grapplingstars.com, femcompetitor.com, fciwomenswrestling.com, fcielitecompetitor.com fciwomenswrestling2.com articles, pexels.com-photo -Nina-Uhlíková.
Dare to think much bigger and far wider is the philosophy of the polymath.
Simply put, a polymath is a person of wide-ranging knowledge or learning.
This is in great contrast to the modern industrial world swelling with specialists who hope to make a great living because few can excel at their chosen craft like them.
If you are about to go to jail after being falsely accused of a crime, would you want a generic lawyer skilled in many disciplines or a criminal attorney who only focuses on this one discipline and is extremely good at it?
We think that you get the point.
Perhaps that’s why the expression Jack Of All Trades, Master Of None resonates with people who specialize.
There is a flip side to that coin.
At bigthink.com they do share an incredible point. “The main problem of choosing what to do in life boils down to simple math: every hour you spend on one pursuit is one less spent on another. This problem is so paralyzing that some people never even choose. Polymaths are different. They manage to achieve mastery across multiple industries, arts, or fields of study. So what sets them apart? The willingness and drive to learn new things.”
So who were some of the greatest polymaths in history?
Two magnificent men stand out.
Aristotle’s mantle as one of humankind’s greatest minds is evidenced in part by his monolithic nicknames: “the master” or, simply, “the philosopher.”
As a philosopher, he was a polymath who made important contributions to diverse fields of study, including logic, rhetoric, ethics, physics, story, poetry, government, metaphysics, geology and zoology.
Then there was Leonardo da Vinci.
Possessing all of the most important characteristics of a Renaissance Man, the list of Leonardo da Vinci’s accomplishments is incredible.
As an artist, he was the father of the High Renaissance style, having painted the ‘Mona Lisa’ and ‘The Last Supper.’ Applying observations he made in his scientific endeavors he also introduced the idea of painting with aerial perspective—that is, painting faraway objects less distinctly and with less vibrant colors.
He was very interested in anatomy and used his skills as an artist to create the Vitruvian Man, a study on body proportion and an exemplar of the intersection of math and art common in the Renaissance era. To get an even better understanding of the human body, he would dissect cadavers in middle of the night, a practice which was eventually barred by the pope.
Apparently he was a risk taker as well.
In film a beautiful girl who brilliantly captured the world of the polymath is Amandla Stenberg.
Everything, Everything is a 2017 American romantic drama film directed by Stella Meghie and written by J. Mills Goodloe, based on the 2015 young-adult novel of the same name by Nicola Yoon about the love of smart and inquisitive girl Maddy, unable by virtue of illness to go outside the rooms of her house, and her neighbor Olly, who wants to help her.
The film stars Amandla Stenberg and Nick Robinson, and was released on May 19, 2017, by Warner Bros. Pictures. It grossed $61 million worldwide.
In the film she is an incredibly bright girl. Hence, in part, the title.
Amandla Stenberg is an American actress and singer. She portrayed Rue in The Hunger Games and Madeline Whittier in Everything, Everything.
Ms. Stenberg was born in Los Angeles, California, the child of Karen Brailsford, a spiritual counselor and writer, and Tom Stenberg.
At the age of four, Amandla started doing catalog modeling shoots for Disney. She has appeared in commercials for clients such as Boeing.
In 2011, she appeared in her first feature film, Colombiana, as a younger version of Zoe Saldana‘s character.
Her career breakthrough came when she was cast as Rue in the 2012 film The Hunger Games. She voiced Bia in the 2014 animated film Rio 2.
Amandla also starred in the recurring role of Macey, the daughter of Captain Frank Irving (Orlando Jones), on season one of Fox’s Sleepy Hollow (2013).
This talented beauty can accomplish anything that she sets her mind to.

No doubt, as with any of us, part of her success in life is due to her personal beliefs and philosophy.
She was once quoted as expressing, “Within months after reading the novel ‘The Hunger Games,’ I went from telling my mom that I could see myself as this character to actually getting the role. My mother reminds me that if I could manifest such an important role just because I wanted it so much, all of my dreams are possible.
I think ‘The Hunger Games’ has a really powerful message about survival, and sacrificing for the ones you love. It’s almost like a warning for us to not lose touch of our humanity. We live in a world in which we watch other’s misfortunes for entertainment.”
Amandla doesn’t just says things that speaks to our higher nature. She actually acts on it as well.
She serves as an ambassador for No Kid Hungry.

Let’s visit them. They are very special.
At nokidhungry.org they educate, “When you become part of No Kid Hungry, you’re joining a movement of teachers, chefs, community leaders, parents, lawmakers and CEOs with a shared belief: no kid in America should go hungry.
1 in 6 children in America faces hunger, all across the United States, in every community. It’s real. With your help, we can change it.
The truth? We have plenty of food in this country. We also have effective programs to feed kids. The problem is not enough families have access to them.”
Their management team is very special.
They continue, “From developing programs to feed more kids to building the political will for lasting change to raising the funds needed to make it all happen, the No Kid Hungry team is world-class, and they rely on our executive leaders to make sure they have the support they need every day.”
It’s one thing to feel bad about something. It’s another to do something about it.
One of the things that they do is work with elected officials and government agencies to strengthen the programs that so many children rely upon.
All of us can appreciate that.
“You can always amend a big plan, but you can never expand a little one. I don’t believe in little plans. I believe in plans big enough to meet a situation which we can’t possibly foresee now.”… Harry S Truman
We’re glad that Amandla doesn’t just specialize in one area or focus simply on brand merchandising and financial growth but instead pushes herself to reach out to communities in need around the globe.
It’s the polymath way.
Aristotle and Leonardo da Vinci would be proud.
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