocean shore, to swim, to observe different seasons of nature and consider about my life and various things which are in my mind.
And I like my job very much!”
That’s what we love to hear in the female submission wrestling industry. Here is a woman who loves her job and wants to get stronger.
As the saying goes, whatever doesn’t break you, makes you stronger.
Please, please remember in battle that Anna perseveres.
She’s had over 200 sessions. annamsessions@yahoo.com
If you wrestle Anna, have sweaty fun, be enlightened, travel to Kiev………just don’t let her break you.
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.