Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com Brandon-Nagy-Shutterstock-photo-Editorial-use
June 24, 2023,
The subject is probably something most of us do not want to think of, much less talk about.
Animal rights.
Right up there with abortion, culture wars, global warming, gun control and climate change, these are subjects you can get into heated arguments about.
So most of us avoid them.
Right here, let’s don’t debate about it, but perhaps get a little closer look at it. When we looked it up online, we were surprised at the massive number of violent protests associated with it.
Time for a definition.
Animal rights is the philosophy, according to which many or all sentient animals, have moral worth independent of their utility to humans, and that their most basic interests, such as avoiding suffering should be afforded the same consideration as similar interests of human beings.
Sounds good until you are ready to have some BBQ ribs, fried chicken or a great hamburger. That is the time most of us would rather not discuss or even think about this subject.
Broadly speaking, and particularly in popular discourse, the term “animal rights” is often used synonymously with “animal protection” or “animal liberation”.
Let’s get down to the nitty gritty.
More narrowly, “animal rights” refers to the idea that many animals have fundamental rights to be treated with respect as individuals including rights to life, liberty, and freedom from torture that may not be overridden by considerations of aggregate welfare.
Very tricky subject.
How concerned are we about animal rights once we can purchase a drug that can cure a severe illness? Most likely not very. The thought that rabbits and mice had to greatly suffer during the experimentation is something most of us would rather not think about.
Nor see.
When you look at the headlines, you can understand why. Let’s take a look.
The informative news and information source coralspringstalk.com reported, “A Coral Springs resident was arrested during a sit-in at a Whole Foods store in Washington, D.C., on June 14—which led to the store’s closing over the company’s sale of Thai coconut milk. The demonstration, which resulted in the store’s temporary closure, aimed to draw attention to the sale of Thai coconut milk and its alleged connection to the inhumane treatment of monkeys.”
Here is a video that supports that concern: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRrUVrP7UzA
Apparently endangered monkeys, considered intelligent primates, are caged and turned into coconut picking machines. It’s very ugly.
Around the world we go.
The team at indianexpress.com educates regarding a proposed Import-Export bill, “A press release stated, “This bill allows import/export of living animals with other countries. Transporting living animals on ships and vehicles to other countries is against fundamental rights of animals as they would be treated as a commodity. Also, it is known that animals get very bad treatment during transport, such as they are not given food or water during the entire journey. Many animals die due to suffocation, heat, starvation, trauma etc.”
From the United Kingdom.
As reported by theguardian.com, “More than 100 animal rights protesters have been arrested after some invaded the Grand National course and forced the start of the world’s most famous steeplechase to be delayed by a quarter of an hour. Merseyside police said that 118 people had been arrested for trying to delay the race and for public order offences beforehand.”
This protest was more generic in nature but they did achieve their goal of keeping the world’s eyes focused on the cruelty and mistreatment of animals.
This one took place in New York.
As witnessed by theirturn.net, “Dozens of animal rights activists with Animal Cruelty Exposure Fund and PETA staged three days of protests at Madison Square Garden as spectators entered the annual bull riding show hosted by the Professional Bull Riders (PBR). According to PETA, animals used in rodeo events, including bull riding, “commonly sustain broken bones, punctured lungs, snapped necks, or torn muscles, and they sometimes die in an arena.”
Though the group has been protesting at the event for at least ten years, finally legislation by Assembly Member Linda Rosenthal, was introduced that would prevent bull riding from taking place in the state by banning the tools that bull riders use to make the animals buck.
It seems fitting that we sum up this story by turning our attention to one of the most vocal animal rights activist with some clout in the beautiful actress, Alicia Silverstone.
Alicia is an American actress.
She made her film debut in the thriller The Crush (1993), earning the 1994 MTV Movie Award for Best Breakthrough Performance, and gained further prominence as a teen idol when she appeared in the music video for Aerosmith‘s “Cryin’“.
She went on to star as Cher Horowitz in the teen comedy film Clueless (1995), which earned her a multi-million dollar deal with Columbia Pictures. In 1997, she starred in the superhero film Batman & Robin, playing Batgirl.
For us, The Crush was her masterpiece. When we first saw her as a teenager rolling around on those skates in the opening segment of the film, we knew she was absolutely an “it” girl we would have to see over and over.
Throughout the film, she mesmerized.
It is also her activism that has caught our attention and those who believe in animal rights.
Alicia is an animal rights and environmental activist.
She became a vegan in 1998 after attending an animal rights meeting, saying, “I realized that I was the problem … I was an animal lover who was eating animals.”
She has stated she struggled with childhood vegetarianism. An online source quoted Alicia and posted, “At eight years old it’s hard to stick to your guns and so through the years I was always starting and stopping trying to be a vegetarian.”
In 2004, our luminary was voted “Sexiest Female Vegetarian” by PETA.
Let us guess. She did not wear a fur coat to the awards ceremony.
In 2007, she appeared nude in a print advertisement and 30-second commercial for PETA championing vegetarianism. Interestingly the TV spot was subsequently pulled from the Houston, Texas market by Comcast Cable.
Not one to be shy, in 2016, she posed nude in one of the group’s “I’d Rather Go Naked” anti-wool ads.
It is reported Alicia has set up a sanctuary for rescued pets in Los Angeles.
In 2012, during the trial of Russian band Pussy Riot, she wrote a letter to Vladimir Putin asking that vegan meals be made available to all Russian prisoners.
We don’t speak Russian, but we can guess how that one went over.
Let’s visit Alicia’s website.

At thekindlife.com our beautiful activist shares, “TheKindLife.com was born as an extension of my book, The Kind Diet, which is all about living your healthiest and happiest life to the fullest, while taking care of mama Earth at the same time!
I will be sharing all kinds of tasty morsels with you; from fashion and beauty tips, simple ways that we can help the planet, yummy recipes, my favorite foods, kind products for mamas and mamas to be, nutritional information from doctors, the very best restaurants, amazing travel discoveries, ways to make sure your house is as healthy and green as possible, great pet care tips, eco and animal action alerts, the inside scoop on my latest projects and so much more.”
Sounds wonderful.
We sense very few of us want to see animals suffer. It is a hard subject to talk about, but, let’s face it, one that should be kept in the public eye.
We appreciate all of the peaceful Animal Rights Activists and their hard work and, like anything in life that is worth pursuing, keep the discussion alive and never give up.
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OPENING PHOTO Brandon-Nagy-Shutterstock-photo-Editorial-use Femcompetitor.com, grapplingstars.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling2.com