fciwomenswrestling.com femcompetitor.com, fcielitecompetitor.com, pexels.com- pixabay.com
It’s the risk-takers that we admire, especially if we aren’t.
On Saturday, September 3, 2016 at Kyle Field in College Station Texas, Coach Kevin Sumlin took a risk that may help define this balanced new look Aggie Football team.
The Los Angeles Times provides the play by play. “Trayveon Williams ran a yard, then for no gain. Then Trevor Knight tried the center of the UCLA for no gain — though Texas A&M challenged the call, saying he was in the end zone.
The replay official upheld the call, leaving Aggies Coach Kevin Sumlin with a decision.
Play it safe and kick a field goal, or go for it. He went for it, and Knight scored easily on a run after faking a hand off into the middle of the line.”
While taking risks in life can be frightening to many who prefer to follow, in achieving important goals, especially if you desire a new look and feel to your life, almost always involves taking risks.
There is so much to love about the Mexican Model and Fitness Star Karen Vi.

First she is incredibly vibrant and sexy. That’s always a great start. But besides her sensuous appeal it is very clear that she is willing to take risks and make things happen.
Let’s introduce her to you as found at her engaging site, karenvi.com, “This curvaceous Latina is a Texas-based model of Mexican and Spanish decent, and has extensive experience in print, commercial, TV, and promotional work. Karen has worked with major beer and alcohol brands and is active in the boxing community as a ring card girl. Fluent in Spanish, Karen is a highly sought after model in the bilingual market as well. She has built an influential social media presence by posting comedic videos that show her sassy personality, as well as modeling photos.
She is most recognized for appearing in a comedic viral music video on YouTube with over 60 million views collectively.
Karen first got her start in modeling by competing in the Miss Texas USA pageant in 2008. She went on to win first runner up in the Miss San Antonio American Beauty pageant in 2009, and won Conexion’s Hottest Latina shortly after. From there, she began to shoot with well-known photographers and got her first publication, which helped launch her modeling career. She decided to take a trip to Los Angeles to further explore and expand in the industry, and has been traveling back and forth ever since.
Karen not only values working in life, but also believes in living it. She is a thrill seeker at heart and has done everything from diving off cliffs in Mexico to zip lining through the tropical jungle. Skydiving is still on her bucket list. As a Southern girl, she indulges in comfort food, is a die-hard San Antonio Spurs fan, and horror movie fanatic. She is also an avid skier and in her spare time enjoys live music, volunteering with no-kill animal organizations, and spending time with her family.”
Thrill seeker or risk taker. Tomato, toemahtoe. Same thing.
This is no doubt why she has developed a global following.
We can learn much from the success of risk-takers like Karen.
Would you like more success in your life? Would you like to engage life at a higher more victorious level? We have a visiting female speaker who has some very insightful suggestions to share with you.
What You Can Learn From Taking Risks
Have you ever been in a position in your business where an opportunity comes up and you know it will benefit your business to take it, but it’s going to cost. It may cost a lot financially and maybe you don’t have the cash in hand. Maybe it requires you to put your reputation on the line. Maybe it requires you to do something that you don’t quite feel equipped for. When faced with these type of decisions ask yourself the question: “If I manage to get this right, how much will I have learned in the process?”
Taking Risks helps you to Grow and Expand your Capabilities
I have worked with many clients who hesitate and say to me: “But I have never done that before!” Fortunately most of them don’t allow that to hold them back. I have one client who had some expertise but he didn’t know how to package and sell it. I helped him to put it together and price it at a much higher level. I helped him to realize that his initial price point for the level of expertise that he was offering was far too low. The product sold for $5000 and it was my recommendation to sell the product from the stage. The idea terrified him as he had never presented on stage before and he certainly had no experience as a sales person. The great thing is that he took on the challenge. He knew he would be risking his reputation and breaking new ground, but he didn’t let it stop him. When I followed up with him a short while later he had already sold 25 products and he was so excited about it. He learned that he could do something new. He just needed to be willing to take the risk and step up to the challenge.
The benefits of Taking Risks
- Taking risks is a big part of being a business owner. Not everything can be carefully calculated. Sometimes you just need to go with your gut and risk it.
- In taking risks you open yourself up to new opportunities. You can learn new skills or discover some that you didn’t know you had.
- Taking risks is a way of expanding your capacity and your way of thinking. When you are willing to take on risks you tend to have a broader view on things and this can create many opportunities for you.
- Taking risks helps you to gain momentum in your business. Because you have risked something it spurs you on to make a success of it.
- In the same way taking risks can energize you to think more creatively and find solutions to the challenges that you face.
- The more accustomed you get to taking risks the more courageous you will get. With each risk that you take that pays off you learn the value in it, and this encourages you to look for other similar opportunities.
Many people shy away from taking risks preferring to take the safe and secure path to success. However, any person that has achieved a great level of success will tell you that they would never have got there if they hadn’t been willing to take risks. Taking risks can teach you so much about yourself and your business. Being willing to take risks will also open up many more opportunities for you to grow your business.
Bernadette Doyle is a marketing specialist who helps entrepreneurs become client magnets and attract a steady stream of their ideal clients. If you’d like to receive invaluable tips and advice on how to attract clients with ease, register at http://www.clientmagnets.com
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Sources: brainyquote.com, Wikipedia, fciwomenswrestling2.com, FCI Elite Competitor, photos thank you Wikimedia Commons.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/expert/Bernadette_Doyle/29279
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